Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Victoria Hargis Share Life After Death

Victoria Hargis shares her Story with The Marketing View TV

She has a journey and a story that will move you!

Davey suffered since 3.5 years old with a seizure disorder. He had over 60 seizures a day. He was on
3 major medicines and his diagnosis was a short life expectancy.

He lived with them for 10 years with this diagnosis.
Davey taught Victoria Hargis a lot with his outlook on life. He was the biggest blessing in her life! Davey is why she does what she does.

What does Victoria Hargis do Now after surviving a Tragedy?

Victoria Hargis worked through the grief and turned this tragic event
into something positive.

She searched for many years for answers to her questions.
Victoria Hargis lost her loved one and grieved. Grief is part of life, she states.

She was in a depression. She was struggling with questions like,
Why did this happen? Did I bring this on myself?
Who is attacking me?

She searched inward and in contemplation and meditation searched
for the inner strength to fight her fears and find out who she was.

Victoria Hargis met a guy at a network event that she felt connected to.
She decided she wanted to learn to speak to the public.

She wanted to become a Motivational Speaker and help people through her story.

She went to retreat in Texas to break her business gremlins. She approached
the fire walk which was 850 degrees. She was not afraid to walk on this hot fire path but
rather afraid of stating her breakthroughs
and what she was working towards.

She went to the Toast Masters and then conquered her fear of speaking.She had her break through after one year.

Victoria Hargis learned how to speak to impact people and change their lives

She shared with The Marketing View TV that inorder to have people hear you and change their lives you have to learn
to speak in front of people.

Connect with yourself first and speak from your heart
to impact them.They can't hear what you have to say unless they feel what you are feeling.

You may take notes at a seminar or on a webinar like crazy but go home and put them on a shelf only to forget about them and never read them again.
However, when someone tells a story
that touches your heart, YOU will never forget

It is not easy to share a story let alone the death of a child. People are afraid of death and do not know what to say about the grief, especially the grief from a loss of a child.

Society is so afraid to talk to people with loss. People disappear because they do not know how to comfort you. It is too hard to deal with the reality. No one is around to help you rebuild yourself after 6 weeks passes.

Victoria fell into a depression but knew she had to make the decision to not crawl in a hole in disappear. 

Davey taught her that life is what "WE" Make it. At the age of 13, her greatest mentor, Davey, her baby boy died. Watch her dramatic story Click Here

I am sure after you have heard Victoria's story and listened to her journey, you realize that if she can do what she has done, so can you. Victoria Hargis will continue to help and serve many.  Changing one persons life at a time!
Victoria Hargis has become a successful entrepreneur, social media consultant and motivational speaker. 

Let her know you appreciate her story and what she does. 

You can contact Victoria Hargis by LIKING her Facebook Page and other social sites. 
Here is how to reach Victoria Hargis
Please comment, like and share Victoria Hargis's Story.
Laurie Davis
For More training Subscribe to this YouTube Channel after you watch the video above :)
Join me Live on The Marketing View TV daily
at 11:30am Eastern

Learn how to market any business online!
Please Visit My Blog and Comment, like or share

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View and Read Full Income Disclosure

Thursday, November 21, 2013

How to Create Links To From a Blog to Any Website

Create Links Right From your Blog Directing Viewers back to another Website

The Marketing View TV is Live Every Day at 11:30am Eastern

Join Laurie Davis and Valeska Van Vliet as they share and teach self development, online marketing techniques and  business tools and systems.

If you enjoyed this Video Blog, How to Create Links To From a Blog to Any Website,
Please Like, Share and Comment :)

LIKE us on Facebook Click Here 

Thanks for Stopping By,

Laurie Davis

Friday, November 8, 2013

Marketing Designer Mitch Brillon

The Marketing View TV Interviewed Mitch Brillon

Mitch Brillon is an Internet Marketer himself so he understands the importance of having great capture pages to promote your business.

He also enjoys creating all kinds of different online marketing pieces, including Hangout Pages.
Affiliate Marketers do many hangouts for their team and their prospects. They know the importance of helping their team make sales and a hangout page is great for this.

