Thursday, December 27, 2012

2013 New Year Resolution and Goals

2013 New Year Resolution

This year flew by as usual. Now is the time to reflect on not only the this year but what about the past 10 years?

 Are you, today, where you thought you would be 10 years ago? Many times we don't want to think about it because most of the time it hurts. It hurts because of not looking the way we want to look, making the money we thought we would by now, not owning the home we want. So many things that can make us not want to reflect on the past.

 I'm not saying to focus on hurt and pain in our past but to learn from it and set a definite major purpose in our lives.

What is your Definite Major Purpose in life?

This is one thing that I have really been focusing on in the past 6 months. I have done a lot self healing. I have really looked at my path, my choices, my decisions and I now know something amazing. I actually have such clarity.

I now know that I only have control over me. I know that doesn't seem like a great amazing revelation but it is. I realized I was always trying to control others by enabling them to be who they are. I realized that I did so much for others that I never taught them how to do anything for themselves. They relied on me for everything. This caused me to be worn out and let down most of the time.

 I now concentrate on what I want in life. I make sure I look at everything with clarity. I don't make decisions without looking at the possible outcomes. If I can live with the outcome, then I do it. If I can't live with it, then I don't.

 It can be as simple as setting goals then doing them. It is so easy to set goals and even easier to not follow through with them.

Start with setting Vision Goals

Work on putting your Vision Goals on paper. Work on a Vision Dream board. This is so important. When you can see your dreams in front of you, it helps you to have a vision that will be embedded in your mind. This will cause your belief level to come up. The more you believe that your dreams can come true, your daily actions will change and you will accomplish what you want. Look at your Vision Board every day. Ask yourself if you have done everything you could today to work on those goals? If you haven't then you are going to have a hard time meeting your goals.

Whatever the Mind can Conceive and Believe, the Mind can Achieve

Being consistent is the goal. Keep your Vision on your mind from the time you get up, to the time you go to bed. In fact, one thing that seems corny but really works, is recording yourself speaking aloud your Definite Major Purpose and you goals in life.

Speak them into existence but do this by manifesting these goals. Manifest what you want in life.

What happens is that you re-program your mind to put this first instead on the back burner. When we put it on the back burner, we tell ourselves, it would have been nice....

We start to make excuses. Then we are living the same old life that we really don't like, every day. Miserable.

Create your own personal Manifesto. Define your Major Definite Purpose. Click here for an example.

Once you have filled this out and made it your own, start reading it to yourself before you get out of bed in the morning and then again when before you go to sleep every night. Recording yourself reading it works better because you can close your eyes and have a clear vision of what your are hearing.

It is helpful to also feed your mind daily with the knowledge on how to re-program your thinking. I suggest reading a chapter from Think and Grow Rich every day.

The next key is to connect with like minded people

Do you ever notice waking up in the best mood and 1 negative person can just ruin your whole day? It is important in your journey of self development to limit the negative people in your life.

Mastermind Principle & Alliance

One way to do this is to connect with positive successful people on a daily basis. I do this every day with a group I am blessed to be a part of. I was introduced to this group from a friend of mine in the Empower Network.

This group is the Prosperity Mastermind Group. What they have put together is to show you how to grow your mind, your business and strengthen your family and beliefs. Beliefs in yourself and your dreams. Know that your dreams are attainable. How bad do you want them to come true?

Watch this personal Video from on my mastermind partners. Click Here Now.

Today, make a decision to change your outcome in life. Set your Definite Major Purpose in Life. Don't let a day go by without working on you and working on your goals.

By doing this, a good habit will form and you won't ever go back to the place in your mind that makes you feel let down, sad or depressed. You will see amazing things happen every day.

What will your New Year look like? What will the next 10 years be like? What is your decision? Are you going to take action and change things in a big way?

My Definite Major Purpose

I thought a lot about this. I didn't know what it was at first but now I do. I am working daily on being financially free and debt free but not for reasons that most do. Many say this and never believe it could happen for them. I know this is happening for my family and I because I have taken massive action to make sure that it does.

The reason it doesn't happen for most is they don't believe it can happen. They don't believe that dreams and desires come true. If you don't believe it, you will never perform or do the actions necessary for it to happen.

 In being debt free and financially free, it enables me to pay attention to my husband and help him also achieve his dreams. For us, it is important to have a ranch. We want to be able to have a place for our friends and family to come and relax and do things they can't do in their normal daily lives.

We want to also open a place that we own and manage together. Not work there but own and manage. Big difference. We want a place that we can teach children how to ride horses, fish, and learn to love the outdoors. We want to give them a way to appreciate the earth and nature and have fun with it. Get them out of the house and off the video games, Ipads and phones.

