Thursday, December 27, 2012

2013 New Year Resolution and Goals

2013 New Year Resolution

This year flew by as usual. Now is the time to reflect on not only the this year but what about the past 10 years?

 Are you, today, where you thought you would be 10 years ago? Many times we don't want to think about it because most of the time it hurts. It hurts because of not looking the way we want to look, making the money we thought we would by now, not owning the home we want. So many things that can make us not want to reflect on the past.

 I'm not saying to focus on hurt and pain in our past but to learn from it and set a definite major purpose in our lives.

What is your Definite Major Purpose in life?

This is one thing that I have really been focusing on in the past 6 months. I have done a lot self healing. I have really looked at my path, my choices, my decisions and I now know something amazing. I actually have such clarity.

I now know that I only have control over me. I know that doesn't seem like a great amazing revelation but it is. I realized I was always trying to control others by enabling them to be who they are. I realized that I did so much for others that I never taught them how to do anything for themselves. They relied on me for everything. This caused me to be worn out and let down most of the time.

 I now concentrate on what I want in life. I make sure I look at everything with clarity. I don't make decisions without looking at the possible outcomes. If I can live with the outcome, then I do it. If I can't live with it, then I don't.

 It can be as simple as setting goals then doing them. It is so easy to set goals and even easier to not follow through with them.

Start with setting Vision Goals

Work on putting your Vision Goals on paper. Work on a Vision Dream board. This is so important. When you can see your dreams in front of you, it helps you to have a vision that will be embedded in your mind. This will cause your belief level to come up. The more you believe that your dreams can come true, your daily actions will change and you will accomplish what you want. Look at your Vision Board every day. Ask yourself if you have done everything you could today to work on those goals? If you haven't then you are going to have a hard time meeting your goals.

Whatever the Mind can Conceive and Believe, the Mind can Achieve

Being consistent is the goal. Keep your Vision on your mind from the time you get up, to the time you go to bed. In fact, one thing that seems corny but really works, is recording yourself speaking aloud your Definite Major Purpose and you goals in life.

Speak them into existence but do this by manifesting these goals. Manifest what you want in life.

What happens is that you re-program your mind to put this first instead on the back burner. When we put it on the back burner, we tell ourselves, it would have been nice....

We start to make excuses. Then we are living the same old life that we really don't like, every day. Miserable.

Create your own personal Manifesto. Define your Major Definite Purpose. Click here for an example.

Once you have filled this out and made it your own, start reading it to yourself before you get out of bed in the morning and then again when before you go to sleep every night. Recording yourself reading it works better because you can close your eyes and have a clear vision of what your are hearing.

It is helpful to also feed your mind daily with the knowledge on how to re-program your thinking. I suggest reading a chapter from Think and Grow Rich every day.

The next key is to connect with like minded people

Do you ever notice waking up in the best mood and 1 negative person can just ruin your whole day? It is important in your journey of self development to limit the negative people in your life.

Mastermind Principle & Alliance

One way to do this is to connect with positive successful people on a daily basis. I do this every day with a group I am blessed to be a part of. I was introduced to this group from a friend of mine in the Empower Network.

This group is the Prosperity Mastermind Group. What they have put together is to show you how to grow your mind, your business and strengthen your family and beliefs. Beliefs in yourself and your dreams. Know that your dreams are attainable. How bad do you want them to come true?

Watch this personal Video from on my mastermind partners. Click Here Now.

Today, make a decision to change your outcome in life. Set your Definite Major Purpose in Life. Don't let a day go by without working on you and working on your goals.

By doing this, a good habit will form and you won't ever go back to the place in your mind that makes you feel let down, sad or depressed. You will see amazing things happen every day.

What will your New Year look like? What will the next 10 years be like? What is your decision? Are you going to take action and change things in a big way?

My Definite Major Purpose

I thought a lot about this. I didn't know what it was at first but now I do. I am working daily on being financially free and debt free but not for reasons that most do. Many say this and never believe it could happen for them. I know this is happening for my family and I because I have taken massive action to make sure that it does.

The reason it doesn't happen for most is they don't believe it can happen. They don't believe that dreams and desires come true. If you don't believe it, you will never perform or do the actions necessary for it to happen.

 In being debt free and financially free, it enables me to pay attention to my husband and help him also achieve his dreams. For us, it is important to have a ranch. We want to be able to have a place for our friends and family to come and relax and do things they can't do in their normal daily lives.

We want to also open a place that we own and manage together. Not work there but own and manage. Big difference. We want a place that we can teach children how to ride horses, fish, and learn to love the outdoors. We want to give them a way to appreciate the earth and nature and have fun with it. Get them out of the house and off the video games, Ipads and phones.

 Our dream is to have all of this in place for our kids and their kids to enjoy with us. Keep our family close and pass down stories and create amazing memories.

Majority of families do the complete opposite. They work themselves to death, the families lose touch and life just flies by with so many "What If's " and too many regrets.

If you are looking to change your path, looking for a way to live your dreams, then make a decision to get started today. Click here now and don't look back.

Remember to be grateful for what you have and determine what actions you will take and what you will do for others in order to get what you want in life. You must be a servant to others as well. You are where are and what you are because of your mental attitude.
Success can only be had by taking others along with you. Success is the knowledge with which to get whatever you want from life without violating the right of others and by helping others to acquire it. Napoleon Hill

Dream and live your dreams. Start your journey today!

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein More Albert Einstein

Thanks for stopping by!

Laurie Davis
Skype me laurie.davis711
Follow me @lauriemdavis

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