Mitch Brillon can set up a Hangout Page that looks great as well as can be coded to each of your affiliates on your team.

I hired Mitch Brillon to create a great hangout page for my show and also capture pages geared towards my niches.

I was very pleased with his work and his creativity. I highly recommend Mitch Brillon.

Watch this Video Interview with Mitch Brillon

I hope you enjoyed this article and video about Mitch Brillon!

Please like, share and comment! :)

Thanks For Stopping By,

Laurie Davis

For More training Subscribe to this YouTube Channel after you watch the video above :)

Join me Live on The Marketing View TV daily 
at 11:30am Eastern
Learn how to market any business online!

Connect With Me On Facebook

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Marketing View TV How To Create Capture Pages

How to Create Capture Pages

People in Business Should Learn to Create Capture Pages

 In the Video I show an easy fast tool you can use to create capture pages that look clean and professional. Capturing your leads and getting people to subscribe to your email campaign is easier than you think. Creating Capture Pages are fun and easy with a very simple tool As I showed in Video, a simple tool to create capture pages is the 90secondsqueezepage Go Here to Get Set Up - http://smb01.com/easycapturepages

 Aweber Email Marketing Tool

 I also recommend using an autoresonder to create a web form to put on this capture page. Aweber will capture their email on this form and then drip follow up emails to them. People need to see about you and your business at least 7 times in order to determine if they like you enough to buy from you our join you. Aweber's autoresponder allows you to be able to have a strong follow up campaign and convert more sales. We will show a training soon on how to use Aweber. We will go over how to create an email campaign, list name, follow up and broadcast emails as well as using the rss feed of your blog. Click Here to Get Your Aweber Account set up. It is $1 for the first 30 days.

Getting your own system and tools set up will save you in the long run.
As we stated in the video, we recommend you have at least 3 tools in order to properly promote your business, gather more prospects/leads and convert more sales. 
As a recap, you need a blog to use as a constant changing digital magazine, newsletter/ad to provide content and value,  you need a capture page sales funnel to capture your leads and finally you need an email autoresponder to help to build trust which leads to sales and/or recruits. 
If you enjoyed this article and video about How To Create Capture Pages, please comment, like and share :) 
Thanks For Stopping By,
Laurie Davis

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Blogging Mistakes To Avoid

The Marketing View TV Final Blogging Mistakes to Avoid   

Watch the Video Above for the Final Blogging Mistakes to Avoid

Marketing Blogging Mistakes to Avoid
1.) No Sales Psychology
2.) Not Building a Tribe
3.) Going the FREE Route
4.) Not Including A Call to Action in Every Post
Tech Blogging Mistakes To Avoid
5.) Spending Too Much Money in Set Up 
6.) Spending Too Much Time on Set Up
7.) Not Using Mobile Blogging
8.) Trying To Be A Programmer
9.) Poor SEO 
Content Blogging Mistakes to Avoid
10.) Lack of Engagement
11.) Not Using Video
12.) Not Using Audio
13.) Not Consistently Posting Engaging Content
Visual Blogging Mistakes to Avoid
14.) Horrible Blog Layout
15.) Distracting Colors
16.) Lack of Viral Architecture
17.) Too Crazy Busy Design

Thanks For Stopping By,

Laurie Davis

For More training Subscribe to this YouTube Channel after you watch the video above :)
at 11:30 am Eastern

Learn how to market any business online!

Watch The Marketing View TV Live From Facebookwww.22s.com/lauriedavis


The Marketing View TV Final Blogging Mistakes to Avoid

Watch the Video Above for the Final Blogging Mistakes to Avoid
Below is a Recap of the 17 Blogging Mistakes Covered
Marketing Blogging Mistakes to Avoid
1.) No Sales Psychology
2.) Not Building a Tribe
3.) Going the FREE Route
4.) Not Including A Call to Action in Every Post
Tech Blogging Mistakes To Avoid
5.) Spending Too Much Money in Set Up 
6.) Spending Too Much Time on Set Up
7.) Not Using Mobile Blogging
8.) Trying To Be A Programmer
9.) Poor SEO 
Content Blogging Mistakes to Avoid
10.) Lack of Engagement
11.) Not Using Video
12.) Not Using Audio
13.) Not Consistently Posting Engaging Content
Visual Blogging Mistakes to Avoid
14.) Horrible Blog Layout
15.) Distracting Colors
16.) Lack of Viral Architecture
17.) Too Crazy Busy Design

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Marketing View TV Getting Your Business Exposure

I am offering to help business owners get more customers, traffic and exposure.

