Thursday, August 23, 2012

Who is Laurie Davis?

Laurie Davis has been earning a living as a Realtor for the previous 9 years. Within her Real Estate Career, she has had the gratification of experiencing a solid Sellers Market  while earning a Six Figure income.

Laurie Davis is also a mother and a spouse. She had reared her 2 older children while operating her full time Real Estate Career. They are currently 19 and 20 years old. Her littlest daughter is 6 years old. She has noticed, in looking in the past, that her oldest kids were not able to enjoy quality time with her, numerous times feeding themselves dinner and also not having her there for many significant occasions in their lives.  She recognized she had been a "slave" to her business and that she had no life. She left corporate America {thinking|believing} she was on the path to financial freedom and owning her own life.  She was no longer clocking in and out, making some one else wealthy.

Laurie Davis became a "Slave" to her Real Estate Business

When Laurie Davis had her 3rd child, she determined that she needed to re-evaluate issues and take control of her time and business. In doing that she switched to a Real Estate Company that offered her "Residuals" for recruiting Realtors. This was very enjoyable for her as it did free up her time with her family. She really got a taste for Residuals and desired more. She set out on a pursuit to sponsor at least ONE HUNDRED Realtors. She placed advertisements, conducted interviews and identified that a vast majority of people that called her had not been licensed yet, had no money to go to school and no motivation. She also talked to Realtors at other companies and was successful in recruiting them. However, as the market worsened, the agents were closing less homes, which was less Residuals for her. Then she had numerous agents that left the brokerage because they could not manage the fees and others that went and got a JOB. Things were getting bad fast. She still gets Residuals from the agents she still retains but not enough to retire from Real Estate and stop the daily grind.

There is a Solution to stop the daily ground and Laurie Davis discovered it!

She has found that Network Marketing is the Solution. She said the appeal of of Network Marketing is that you do the job once and get paid over and over again. This is called Leverage.

Leverage is when you show the business to others, build a team and show them exactly how to promote their products and business.  Training others to do the same is called duplication. In essence, you are duplicating yourself, times 1000.

In Network Marketing there is an issue that exist for a great number of people. This type of business teaches you to share the business with your friends and family, which is an advertising form called " Word of Mouth". That is fantastic and does show results but she says that it is not enough to grow a really sizeable business in a short amount of time.

It can take more than Five years to build your NETWORK MARKETING business to what you can certainly say continues you getting paid while you move away and "stop working".

Laurie determined that in order to truly grow her NETWORK MARKETING, she wanted to understand how to generate leads to her site and then develop a connection with those prospects which in turn would add new recruits and clients to her business.

She did not understand anything about this type of marketing and realized it would cost you an arm and a leg to pay for an individual or a company to do this for her. She started to research online how to build a sales funnel and convert this into a profit.

How to Build a Sales Funnel and Marketing Plan

Her suggestion is to set a goal to research and write the content, write a blog,  and share your blog, daily, for the next 100 days. Doing this will get GOOGLE's Attention which in turn equals leads, which equates to money. This is a method of FREE lead generation.

Secrets to Blogging

To Connect with Laurie Davis and work with her, contact her now!

Skype: laurie.davis711

Twitter: @lauriemdavis


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