 Our dream is to have all of this in place for our kids and their kids to enjoy with us. Keep our family close and pass down stories and create amazing memories.

Majority of families do the complete opposite. They work themselves to death, the families lose touch and life just flies by with so many "What If's " and too many regrets.

If you are looking to change your path, looking for a way to live your dreams, then make a decision to get started today. Click here now and don't look back.

Remember to be grateful for what you have and determine what actions you will take and what you will do for others in order to get what you want in life. You must be a servant to others as well. You are where are and what you are because of your mental attitude.
Success can only be had by taking others along with you. Success is the knowledge with which to get whatever you want from life without violating the right of others and by helping others to acquire it. Napoleon Hill

Dream and live your dreams. Start your journey today!

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein More Albert Einstein

Thanks for stopping by!

Laurie Davis
Skype me laurie.davis711
Follow me @lauriemdavis

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

My Reviews for a Facebook and Pinterest Product

I recently came across a program that I want to share with you. This program was recommended to me by a friend that is an amazing Internet Affiliate Marketer. I agree with him, it is a program to take a serious look at.

Get Quick Commissions Review

Before I give you my Get Quick Commissions Review, I was reviewing another program that has a similar introduction squeeze video. I thought they were the same but they are completely different. The other program I am referencing is Real Quick Commissions. I did a lot of research on this product and even purchased it to take a close look at it for free for 5 days.

Real Quick Commissions

I always check out Warrior Forum to see what other marketers say. Check out the reviews here in Warrior Forum.

 I actually did not find any good reviews except from Affiliates marketing the program. I kept this in mind when I purchased this program. First of all the video said that you can try it out for 5 days for free. Your credit card would not be charged until the end of the 5 days. I was charged immediately $49.

I never received the log in information or product welcome email. Now I know when I purchase through as a marketer, I can click on the link under the confirmation and it will take me to the Merchant but a majority of people new online don't know this and will be frustrated looking for the link.

I went ahead and emailed support and it they didn't email me the welcome link until the next day. This would definitely frustrate anxious people, wanting to get started now.

 As soon as I clicked on the welcome link and logged in Jeff, the owner of this site, tries to up-sell you to buy an expensive marketing website to maximize your profit.

I lost track of how many times Real Quick Commissions tries to up-sell you. I went straight to the training and followed the steps. The training webinar talks about a niche on Facebook that you need to tap into. Tons of Fan Pages abandoned that you can tap into and make money fast. Once I went through the set up, they have you set up your own fan-pages with topics to choose like weight-loss, marketing and so on.

 The websites that it takes people are not considered high converting sites. Not done very well. Then they have you put your click-bank, eBay, click-sure accounts in and state that people will buy all these affiliate products from you just because you have it on a Facebook Fan-page. Ok fine and dandy, they teach you how to make a Facebook Fan-page and create a niche. They did not show you how to market these sites or fan-pages.

 Of course that is probably shown in the up-sell marketing system. For the initial cost you do not get much training and I really don't see how a new person online would make any money with this program without upgrading to the marketing system.

I did not buy the marketing system so I do not know how great the training is inside the Real Quick Commissions System. If you are a pro marketer you may do well with this because you know how to drive traffic and convert.

 You could even make your own videos and squeeze pages that would convert.\

 I recommend Real Quick Commissions only if you are willing to spend a bit on a marketing system upgrade or if you are great at Affiliate Marketing. There a lot of people on the webinars so maybe what I think needs to be improved will be, as the program goes through the normal glitches of being new.

 Every new business has issues getting of the ground, so keep an eye on it and do what is good for you.

Get Quick Commissions Review

Now my Get Quick Commissions Review. I also did my due diligence with this program and this is the real deal. I found mostly positive reviews.

Get Quick Commissions will build you niche websites. The niche research is done for you. The websites look nice and professional which will convert well.

This Get Quick Commissions is really a done for you system. You don't need a domain name or to pay for hosting. It is a very simple, easy to set up and use site for Internet newbies.

Get Quick Commissions builds you 5 Niche Websites

Here are the 5 Niches: Self Confidence,Fitness, Affiliate Business, Opportunities, Dog training and Forex Guitar 

Each site looks professional, informative, has great reviews and links back to the product affiliate links.

The products for each Niche are from affiliate sites Click-bank and Click-sure. You will set up your affiliate accounts on both for free and then put your username on the Get Quick Commissions software.

The Social Site you will be using to market your products is Pinterest. This is powerful and a very popular site. It is built around what people like.