Watch this video and if you are interested in my help email me at randyandlauriedavis@gmail.com or reach me on skype laurie.davis711

P.S. For more free training, coaching and connecting with like minded people like my fanpage
  Click Here Now

Join Laurie Davis and Valeska Van Vliet Daily at 12:30pm Eastern for Marketing Training for Your Business.

Watch from Facebook at www.22s.com/lauriedavis

My Blog with Replay Training http://themarketingviewtv.com

Watch Replay Training by Subscribing to my YOUTUBE Channel

Laurie Davis
Skype: laurie.davis711

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Interview with Vicki Starinsky EXIT Today Realty

Interview with EXIT Today Realty Franchise Owner Vicki Starinsky

I interviewed Vicki Starinsky about the current real estate market and what agents can do to ensure they adjust with the markets.

She shares what has worked for her and what her vision is.

Vicki Starinsky has been in Real Estate for over a decade and she brings tons of experience with her. She has been a top producing agent with Re/Max and Exit Realty.

To learn more about EXIT Today Realty and see what else Vicki Starinsky can do for you visit http://www.exittodayrealty.com/career/
P.S. If you enjoyed this article Interview with Vicki Starinsky EXIT Today Realty, please share, comment and like :)

P.P.S. For more free training, coaching and connecting with like minded people like my fanpage Click Here Now

Join Laurie Davis and Valeska Van Vliet Daily at 12:30pm Eastern for Marketing Training for Your Business. 
Watch from Facebook at www.22s.com/lauriedavis

Watch Replay Training by Subscribing to my YOUTUBE Channel

Laurie Davis

Skype: laurie.davis711

Twitter: @lauriemdavis

Video Blog from Your Smart Phone

The Marketing View TV Daily 

How to Video Blog from you Smart Phone

Video Blogging from your Phone is Fast and Easy
Today on The Marketing View Daily TV Laurie Davis and Valeska Van Vliet shared with Business Owners how to create a video and post it to a blog from your Smart Phone.

Check out the video and hear different ways to build your business, whatever it may be, right from your phone. 

Join Laurie Davis and Valeska Van Vliet Daily at 12:30pm Eastern for Marketing Training for Your Business. 
Watch from Facebook at www.22s.com/lauriedavis
My Blog with Replay Training http://themarketingviewtv.com
Watch Replay Training by Subscribing to my YOUTUBE Channel

Laurie Davis
Skype: laurie.davis711

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Marketing View Interview with Will Kilian

For more information about Will Kilian and his Herbalife business visit his website at http://ezhealthbiz.com/ezhealthbiz-live-hangout-building-online-sales-funnels/

Will Kilian is a great teacher, he is passionate about health and people. He is an awesome leader and loves helping people. He would not promote a product or business he did not use himself and that he didn’t believe was beneficial to changing lives.

 Thanks Will Kilian for joining The Marketing View TV and sharing with us your passions and business.

 If you enjoyed this article about The Marketing View TV Herbalife Review with Will Kilian Please like, share and comment :)

Laurie Davis
Get more training and help below. Contact me and Connect :)
Skype: laurie.davis711
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/lauriedavisfanpage
Twitter: @lauriemdavis
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/lmdavis711/pins/

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

How to Stream a Google Hangout into Your Blog and Facebook

If you do hangouts for you business, you will love this!

Laurie Davis
Get more training and help below. Contact me and Connect :)
Skype: laurie.davis711
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/lauriedavisfanpage
Twitter: @lauriemdavis
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/lmdavis711/pins/
Live Daily Hangouts 12:30pm Eastern Time

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Marketing View TV

Do you have a business you want to get more exposure for you and your team?

