Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Mother's Review of the Empower Network

A Mother's Review of the Empower Network
 I'm a mom with 3 kids and in my third marriage of only 2 years. I've filed bankruptcy twice in my life and I've lost a home on account of the economy.  I have survived many of my worst nightmares.

I started a Real Estate Career 
right after my very first bankruptcy and divorce. The Industry treated me well and I loved it . As you know, the market declined starting in 2006. 

 The Economy was hard on my 2nd marriage and shortly after I was divorced. I had gone from 2 incomes down to one and had 3 children, a house payment and too many bills. I survived but it was the hardest thing I had ever done. I had to work like a dog and I lost precious time and years with my children. I missed out on so much time with them. They had to do the house chores and make dinner most of the time. 

Later, I met my current husband. We got married and I moved into his home. I had to sell my home and I tried for 18 months to get a decent offer. 
I couldn't sell my home for what I owed so I had to start a short sale.

 I had more than 45 offers and only 1 was high enough for the bank to entertain. Unfortunately the investor that backs the loan with my lender, had the final say on the approval. They wanted to net $5,000 more. The purchaser backed out, so the bank foreclosed on my residence 2 weeks later. 
I owed $255,000 but the highest offer was only $170,000. The bank bought it back at the sheriff sale for $145,000. By the time they secured the property and turned the power back on, it was full of mold. It sold for $124,000. Had the investors accepted the $170,000 and had not gotten greedy for $5,000 more, I would not have a foreclosure on my credit.
Once again, filed bankruptcy. I was so tired of building a life and losing it all. I never had enough money saved to prepare for such devastating events. I worked so much for nothing. The day I stop selling homes is the day the money stops coming in. Always chasing the next deal.  

Why am I telling you this? I was determined I was never going to go through this again, financially. 
 I started to research and look for other ways to generate income. Income that would come in whether I worked or not. I realized I needed residual income. I also needed a way to grow my team and customers in a massive way.  I had not been introduced to The Empower Network yet. It did not exist at this time. 

 I did come across an incredible MLM business however, but  they teach the standard forms of recruiting and selling the products. Chase your friends and family. My family told me my MLM was a scam and my pals joined but simply to "help" me. However they did nothing at all. Joining does not cut it. I do not make money from recruiting. They have to have products in their business established for me to finally get paid. They did not do that. They just paid to get started and did not buy any products or sell any products, let alone expand their team. OK so lesson learned.

I then approached
people I network with, other Realtors and past customers. Thankfully I did discover some superior people to join me. I have had some decent results doing the traditional MLM methods to grow my business. But not life changing income by any means. NOT YET.
The majority of people barely make more than 200 bucks a month with their MLM business. They do not work it and they do not talk to more than a hand full of people. You need 5-6 people to work their asses off with you to make a couple thousand a month. NOT many make more than $10,000 a month consistently. It takes 2 years typically, working very hard, always on the phone, doing webinars and house parties. You find yourself begging your team to introduce you to their friends and family.

The thing is that you'll need a lot more than just "word of mouth advertising". I do not care what MLM you might be with, this is what you are taught to do. 

The Empower Network is a game changer for MLM and Network Marketing!

In June of this year, I got an
email from a guy that I did not know. The email said, Congratulations on "your company" Promotion! I read the email and it talked about all of the pain in this Industry. I was experiencing all of this in growing my business. I was so frustrated but I was not going to give up. I was now working my butt off as a Realtor and as Network Marketer. What the heck. This is not living!

I was determined
to succeed and build this business with or without my "teams" help. 
I WAS LITERALLY  personally sponsoring each and every individual myself, placing my own personal sponsors directly beneath one another. Promoting them and losing money. They would get paid the bonus for personally sponsoring when they did not even do a thing. They did not appreciate all the work I had done to build them and just sat back waiting to see me do all the work and make them money. with no them undertaking a thing. All my own efforts. I was not creating leverage. I was working by myself. My own efforts. 

I was also
running out of my personal warm market place. What was I going to do? I was freaking out. I prayed about it after which I got this email. I do feel things happen for a reason. I clicked on the link. It was a crazy video by David Wood pointing out that he had spent years doing what I was doing now. He created the Empower Network to stop the insanity. He was going to show me how to make money from promoting my business online. NO more chasing friends and family. NO more home parties. No more begging. NO MORE wimpy commissions. 

The light bulb went on! The EMPOWER NETWORK was the answer to my prayers. I jumped in with 
both feet.

