Monday, August 19, 2013

What is ENV2? ENV2 and Why You Need It

Empower Network is launching ENV2


ENV2 Introduced at the Denver Event

I was fortunate enough to be at the Denver Event in July and I saw exactly what this is and what it will do. Let me just say this, "It is freaking awesome!"

Dave and Dave Spent their own Money to Create ENV2

The owners of Empower Network, Dave Wood and Dave Sharpe have actually spent their OWN money creating ENV2. They did not use the affiliate money that the company makes for people to be Affliates to sell their products. NO, they used the money they actually make as Affiliates selling their own products. They have spent Millions in the past 2 years putting together this new system and tool.

No matter what your interest, passion or business is time for you to get paid for your interest!

You will be able post photos and videos of yourself as well as blog in order to brand yourself. Sharing your passion, vision, business is so easy to do with the new ENV2 system. You will be able to do a video or pic with your phone and click submit and with one push of a button have it posted on your blog and ready to share on all social media sites with your audience, friends, family and clients.

ENV2 with the Empower Network has made the technology for every person in the world that wants to share who they are and what they want to share fast, easy and affordable.

Whether you have a dance studio, pizza shop, flower shop, real estate business, at home business or just are passionate about something you enjoy sharing with others, then this is for you. NOW you can get paid for sharing just what you do. Sharing you and your business and/or passion.

Simply using your smart phone you can do your business without evening having to log onto your computer. In order to share on all of the social media sites, without being spam, your blog is essential. A blog that is high authority, which means GOOGLE already likes the company providing and hosting your blog.

Trying to blog on a generic platform that has no hosting or one that you pay for hosting takes months if not years to get your blog seen on the front of GOOGLE. You can do this fast just sharing your business and passion on the Empower Network Blogging Platform and having the ease of a push button system at your finger tips.

 Empower Network provides the hosting for a measly $25 bucks a month and allows you to use a system that has cost them millions of dollars to create. Saving you all the time and money of setting up your own blog. Get Ready ENV2 is what you are looking for.

ENV2 is Exciting for Every Business Owner


ENV2 will take Mobile Marketing, blogging and social media to a level we have never ever seen or heard of before. ENV2 will dominate the Internet. You will be able to promote any business fast, from your phone, within seconds. Blog and upload from your phone within seconds. Cut a video and share with the world and rank on Google fast, from your phone.

This system is Grandma Proof. Anyone can use it. NO more complicated Wordpress themes. No set up. Easy to use. YOU will be blown away!

 Everyone in the WORLD will want this and you have the chance now to be the first to share it to many. Just think about positioning yourself in something so huge, being in the right place at the right time.

ENV2 Launches on September 23rd! Mark Your Calendars!


Empower Network is #1 under Hot Topics on Do you know how huge this is? Do you see why you need to take Action Now and get your self in position to be a part of something so huge that it can potentially change your life forever? ranks websites and you can clearly see that Empower Network is a company to take notice of. What are they doing? What is Empower Network. ENV2 has not even launched yet.

Wait and see what happens or be apart of the movement. It is up to you.

Get your Membership now and start sharing with world.

CLICK HERE NOW ENV2 will take Mobile Marketing and Blogging to a whole other level. Position yourself now to promote this sweet system and have the opportunity to make life changing money:)

Income Disclaimer: Thousands of people around the world are making money using our systems. We think you should use our system because in our opinion, we have the best training, and the best community that the industry has ever seen. That being said, we need to be clear on something... We never guarantee you will make money. You earn income here from the sale of products. No products sold = No money. Lots of products sold = Lots of Money. Its a pretty simple formula. Read our full income disclosure. Go to this link NOW!

Thanks for stopping by!


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P.P.S Tune in every Monday at 9pm eastern and listen to how Empower Network’s system is being used by normal people and business owners all over the world. Hear for yourself.  
Every Monday 9 pm Eastern (New York Time) 
Dial: 1-209-255-1040 no pin necessary
Laurie Davis
Skype: laurie.davis711