I do daily live hangouts to help business owners. Not only do I share training and marketing tips but I also welcome business owners on my live hangout to help them get recognized and have a voice in their community. I share the tools and systems necessary to take your business to the next level.

Here is an example of another Business Owner we had on our show. We helped him by marketing his website, interviewing him and sharing this with all of social media, youtube and our email list. We would love to help you too.

Get your own blog that is completely mobile now. Get in front of your clients and team fast. Promoting your business at the tip of your fingers. Click Here Now

In order to be on My The Marketing View Daily TV you need to have to tools. One is my blog system and the other is the Ultimate Fan Page Builder.  Click Here Now

So if you are ready to get exposure and stand out a leader contact me and get on my live 
The Marketing View TV right away. My contact info is below :)

Laurie Davis
Get more training and help below. Contact me and Connect :)
Skype: laurie.davis711
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/lauriedavisfanpage
Twitter: @lauriemdavis
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/lmdavis711/pins/
Live Daily Hangouts 12:30pm Eastern Time

Thursday, September 26, 2013

MasterMind Daily TV Wednesday

The Marketing View TV Wednesday Vision and Clarity

Not Defining Your Vision and Purpose is like getting in a car and driving without knowing where you are going. You need to define your purpose and determine what you want. What lifestyle do you desire. Can you see yourself having that lifestyle?

In order to have success in any business you need to work on you first. You must believe in you and you must decide to take action in changing your life and doing what it takes every day to make that vision and lifestyle come true. That is what I did and I started working on it 5 years ago. It does not happen over night and it takes a lot of mindset training, personal development and planning.

Dreams Do Come True!

If you enjoyed this article about MasterMind Daily TV Wednesday
Please like, share and comment :)

Income Disclaimer:
Just because a lot of people make a lot of money using and promoting Empower Network does not mean you will. It is based on You and how hard you work:)
See Full Income Disclosure Now

Laurie Davis

Get more training and help below. Contact me and Connect :)
Skype: laurie.davis711
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/lauriedavisfanpage
Twitter: @lauriemdavis
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/lmdavis711/pins/

Why ENV2, What is the Beast and Why Blog?

Monday, August 19, 2013

What is ENV2? ENV2 and Why You Need It

Empower Network is launching ENV2


ENV2 Introduced at the Denver Event

I was fortunate enough to be at the Denver Event in July and I saw exactly what this is and what it will do. Let me just say this, "It is freaking awesome!"

Dave and Dave Spent their own Money to Create ENV2

The owners of Empower Network, Dave Wood and Dave Sharpe have actually spent their OWN money creating ENV2. They did not use the affiliate money that the company makes for people to be Affliates to sell their products. NO, they used the money they actually make as Affiliates selling their own products. They have spent Millions in the past 2 years putting together this new system and tool.

No matter what your interest, passion or business is time for you to get paid for your interest!

You will be able post photos and videos of yourself as well as blog in order to brand yourself. Sharing your passion, vision, business is so easy to do with the new ENV2 system. You will be able to do a video or pic with your phone and click submit and with one push of a button have it posted on your blog and ready to share on all social media sites with your audience, friends, family and clients.

ENV2 with the Empower Network has made the technology for every person in the world that wants to share who they are and what they want to share fast, easy and affordable.

Whether you have a dance studio, pizza shop, flower shop, real estate business, at home business or just are passionate about something you enjoy sharing with others, then this is for you. NOW you can get paid for sharing just what you do. Sharing you and your business and/or passion.

Simply using your smart phone you can do your business without evening having to log onto your computer. In order to share on all of the social media sites, without being spam, your blog is essential. A blog that is high authority, which means GOOGLE already likes the company providing and hosting your blog.

Trying to blog on a generic platform that has no hosting or one that you pay for hosting takes months if not years to get your blog seen on the front of GOOGLE. You can do this fast just sharing your business and passion on the Empower Network Blogging Platform and having the ease of a push button system at your finger tips.