The Pinterest training was done very thoroughly and really shows you how to monetize this site. The software for Pinterest is easy to use and helps you find pins that others have created. You will be looking for related boards for niches you want to target. You want them to like your pin and then visit your website.

The Get Quick Software will find you users on Pinterest that have included pins or boards that have shown interest for what you will be promoting with your websites.

Once these users are found, the pre- written comments will make a comment like, " I noticed you have a pin on weight-loss,I thought you might be interested in this article. Then you provide your affiliate website linking them back to your Get Quick Commissions Niche Website. There is an auto comment that you can choose to have it post to all the different pins and users you scraped and found. The software will automatically post comments for to different users with your content and link included.

The Get Quick Commissions also does an auto re-pin as well as auto like. You will find pins you like and then have the software show you liked it. People that like what you re-pin likely will re-pin yours and also like it. They may then go to your website and buy products from you.

 I feel that Get Quick Commissions is a good product, very simple to use and if you follow along, you should be able to convert and sell your affiliate products. I recommend Get Quick Commissions and I do believe this program is one of the most simple easy ways to make money online.  

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Instant Gratification How to get Results Now in your Business

Results are the name of the Game

As a Business owner, you need a steady flow of customers and you are always looking for the best advertising methods to get results fast. Quality leads are essential.

 If you don't know how to get quality leads, you will spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars on leads that are not targeted. I have spent a ton of money myself in building my leads and I know from experience that it is much more valuable to spend more money on good targeted traffic rather than less money on cheap campaigns that do generate traffic but they never convert into a lead or a customer.

They don't convert because they are not targeted to a niche that wants your product or service. If you have business that you need to get traffic and leads, pay attention to this video now and then look for the link at the bottom of this article. OR click here now to get started...

Instant Gratification-Robert Mercado


I went through this training and he shares information that people are just going to tell you about. This means that you are getting secrets and tips that are powerful in marketing your business. I highly recommend you purchasing this training.

I have bought tons of programs that do a great job teaching how to write emails, blog, call people, close, etc... Instant Gratifications shows you how to do Social Media the right way. How to do paid advertising but not just with your typical advertising sites.

Prior to being online, Robert Mercado was a delivery boy. He had no experience in working online. His results were phenomenal. Below is a quote from his own blog.
I was the type that was a bit skeptical and wasn’t too sure of the whole idea but decided to give it a try. Pheww…am I glad I gave it a try. First month working online, I made $500 2nd month working online, I made $2,000 3rd month working online, I made $4,000 4th month, I made $7,000 5th month, I made $15,000 6th, I made $36,000 by Robert Mercado
Robert Mercado lets it all out. 11 Videos packed with Marketing secrets that will get you results fast if you too implement everything he teaches.

Get Instant Gratifications now while it is still available. Order Here Now Robert Mercado used his exact Formula shared in this program to get on the Leader Board with the Empower Network in just a few short months.

 He went from Delivery Boy to 6 figure monthly earner, in under 7 months.

Instant Gratifications is not specific to any one Industry or Company. This will blow you away with training that you can start implementing right now and make money in YOUR business right now. Right now, click here and get started!  

You will thank me for this:)  

Thanks for stopping by!

 If you enjoyed this pleasecomment, like & share” this page…:)

Laurie Davis
Empowering Lives
Skype: laurie.davis711


Saturday, December 15, 2012

Samsung Galaxy Proclaim Review

Samsung Galaxy Proclaim

This is really a great phone for what it does. I have am an IPhone user so I am going to compare the Samsung Galaxy Proclaim to my IPhone experience. I know this is not an apple to apple comparison but many consumers are tired of paying such high cell bills in order to have a smart fun. Is this a good alternative that you can save money and be happy with?

 I have been disappointed with my IPhone since they ran an update over a year ago not allowing for java or adobe flash to work on the IPhone. I am an online marketer and there are a lot of tools and programs that I use both Java and Adobe Flash to run. This made the IPhone a huge disadvantage for me. You can only watch videos that are recorded in quick-time or YouTube. You are able to watch movies on Crackle.

Another thing to take in to consideration is how much will you pay for unlimited talk, text, web and data plans to run your IPhone. For me I had Verizon and this plan was $120.00 with tax. My husband and the Bionic phone and the same plan. Paying over $240 a month for phones is really insane.

 That is a car payment, a boat payment, a 4 runner payment, you get what I'm saying right? In other words, you could buy items you own at the end of the loan or pay this for cell phones that you will never pay off. Just in 24 months, we have paid $5,700 dollars in cell phone charges.

 I wanted to find a nice phone that I could use to do business more efficiently when I am not in front of my laptop. I didn't want to spend too much on it but I didn't want it to be a piece of junk that would lack features and run slow.

