Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Empower Network is the Real Deal!

By now you have seen all over the Internet that Empower Network is on FIRE!

Hey now, let me just say that when I say something is on amazing and on FIRE, it is because it has worked for me and I have put it through the ringer. I test it, work it non stop for hours, for days and then if I get the outcome that I have been lead to expect, I SHARE IT WITH THE WORLD!

Empower Network is for Real!

The Empower Network was founded by David Wood and David Sharpe. The guys are young, smart, fun and inspiring to many. They have their hearts in the right place and they do not have a false agenda here. Check out this Empower Network video by David Wood, founder of  Empower Network.

 Dave and Dave actually have both been homeless at one time. They both had struggled to turn their lives around. I listened to an audio today by David Wood and he talked about the fact that he was at one time working hard at a Network Marketing business and just was not getting the results doing what he was taught.

Dave Wood would go to grocery stores, to gas stations and restaurants and go up to strangers and say, “Hey you look like a sharp person, I have something that I want to show you.” He would either get told to get lost or set an appointment for no one to show up. He did the hotel meetings, the 3 way credibility calls and he chased all of his friend and family.

He then told his wife that he was going to try and start a business online. Well he found Affiliate Marketing to be something that he may be good at. HE WORKED HIS BUTT OFF and at the end of the day, was making like a penny an hour. He laid next to his wife rolled up in a ball sobbing. She told him that she believed in him and he just needed to believe in himself. He got a game plan, dove into self development, decided to work smarter not harder and to have a life.

This lead him to being consistent, working a few hours a day, following a system, and within 90 days, he made $30,000 in one month. The next month almost $50k. He was doing this by pushing and driving traffic to other peoples products by blogging.
Dave did not have money to pay for a company to advertise for him, he did not have money to buy software programs or do paid advertising. He blogged. He mastered blogging.

He blogged and learned how to generate traffic. Free Traffic

Dave Wood decided that he was fed up with the wussy commissions and the work he had to put in to get a 20% commission. He decided that he needed to share what he knew and that he could help others not go through what he had endured.  He decided to call up his buddy David Sharpe who was a genius with content marketing and paid advertising. They decided to pull together a hotel room of people they knew had talent in online lead generation and SEO. Together they created a mastermind group and THE EMPOWER NETWORK WAS BORN!

The birth of the Empower Network!

In October of 2011, picture this, a room full of people that had spent years failing their way to success. Each and every person in this room has an incredible story. They were determined to not be average. They were determined to be successful. They each knew they were in charge of their own destiny’s. They all came together and decided to share what they had spent years of blood sweat and tears to accomplish.

They decided to launch the Empower Network for $25.00!

Seriously, $25.00? The training and tools they were planning on putting together were worth thousands. Thousands! But they were willing to come together and do videos of what they KNOW produces massive wealth on the Internet.
Wow, this blew me away. I have spent over 9 years trying to generate decent leads for my Network Marketing business and my Real Estate Business. I ended up paying hundreds per month and the leads SUCKED!

When I decided to take the training from Empower Network, I checked these guys out. I checked out their reputation and who they associated with. Ever heard of Tony Rush, Justin Verrengia, Aaron Rashkin, Jon Mroz? I had. I also knew Josh Schoenly and Ryan Hartman. These guys were masters at generating leads for Realtors. They even use the Empower Network blogging platform and training to increase their business.
These people are talented. They make a massive amount of money and they worked hard to do it. They are using the Empower Network platform as well as have shared their success secrets. They share everything they know.

How could anyone doubt that this works? So much credibility.  So many talented people.

You want to be an Entrepreneur? You want to stop living pay check to pay check? Do you want to be able to afford to take a vacation? Do you want to own your own life?

Check it out and then get going. Get all in! Don’t just do 10% of what you need to do. Get all of the training, take the training, set a goal to work it everyday for the next 100 days. You will see a miracle happen with in you and with in your business.

I cannot guarantee income or results but what I can tell you is it works for me, it works for over 40.000 other Network Marketers that got all in with the Empower Network. Nothing to think about in my opinion.
Bottom line is ask yourself if you are where you thought you would be today? Do you have a savings account built? Do you a retirement plan? Are you debt free?

If not, then what you are doing IS NOT WORKING! HELLO! In order for things to change you have to change them. Does that not make sense? You are in control of your own destiny. Do something for yourself. Do something for your family.

There are tons of products, programs, companies out there that can say they will be the next best thing to make money. The Empower Network is not one of those things or companies. They proved it.
Let me just end on this, if you do just buy the blogging platform for $25.00, you can use this blogging platform and it will help you generate leads for your business. The reason is because this is a HIGH authority blog platform. In order for you to get the same results, you would have to set up a blog with WordPress, add plug ins, themes and widgets and then blog for a year to 2 years to get what you can get from using a High authority site.

HOWEVER, to make thousands per month, and in the next 5-6 months, the only way that will happen is to get all of the training products and then put them to action, every day. If you do not have the results you wanted, you are not done! You cannot expect to get massive results by working something half ass and for 2 weeks. Get real!

Comment below if you have questions about the Empower Network Platform, before you make a decision to focus and move forward. I will be happy to answer in as much detail as you need.

P.S. If you enjoyed this article you will certainly enjoy this one,

Laurie Davis
Skype: laurie.davis711

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