 Empower Network provides the hosting for a measly $25 bucks a month and allows you to use a system that has cost them millions of dollars to create. Saving you all the time and money of setting up your own blog. Get Ready ENV2 is what you are looking for.

ENV2 is Exciting for Every Business Owner


ENV2 will take Mobile Marketing, blogging and social media to a level we have never ever seen or heard of before. ENV2 will dominate the Internet. You will be able to promote any business fast, from your phone, within seconds. Blog and upload from your phone within seconds. Cut a video and share with the world and rank on Google fast, from your phone.

This system is Grandma Proof. Anyone can use it. NO more complicated Wordpress themes. No set up. Easy to use. YOU will be blown away!

 Everyone in the WORLD will want this and you have the chance now to be the first to share it to many. Just think about positioning yourself in something so huge, being in the right place at the right time.

ENV2 Launches on September 23rd! Mark Your Calendars!


Empower Network is #1 under Hot Topics on www.alexa.com. Do you know how huge this is? Do you see why you need to take Action Now and get your self in position to be a part of something so huge that it can potentially change your life forever? Alexa.com ranks websites and you can clearly see that Empower Network is a company to take notice of. What are they doing? What is Empower Network. ENV2 has not even launched yet.

Wait and see what happens or be apart of the movement. It is up to you.

Get your Membership now and start sharing with world.

CLICK HERE NOW ENV2 will take Mobile Marketing and Blogging to a whole other level. Position yourself now to promote this sweet system and have the opportunity to make life changing money:)

Income Disclaimer: Thousands of people around the world are making money using our systems. We think you should use our system because in our opinion, we have the best training, and the best community that the industry has ever seen. That being said, we need to be clear on something... We never guarantee you will make money. You earn income here from the sale of products. No products sold = No money. Lots of products sold = Lots of Money. Its a pretty simple formula. Read our full income disclosure. Go to this link NOW! http://linkprosperity.com/enincomedisclosuremonthly

Thanks for stopping by!


If you enjoyed this please “comment, like & share” this page…
P.S. For more free training, coaching and connecting with like minded people like my fanpage Click Here Now
P.P.S Tune in every Monday at 9pm eastern and listen to how Empower Network’s system is being used by normal people and business owners all over the world. Hear for yourself.  
Every Monday 9 pm Eastern (New York Time) 
Dial: 1-209-255-1040 no pin necessary
Laurie Davis
Skype: laurie.davis711

Thursday, June 20, 2013

LeadNet Pro Review Targeted Leads For Any Business

LeadNet Pro Marketing System

Are you tired and frustrated in trying to find targeted people to join your business or buy your products?

The Frustration ends NOW!

 I came across the LeadNet Pro Lead Scraper from a friends blog that I follow and it is a tool to add to your marketing. I did a video showing you how easy this is to use and how and why you may want to buy this software.

 My LeadNet Pro Video Review

As you can see, LeadNetPro is super easy and fast. If you Click Here you will be able to access this tool.

Get Started right away building your list. Lead Generation and List building is the key to running a successful business. Without a tool like LeadNet Pro you can end up buying crappy leads that are not targeted to your niche or business. You will spend thousands of dollars on generating leads, why not be in control of your search and know you are getting unique targeted leads.

I have personally spent thousands buying ads and they are not as targeted as this LeadNet Pro Marketing System.

Don't forget that you need to also pull from other countries, different cities and states and make sure you are keyword specific. Depending on what you niche is, you may also get a lot of use from the Craigslist, Yellowpages and Backpage search.

I myself do not use it as much as I do the Google and Yahoo database. Be creative. Do several variances of the keyword to make sure you find every lead you possibly can. I hope you have find my LeadNetPro Review useful.

Please like, comment or share and follow my blog and youtube channel for more product reviews and tips on marketing.

Now that you know how to generate and scrape leads for your Business with LeadNetPro you need to learn how to upload the file to an email system. An email system is essential because you need to start marketing to this list. Watch for my next video and blog about an awesome tool I use to send out up to 5000 emails every 24 hours to the targeted leads from LeadNet Pro.

 Stay tuned:)

Thanks for stopping by!

