Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Victoria Hargis Share Life After Death

Victoria Hargis shares her Story with The Marketing View TV

She has a journey and a story that will move you!

Davey suffered since 3.5 years old with a seizure disorder. He had over 60 seizures a day. He was on
3 major medicines and his diagnosis was a short life expectancy.

He lived with them for 10 years with this diagnosis.
Davey taught Victoria Hargis a lot with his outlook on life. He was the biggest blessing in her life! Davey is why she does what she does.

What does Victoria Hargis do Now after surviving a Tragedy?

Victoria Hargis worked through the grief and turned this tragic event
into something positive.

She searched for many years for answers to her questions.
Victoria Hargis lost her loved one and grieved. Grief is part of life, she states.

She was in a depression. She was struggling with questions like,
Why did this happen? Did I bring this on myself?
Who is attacking me?

She searched inward and in contemplation and meditation searched
for the inner strength to fight her fears and find out who she was.

Victoria Hargis met a guy at a network event that she felt connected to.
She decided she wanted to learn to speak to the public.

She wanted to become a Motivational Speaker and help people through her story.

She went to retreat in Texas to break her business gremlins. She approached
the fire walk which was 850 degrees. She was not afraid to walk on this hot fire path but
rather afraid of stating her breakthroughs
and what she was working towards.

She went to the Toast Masters and then conquered her fear of speaking.She had her break through after one year.

Victoria Hargis learned how to speak to impact people and change their lives

She shared with The Marketing View TV that inorder to have people hear you and change their lives you have to learn
to speak in front of people.

Connect with yourself first and speak from your heart
to impact them.They can't hear what you have to say unless they feel what you are feeling.

You may take notes at a seminar or on a webinar like crazy but go home and put them on a shelf only to forget about them and never read them again.
However, when someone tells a story
that touches your heart, YOU will never forget

It is not easy to share a story let alone the death of a child. People are afraid of death and do not know what to say about the grief, especially the grief from a loss of a child.

Society is so afraid to talk to people with loss. People disappear because they do not know how to comfort you. It is too hard to deal with the reality. No one is around to help you rebuild yourself after 6 weeks passes.

Victoria fell into a depression but knew she had to make the decision to not crawl in a hole in disappear. 

Davey taught her that life is what "WE" Make it. At the age of 13, her greatest mentor, Davey, her baby boy died. Watch her dramatic story Click Here

I am sure after you have heard Victoria's story and listened to her journey, you realize that if she can do what she has done, so can you. Victoria Hargis will continue to help and serve many.  Changing one persons life at a time!
Victoria Hargis has become a successful entrepreneur, social media consultant and motivational speaker. 

Let her know you appreciate her story and what she does. 

You can contact Victoria Hargis by LIKING her Facebook Page and other social sites. 
Here is how to reach Victoria Hargis
Please comment, like and share Victoria Hargis's Story.
Laurie Davis
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