Saturday, January 26, 2013

Define and Visualize your Purpose

What does it mean to define and Visualize your Purpose?

Heck I didn't know 6 months ago. I have been studying the Think and Grow Rich book with my Prosperity Mastermind group and have been enjoying the morning calls and daily night hangouts on google+

Join us Monday through Friday at 9am Eastern time. It is open to everyone that is looking to grow their minds. Dial 712-432-0900 Code 565762#

Today our team did a hangout on how to Visualize Your Purpose. Your Purpose in life is really important to figure out because if you do not know what it is, how are you going to accomplish it?

On this hangout we did an exercise of how to visualize your purpose. For our group we have a purpose to share our Empower Network Training with as many as people as possible because anyone trying to build a business, need this training and blog platform.

Our mission and purpose is to change lives of every person that wants to be an Entrepreneur, Internet Marketer, Network Marketer, whatever! Show them how to market. How to build a business. How to sell anything online. How to be a leader.

What is your purpose? What do you want to accomplish? What is holding you back from going all out and getting the maximum results.

Do this Exercise and see if this helps you to focus in on your Purpose?

Amazing right? How did you feel when you went to a rough time in your life? How did you feel when you saw the white light? The light at the end of the tunnel?

I don't know about you, but it forced me to deal with things I didn't want to deal with. I never really healed from them because I was so busy just trying to survive and figure things out. Sound familiar?

 I balled my eyes out. It was crazy. I had emotions come out that I did not know were so down deep.

Then I felt the light. The place where I need to be. I knew without a doubt I would be there and get what I want. I smiled so big. I felt so good. I felt so at peace. My purpose was crystal clear.

My purpose is to help as many people as I can stop struggling. Not just financially but with whatever in their life is holding them back from being the best they can be.

Define Your Purpose

I hope you get started on defining and visualizing your purpose. Once you make the decision to work on YOU, your life will change drastically and you will attract success, like minded friends and be truly blessed. Remember this, you need to serve others and do daily actions to help others. In doing this you will have what you want.

Thanks for stopping by!

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Laurie Davis
Skype: laurie.davis711
twitter @lauriemdavis

Friday, January 18, 2013

The worst U.S. flu season since 2009

The worst U.S. flu season since 2009

If you have seen the news or heard the radio lately, you know that this years flu is spreading fast and it is said to be the worst flu epidemic since 2009. I have talked to many that have not gotten a flu shot and they do not think it really helps.

The Flu Epidemic of 2013 is causing hundreds of deaths all over the country


Flu Deaths in U.S. Rise Past Epidemic Levels, CDC Says

The worst U.S. flu season since 2009 intensified last week, killing hundreds more people as the viral epidemic spread to additional states, health officials said.

 About 8.3 percent of all deaths nationwide were due to the flu and pneumonia for the week ended Jan. 12, more than the 7.3 percent level for an epidemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said today. About 90 percent of those deaths are people older than age 65, who are being hit particularly hard by this year’s flu strain, the Atlanta-based agency said.

 The flu season, which has now been at epidemic levels for two straight weeks, may result in 36,000 deaths, said William Schaffner, chairman of the department of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, Tennessee. Infections will likely persist through February and March though cases may have peaked in some regions, including the East Coast and Southeast, he said.

 “We are right in the middle,” Schaffner said in a telephone interview. “Influenza just doesn't turn off like a light switch. It may be that in many part of the country it has plateaued and we are seeing some downturns. But we are continuing to see patients hospitalized.”

The outbreak is widespread in 48 states with 30 seeing high levels, the CDC said today. Cases are starting to increase on the West Coast, which hadn’t been hit as severely as the Midwest and eastern states, the agency said. From Dec. 3 through Jan. 12, there have been 5,643 deaths from flu and pneumonia, which is often caused by the flu, the CDC data show.  Read Full Story 

 My family had 2 different types of flu. My husband was sick first with a cough, headache, sinus back up and dizzy. He had a fever of 101 for 2 days as well. This flu was with him for 5 days. He did not have a flu shot.