I signed up for the
blogging system and training and paid my $25. I got started straight away! began blogging. I was blogging daily and telling others. I was receiving leads. I had several people join my MLM after they read my blogs.Meanwhile, I was constantly receiving emails from Dave and Dave telling me I needed to stop being a wussy and get all in. I did not know why. They emailed me about a special event in June and that if I was serious about making money, I better be there. I knew I had to be there. 

The Empower Network Event
 in Atlanta Georgia

I decided to buy my ticket for the event and rent a car and drive to Georgia
. I knew David Wood and Dave Sharpe were going to create by far the most incredible Event ever. I had to go. I was not "all in yet". What is "ALL IN" and why did they say don't be a wussy? I didn't know but I was on my way to find out. 

I didn't care what it took to get there. I was going. I live in Ohio and I drove to Atlanta, stayed at the hotel exactly where the Event was being held. I was so excited!

I get there
in the Omni Hotel and I immediately see people everywhere wearing "Don't Be a Wussy" shirts! Wow what was going on? I registered for the occasion and was walking around and I experienced and took in something I had never seen before. 

do not know about you, but I've been to numerous Real Estate Conventions, MLM conventions and Network Events and men and women are rude, unfriendly and keep to themselves.

The Empower Network
Event was off the hook!
Folks had been walking up to me asking me exactly where I was from, how long I had been using the Empower Network and if they could do a video testimony. I met people from around the globe. I made new  friends and they were just like me. Driven and ready to get a life.

The Event 
started and David Wood and Dave Sharpe blew me away. They were just 2 young guys, so true to themselves, so laid back, so real and so genuine. They shared their stories from their darkest deepest days. They shared their hardship and their personal journeys. They are on a mission to fight evil and to change this Industry forever. They had put together a class act event and they had amazing speaker. I was moved and cried more than once. 
I am telling you what, I knew I was in the right place at the right time. I would have paid anything to be there and I will forever be grateful for these guys.

you should know about the Empower Network
"GET ALL IN". Bottom line is that they provide you with the opportunity to have the best training, no horse crap, 100% commissions along with the ideal tools necessary to make real money. Have a life. They pulled together the Top leaders inside the Internet Marketing Industry to share with us their secrets. The proven methods and tools to make an enormous amount of money online. Promoting any business as well as promoting the Empower Network.  

It was amazing to me when I heard that  Dave and Dave make money doing the same thing they teach us to do with the training products you get with the Empower Network. They blog and tell others.  They give us 100% commission for doing the same thing. 

They also publish the INCOME DISCLOSURE. They do not hide it and they are proud of the affiliates results!

Why would the Worlds
Top Internet/Affiliate/MLM leaders join forces with Dave and Dave? They know that these guys are the real deal and they are on a mission to change lives. To offer every single person the ability to make real money, with a proven system. IF you do what they show you and do it every day consistently you will succeed. They want to change the way MLM and Network Marketing is taught. They want to stop the struggling and the hardship that so many experience on a daily basis. They do not want to see people live pay check to pay check. They do not want to see people live in their cars, to turn to drugs, to give up on their dreams. I have joined them in this mission as well as thousands of others. Everyone can be an Entrepeneur and experience a blessed life. Bills are not getting any cheaper. 1 out of 6 Americans are living in poverty. We can help everyone. Fight Evil. 

Are you tired of the lies and wimpy commissions?

There is no catch. You do have to learn and implement what you learn. You must take action!

You can do this!

yourself these questions:
Do you want learn from the Top Industry Leaders how to make money online?
Do you want to know all of their secrets and tools, step by step?
Do you want to get paid 100% commissions for sharing this with rest of the world?
Do you want to do work only 2-3 hours a day, part time, and have a life?
Are you tired of being sick and tired?
Are you tired of living pay check to pay check worrying about tomorrow?

If your are tired of searching for answers to grow your business, tired of not knowing what works and spending hundreds if not thousands only to be let down again and again, then you MUST GET STARTED NOW!


Click the link now to get started. Do this for you and your family! 
How often have you wasted $25 bucks on McDonald's, shoes, pizza in a blink of an eye.

I promise you, this will be best thing you have ever spent $25 bucks on. 

I'm so excited and I want to share there this with the whole world. There is nothing out there like the  Empower Network. This is the whole "Enchilada" !

There's no other program that shows you all the secrets to building an online business under one roof and is crazy enough to pay 100% commissions!

Empowering Lives

Laurie DaviS

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