 The Samsung Galaxy Proclaim is actually very user friendly. I had no problem getting it set up when it arrived in the mail. The instructions were very simple. I set up my blue-tooth, synced my social media accounts and transferred my existing number within minutes.

Another Consumer Review of the Straight Talk Samsung Galaxy Proclaim

Note: Go onto Straight Talks website or and buy your plan minutes before you get your phone set up.

 I got my Samsung Galaxy Proclaim through Right now you can get it for $149.98 instead of the retail price at the store of $179.88. With tax and adding a phone protection coverage for $15 for 3 years, it came to about $179.00 all said and done.

The Samsung Galaxy Proclaim has Wi-fi, 3G, GPS, app store, easy social media set up and it syncs everything fast and easy. See all the great features here.

How to transfer your Contacts from your IPhone to your Samsung Galaxy Proclaim

This was a little tricky. All I could find in the user manual and online was to set up my email accounts and it would sync my contacts. Yes and No. It did pull everyone in my Facebook and Google Gmail into my phone but it did not put my contacts from my phone that are not on these accounts.

 After research this is what you need to know and do:

 Turn off the Cloud storage on your IPhone first Now plug your IPhone to your computer to connect to your Itunes account. Back up your IPhone contacts. Just click on your IPhone symbol on left side of screen, then click on file and contacts. Make sure it is on Google Contacts not Windows. Sign in with your google account. Should be the same one you are using for I-tunes. then click on allow on the bottom. Your contacts will now be backed up to your Google account.

Go to your settings on your Samsung Galaxy Proclaim. Click Accounts & Sync. Add your Google account. Tap on the account you added. Make sure you have checked to Sync Contacts and Sync Instant Upload. Your contacts should now sync and add. You may want to turn your phone off and on once you see the sync green symbol stop spinning. This will make sure your SD Card is updated.

Not done yet. Not all of your contacts will be on your phone just yet. Go to your IPhone and add the app My Contacts Backup. Run the free version. Now install and run. All your contacts from your IPhone will be saved and loaded. It will prompt you to enter the email address you will be using as your Google Account. Enter this email address and go check your email. Click on Import to Contacts.

You will now see on the left top of your GMAIL email that it has added all of your contacts. To find your contacts on GMAIL, click on GMAIL button at the top left, click on Contacts.

If you have another duplicated group that says imported contacts, you can delete that Group by clicking on it, it will open the duplicate contact list in your email, then check mark all, click on More and delete Group.

Now go back to your Samsung Galaxy Proclaim, and uncheck the GOOGLE account you synced. Check to sync again. You will see it running. When it is done, turn your phone off and then on. You should now have successfully uploaded all your contacts from your IPhone and your Email Google Accounts.

The Samsung Galaxy Proclaim is very light weight compared to the IPhone. It is very close in size but not in weight. You need a few accessory. The phone when delivered to your home from is just the phone. Unless you ordered these necessary items when you ordered your phone.

Don't forget to order a phone and car charger, screen protectors and a cover.

Straight Talk Samsung Galaxy Proclaim is a Tracfone product ran off the Verizon Cell Towers. The Customer service is not Verizon so questions and help with your phone is going to be answered by Straight Talk Customer Service.

I have read some review that people did not like Straight Talk Customer Service compared to going into any Verizon store. Sometimes that is convenient but you also will pay a lot more for your phone and plan. There are also some reviews that say it can easily get stuck in airplane mode so make sure you do buy the warranty insurance coverage. The camera does not have flash but if you GOOGLE how to add flash, I read that you can add it as well. Here is a video about adding Flash.

What is more important, getting a hold of customer service fast or getting the same great Verizon coverage on a dependable easy to use smart phone and saving a heck of a lot of money?

You as the consumer should always weigh all factors. Once you have, you should be confident in your purchase.

I do recommend the Straight Talk Phone Plan with Verizon Service and the Samsung Galaxy Proclaim.

Thanks for stopping by!

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Laurie Davis
Skype: laurie.davis711

Friday, December 14, 2012

Whopper Celebrates 55 Years

Whopper Celebrates 55 Years

The reason I am decided to blog about this was actually kind of funny. My husband saw the commercial today to get a Whopper for 55 cents for a limited time.

 We got in the car and went and got his 55 cent Whopper. We got home and the advertising on the bags and cup really didn't make sense. On one side there is an ad saying "Celebrating 55 Years of the WHOPPER Sandwich. The other side was a funny looking 70's cartoon character of a short chubby king with orange hair and beside him has a date of 1971.

