Wednesday, December 19, 2012

My Reviews for a Facebook and Pinterest Product

I recently came across a program that I want to share with you. This program was recommended to me by a friend that is an amazing Internet Affiliate Marketer. I agree with him, it is a program to take a serious look at.

Get Quick Commissions Review

Before I give you my Get Quick Commissions Review, I was reviewing another program that has a similar introduction squeeze video. I thought they were the same but they are completely different. The other program I am referencing is Real Quick Commissions. I did a lot of research on this product and even purchased it to take a close look at it for free for 5 days.

Real Quick Commissions

I always check out Warrior Forum to see what other marketers say. Check out the reviews here in Warrior Forum.

 I actually did not find any good reviews except from Affiliates marketing the program. I kept this in mind when I purchased this program. First of all the video said that you can try it out for 5 days for free. Your credit card would not be charged until the end of the 5 days. I was charged immediately $49.

I never received the log in information or product welcome email. Now I know when I purchase through as a marketer, I can click on the link under the confirmation and it will take me to the Merchant but a majority of people new online don't know this and will be frustrated looking for the link.

I went ahead and emailed support and it they didn't email me the welcome link until the next day. This would definitely frustrate anxious people, wanting to get started now.

 As soon as I clicked on the welcome link and logged in Jeff, the owner of this site, tries to up-sell you to buy an expensive marketing website to maximize your profit.

I lost track of how many times Real Quick Commissions tries to up-sell you. I went straight to the training and followed the steps. The training webinar talks about a niche on Facebook that you need to tap into. Tons of Fan Pages abandoned that you can tap into and make money fast. Once I went through the set up, they have you set up your own fan-pages with topics to choose like weight-loss, marketing and so on.

 The websites that it takes people are not considered high converting sites. Not done very well. Then they have you put your click-bank, eBay, click-sure accounts in and state that people will buy all these affiliate products from you just because you have it on a Facebook Fan-page. Ok fine and dandy, they teach you how to make a Facebook Fan-page and create a niche. They did not show you how to market these sites or fan-pages.

 Of course that is probably shown in the up-sell marketing system. For the initial cost you do not get much training and I really don't see how a new person online would make any money with this program without upgrading to the marketing system.

I did not buy the marketing system so I do not know how great the training is inside the Real Quick Commissions System. If you are a pro marketer you may do well with this because you know how to drive traffic and convert.

 You could even make your own videos and squeeze pages that would convert.\

 I recommend Real Quick Commissions only if you are willing to spend a bit on a marketing system upgrade or if you are great at Affiliate Marketing. There a lot of people on the webinars so maybe what I think needs to be improved will be, as the program goes through the normal glitches of being new.

 Every new business has issues getting of the ground, so keep an eye on it and do what is good for you.

Get Quick Commissions Review

Now my Get Quick Commissions Review. I also did my due diligence with this program and this is the real deal. I found mostly positive reviews.

Get Quick Commissions will build you niche websites. The niche research is done for you. The websites look nice and professional which will convert well.

This Get Quick Commissions is really a done for you system. You don't need a domain name or to pay for hosting. It is a very simple, easy to set up and use site for Internet newbies.

Get Quick Commissions builds you 5 Niche Websites

Here are the 5 Niches: Self Confidence,Fitness, Affiliate Business, Opportunities, Dog training and Forex Guitar 

Each site looks professional, informative, has great reviews and links back to the product affiliate links.

The products for each Niche are from affiliate sites Click-bank and Click-sure. You will set up your affiliate accounts on both for free and then put your username on the Get Quick Commissions software.

The Social Site you will be using to market your products is Pinterest. This is powerful and a very popular site. It is built around what people like.

The Pinterest training was done very thoroughly and really shows you how to monetize this site. The software for Pinterest is easy to use and helps you find pins that others have created. You will be looking for related boards for niches you want to target. You want them to like your pin and then visit your website.

The Get Quick Software will find you users on Pinterest that have included pins or boards that have shown interest for what you will be promoting with your websites.

Once these users are found, the pre- written comments will make a comment like, " I noticed you have a pin on weight-loss,I thought you might be interested in this article. Then you provide your affiliate website linking them back to your Get Quick Commissions Niche Website. There is an auto comment that you can choose to have it post to all the different pins and users you scraped and found. The software will automatically post comments for to different users with your content and link included.

The Get Quick Commissions also does an auto re-pin as well as auto like. You will find pins you like and then have the software show you liked it. People that like what you re-pin likely will re-pin yours and also like it. They may then go to your website and buy products from you.

 I feel that Get Quick Commissions is a good product, very simple to use and if you follow along, you should be able to convert and sell your affiliate products. I recommend Get Quick Commissions and I do believe this program is one of the most simple easy ways to make money online.  

Thanks for stopping by!

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