P.S. For more free training, coaching and connecting with like minded people like my fanpage Click Here Now
Laurie Davis
Skype: laurie.davis711

Work With Me Personally– Click here

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Homes for Sale Pickerington Ohio- FSBO

Homes For Sale Pickerington Ohio 

For Sale By Owner

For Sale $164,500 (subject to Appraisal)

Seller will Co-op with Real Estate Agent!

Bring OFFER!

Homes For Sale Pickerington Ohio 

Seller is Motivated and is offering  Up To  $2,000 Towards Buyers Closing Costs
if Buyer is Represented by a Realtor. (Due to Seller Paying buyer's agents commission)

Seller is offering Up To $3,000 of buyers closing costs and pre-pays  if the Buyer is not represented and in a buyer/broker agreement with a Realtor prior to offer. (Be Honest. Seller wants you to use your Realtor if you have entered into a buyer/broker agreement. This is how they put food on their table and they will work hard for you!)

Pickerington 2 Story Home Details 

Homes for Sale Pickerington Ohio

Click Here For MLS Information

Home Pride shines through when you tour this well maintained home. Sellers are highly motivated! This home features 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, large master bedroom with neutral decor, walk-in closet, large private master bath. Homes for Sale Pickerington Ohio

Master Suite

Homes for Sale Pickerington Ohio

Homes for Sale Pickerington Ohio

Homes for Sale Pickerington Ohio

Master has spacious walk-in closet with shelving, private master bath with full bath, linen closet, white wood work and 6 panel doors. White Faux Blinds!  Homes for Sale Pickerington Ohio

Second Bedroom

Homes for Sale Pickerington Ohio

Large with walk-in closet is neutral decor with walk-in closet.

3rd bedroom

Homes for Sale Pickerington Ohio

Very Large bedroom (almost as big as the master) with large closet including built in shelf and drawer system.  

4th bedroom

Homes for Sale Pickerington Ohio

Currently used as an office. Large bedroom including built in shelf and drawer system All woodwork upstairs is white with 6 panel doors.

1st Level

Wood 6 panel doors all stained and as well as matching wood trimmed around each window. Eat-in kitchen is spacious and appliances remain. Blinds throughout house remain, mostly white wooden blinds. Family room features neutral decor and large brick wood burning fireplace with mantel. Fresh paint throughout house. Ceiling fan in all bedrooms and dining room. Bruce Flooring throughout kitchen and half bath. Neutral Carpet throughout home. Homes for sale Pickerington Ohio

Homes for Sale Pickerington Ohio

Homes for Sale Pickerington Ohio

Dining Room

Neutral Decor, chair rail and ceiling fan.

Homes for Sale Pickerington Ohio

Homes for Sale Pickerington Ohio

Homes for Sale Pickerington Ohio

Finished Basement

Homes for Sale Pickerington Ohio

Homes for Sale Pickerington Ohio

Deep huge walk-in closet with shelving and white 6 panel doors and trim. (doors were not hung yet in this photo) Recessed lighting and neutral paint, stained stairs and ledge and new tile flooring. Beautiful and perfect "Man Cave", Rec Room or kids play room.

Quarter of Acre Private Fenced in Back Yard

Homes for Sale Pickerington Ohio

Homes for Sale Pickerington Ohio

Homes for Sale Pickerington Ohio

Homes for Sale Pickerington Ohio

Homes for Sale Pickerington Ohio

Walk out to poured concrete patio overlooking a very private yard with mature trees and landscaping. Enjoy a game of basketball on the basketball court. Weekends are a blast with the fire-pit, enjoy your own private bonfire. Storage barn stores a riding lawn mower and all yard essentials perfectly.

Homes for Sale Pickerington Ohio

Yard is completely fenced in as well as a privacy fence along the whole backyard. This home backs to a beautiful park that is maintained by the city of Pickerington. The home has a full front porch, an additional gravel parking space on the side of the garage, great for a camper or extra car and it located in a cul-de-sac. View. Call and get your private tour! Homes for Sale Pickerington Ohio

For More Information and to Set up a Personal Tour Please Contact

Laurie Davis

P.S Please share and like :)