 I came down with the flu 2 days after my husband. I had cough, stomach ache, body aches, headache and very lethargic. No fever or throwing up. Mine symptoms lasted 3 days. I did not have a flu shot but I take a wide regimen of daily immune supplements, antioxidants, D3,  as well as Protandim. Maybe these supplements did help me to not get as sick.

My 7 year old became sick and she had her flu shot this year. Her symptoms were totally stomach. She threw up over 8 times in 24 hours and then ended with diarrhea. Her doctor said to keep her hydrated and recommended the pedialyte products. She did not get a fever. The flu for her lasted 24 hours.

Stomach Flu

What is stomach flu (viral gastroenteritis)?

Stomach flu is a viral infection that affects the stomach and small intestine. The illness is usually brief, lasting 1 to 3 days. Stomach flu is caused by a different virus than the Influenza viruses which affect the respiratory tract (nose, throat, and lungs). Learn about respiratory tract flu here.

How is it transmitted?

Stomach flu is caused by swallowing certain viruses. Infected people can spread the virus through their secretions, sometimes even before their symptoms begin. The virus can be spread by direct contact with an infected person (for example, kissing or shaking hands) or by sharing food, drink, or eating utensils. The virus enters the stomach and intestine and inflames the lining of these organs. As a result, the stomach and intestine are temporarily unable to perform their usual functions. The virus can also cause food to move more rapidly through your gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Some bacteria and other tiny organisms called protozoa can cause infections that have symptoms similar to those of viral gastroenteritis.

What are the symptoms?

When you have stomach flu, you may have one or more of the following symptoms:
  • Fatigue
  • Chills
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach cramps
  • Diarrhea (liquid stools)
  • Low-grade fever
  • Muscle aches
The illness may develop over a period of hours, or it may suddenly start with stomach cramps, vomiting, or diarrhea. Read Full Story

Is it time to call this a Flu Epidemic?


The Myth that you will get the flu by getting a flu shot, doctors say is  not true. They do say, however, to not get a flu shot if you have a fever or other flu symptoms now. They urge the elderly and the children to get a flu shot right away.  

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Laurie Davis
Skype: laurie.davis711


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Have you heard of the Shred Diet?

Is the Shred Diet the Answer to losing the last 20 pounds?

I saw this diet mentioned today on one of the Morning shows. They were interviewing the creator of the Shred Diet, Dr. Ian K. Smith, M.D. He stated that he wanted to create a diet plan that was a combination of the best diets that he found to work well. Many people, especially the older they get, have a hard time losing the last 20 p0unds or so. They may exercise every day, try the latest fads or shakes but never get to the size or weight they really want to be at. If that is you, the Shred Diet may deliver the results you are looking for. Download the E-bo0k now, CLICK HERE

Shred, The Revolutionary Diet

  Dr. Ian K. Smith, M.D states that you can maximize your weight loss by exercising half hour a few times a week. He said you can lose weight without exercising but you want to maximize your weight loss. One key is diet confusion just like when fitness experts encourage muscle confusion. The Shred Diet shows you it is important to switch your food everyday. Otherwise, when you eat the same food or follow the same diet, your body stops responding. You hit your  a plateau.

The Shred Diet is a Simple Plan to Follow

You are spacing our meals. This keeps your hormone levels even through out the day, which is what I really need and works for me because I am borderline Diabetic. There is no need to buy food from special stores or online. Just shop from your local grocery store.

If you do decide to give the Shred Diet a try, shoot me your results and I will share in a follow up article. Share by video or pics if you like.

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Thanks for stopping by!

Laurie Davis
skype laurie.davis711
twitter @lauriemdavis

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Egg-less Pineapple Cake Recipe

Yummy! Great Recipe for Egg-less Pineapple Cake

Carrot cake recipe without eggs


 Fruit Cake Recipe 


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 If you enjoyed this please “comment, like & share this page…

Laurie Davis
Skype: laurie.davis711

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

How To Run A Top Mobile Marketing Campaign

Mobile marketing is flexible. You can do it full-time or just enough to make a supplemental income. These tips will tell you what the experts know in achieving success in mobile marketing.

 If you really want to mount a successful mobile marketing campaign, only send the best offers possible to users. This will guarantee that your customers will not become annoyed or bored at receiving messages from you. You want them to look forward to the next deal you send their way.

