Friday, February 15, 2013

Asteroid 2012 DA14 Missed Earth Today

Did you hear about the Asteroid Close Call?

Yep this week NASA has had their eye on the 2012 DA14 and said that it was not going to hit earth but was a close call. They did not expect any damage to the earth.

Watch the asteroid today on the NBC News website

The time of closest approach was at at 2:25 p.m. ET.

Asteroid 2012 DA14 - NASA Eyes on the Solar System   Video

Other news today included a meteor that actually did explode in Russia. Over 1,000 people were injured, windows of buildings blew out and a roof collapsed on a building. Full Story

Russian Meteor Explosion - Video of Massive Meteorite Crash

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 Laurie Davis
 Skype: laurie.davis711

Monday, February 4, 2013

Beyoncé, Illuminati and the Super Bowl, Say What?

I watched the Super Bowl and I have to admit, just for the halftime show :)

 I am not a huge football fan but I never miss the Super Bowl. I watch the whole game and I really enjoy watching the excitement of the fans. This Super Bowl, I have to say, is one that I will remember forever.

My daughter was on Twitter and said that people were going crazy accusing Beyonce of using the Illuminati symbol in her performance. Then saying the Illuminati is why the power went out. Crazy stuff!

She found this pic on Instagram...Rihanna and the Super Bowl Power Outage..I guess there is lots of competition going on between Rihanna and Beyonce...:)

Beyonce's Illuminati Super Bowl Half Time Show Ritual?


Watch this Video of the Half time show at about 7 Min 30 Sec In


Illuminati and Beyonce are the top searches on GOOGLE and Alexa so obviously people were shocked all over the world with all the rumors flying.

Did Beyonce flash an Illuminati sign? Why did the Superdome power go out? Your Super Bowl mysteries, solved!

This was a great article sharing all the rumors flying around. Read full story

You can literally spend hours on Youtube watching conspiracy theories. I don't know what to think of it all.

What do you think? Comment and share below...

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Laurie Davis
Skype: laurie.davis711