 Now math is not my strong point but I do know that 2012 minus 1971 is not 55. I had to go and find out what the heck they were talking about. We talked about it and my husband said I bet the WHOPPER was originally presented by another food chain prior to Burger King.

 Picture of the little goofy looking King.
(Our town has the 55 cent deal 13-17, check your area)

 My Research found some interesting facts. First of all the Whopper was originally a signature hamburger product sold by the International fast-food chain, BK's Australian Franchise, HUNGRY JACK'S. The Whopper was introduced in 1957.

The Whopper was created in 1957 by Burger King founder James McLamore and sold for 37 cents.

In 1985, the weight of the Whopper was increased to 1/3 lb. The bun was also replaced by a Kaiser roll. The Whopper reverted to the original formulation in late-1990. The "Third Pound Whopper" made a return in the early 2000's, but has since been discontinued again. Read the full story.

Whopper's 55th Anniversary: Burger King Celebrates With 3 New Items

 Burger King is celebrating the 55th anniversary of the Whopper with three limited time only items, available in restaurants now. The offerings will be served in commemorative retro-style anniversary packaging. As previously rumored, one of the items includes a white cheddar burger (white cheddar is everywhere this season!). Also back on the menu is the Angry Whopper, a spicier version of the original Whopper last seen back in 2009. Finally, the sweet potato fries are getting a tweak, and they are now seasoned with a new blend of spices. Read full story.

Burger King WHOPPER Anniversary TV Commercial


 The Whopper has changed over the years and many say they wish there was no invention of the microwave so they could enjoy that fresh flame broiled right off the grill taste but hey for 55 cents, who's complaining?

Thanks for stopping by!

If you enjoyed this please “comment, like & share” this page…
Laurie Davis
Skype: laurie.davis711

Friday, December 7, 2012

Long Tail Keywords for Content Writers and Bloggers

Long Tail Keywords

A blog is what content writers and online marketers use in order to get their content or products in front of people.  Sharing your links so that you get traffic and sales organically. Free traffic that converts high because the traffic is targeted and unique.

One thing that is important is finding keywords that you know people will be searching for to find your blog. Many marketers starting out will focus on the "broad keywords" or "head keywords"  that are have high traffic and therefore are harder to compete against. This will result in not being. Waste of time.

Researching long tail keywords with low competition is much easier to rank. Ranking is important but not just with GOOGLE. You want to pay attention to the other search engines like Bing and Yahoo they also have a market control in advertising and searches performed for keywords.

25 Fast Facts About Bing Ads

I found a great article sharing 25 Facts about Bing Ads and Keywords. Click here to check out these facts. I was quit surprised as I was use to just referencing Google.

Beginner search marketers often focus on head terms when optimizing their sites for organic search or creating pay-per-click campaigns. This is a mistake—long-tail keywords can offer incredible ROI because they're less competitive to rank for organically and less expensive to bid on for PPC. In addition, people using long tail keywords search queries are often highly qualified and more likely to convert.

The trick is to find a reliable, renewable source of longtail keywords that are relevant to your site and your business niche. Unfortunately, typical keyword suggestion tools don't deliver much in the way of long tail terms. They tend to return limited lists of very popular keywords, leaving you in the dark as to the long tail of search.

So what are your options?

Long Tail Keywords Generator

WordStream's Free Keyword Tool, unlike other keyword suggestion tools, returns a virtually unlimited number of keywords, including multi-word long tail keywords, for use in your organic and paid search campaigns. It's easy to find long tail keywords with this free keyword research tool. Just enter the word you want to research in this tool. You can try this tool for a free trial period. The trial consists of 10 free searches.

Keyword Researcher: A Long Tail Keywords Generator Based On Google


I am very impressed with the Keyword Researcher. It is fast and makes it very easy to find your long tail keywords. There is a free trial for this tool as well. This is a unique software tool for generating low-competition Long Tail Keywords. Keyword Researcher helps you find thousands of long tail keywords by scraping Google's massive Auto-complete database. Click here to start your free trial.  

6 steps to KILLING long tail keywords for SEOs & Content writers

I found an article written by Wil Reynolds on to be an amazing resource. Click here to learn all 6 steps and start using them today. He also has some great tools he recommends.

How to Identify Long-Tail Keywords to Fuel Your PPC Strategy

Blogging and using your long tail keywords will get you organic free traffic but not overnight if you are a new content marketer.  You must start to learn PPC strategies for paid marketing. Here is another great article that does an excellent job explaining how to use the long tail keywords to fuel your PPC marketing. It was written by Dan Slagen on Click here to read his full story!

Happy Blogging!!

Thanks for stopping by!

If you enjoyed this please “comment, like & share” this page…
Laurie Davis
Skype: laurie.davis711