Run a picture-to-screen campaign. This type of campaign allows your customers to post their photos to your site. Using a short code, they can then forward the photograph to a digital screen, which instantly displays the picture. These photos can be displayed on a single television or multiple digital billboards.
Make certain that your mobile marketing content is visible and function on every platform. You have to take all different kinds of devices from random phones into account when developing your strategy. Your scripting needs to be compatible with all of them for your campaign to be effective.

Potential Audience with Mobile Marketing


It is important to do research about your potential audience. Before you make assumptions and put a lot of money into mobile marketing efforts, make sure you analyze your audience and their preferences. For example, what is your customer's preferred method of contact? Do they tend to use one operating system platform more than another? Learn about your potential audience, and you'll be better able to reach them.

 Even though your goal with most marketing plans is to increase your customer base, you must remember that with mobile marketing you are working to maintain customers instead. Your existing customers are going to be far more receptive to receiving text messages and updates than new ones. New customers often view mobile marketing as spam.

 If you decide a mobile app would be something that may help, you have to make sure that your customers shall find it convenient and helpful. If your customers feel that your app is unnecessary, they will not use it.

Get as much info about your audience so you can target all of their needs and wants. That way you'll have a much higher chance of the recipients wanting to read your advertisements.

Before formally launching your mobile marketing campaign, conduct thorough usability tests among your target market. Your campaign will be useless if you do not send out efficient messages. Get your coworker's impressions of your campaign messages before starting.

 For your mobile site, it's important to come up with ways to convey your information in as few words as possible. Having tons of content will only serve to frustrate your customers, so keep your writing to a minimum. Mobile marketing is all about concise advertising.

 Make sure you're relevant. Sometimes in an effort to expand marketing efforts, business owners can rush their presentation of an opportunity or communication that ends up taking away from business reputation because of its sloppiness. Be sure that prospective and current customers are getting information that is relevant. When you are providing the products they truly need, they will reward you with their business.

 Prior to implementing a new mobile marketing strategy, it is important to make sure that your current strategies are working effectively. It is important to figure out your campaign's potential for longevity in addition to its impact on sales numbers. When you get the first one on the right track, you will be ready to start your next venture.

Mobile Marketing

The key with mobile marketing is location. Mobile marketing has a distinct differential; it knows where you physically are. With mobile marketing there are location-based options available that is not currently available with any other type of marketing. You should look for effective ways to implement these features in your mobile marketing campaign.

Test your mobile marketing to see that it works on every type of platform your readers could use. Your messages should work on all mobile devices no matter the platform. It's going to be a lot easier for you to use a simplified message, rather than trying to make a custom message work across all platforms. Mobile marketing is reliant upon the KISS principle.

 In order to entice customers and expand your branding, use QR codes. QR codes allow you to easily share coupons, promotions, and discounts. These codes are easy to implement for the vendor and easy for customers to capture with a phone camera. You can contact your customers in a easy way and with good information.

 Your customer base doesn't change unless the market changes, but customers come and go. If you want to remain competitive, you must make sure you are offering the most current in terms of technology.

 Use your traditional website. If you need a simple way to get your viewers to take advantage of your mobile sites and smartphone apps, make sure they are aware of these by promoting them on your base website. Once they visit your site, they'll see how much easier it is to reach you when they are busy and on the go.

 Make your mobile marketing campaign a two-way street. Give the customers receiving your messages a way to send you feedback so that you can connect with them and improve your services. Regardless of a customer's opinion, you can always use feedback to improve your strategies.

 Mobile platforms that are designed as standalone also need home bases to be successful. Focus your efforts on creating a mobile presence that brings new visitors to your domain and connecting with existing visitors. Do not focus your business on your mobile marketing endeavors solely.

Use maps that work with a variety of mobile devices to attract customers. By including maps, customers can look up your location quickly from their phone.

Mission Statement

Provide what your customers want. You should understand what your customers need and use that premise as your basic mobile marketing advertisement. If you don't understand what your customers want, how can you deliver it to them?

In order to succeed, you must be willing to learn all about them. A well composed mission statement can help you to stay on course with your mobile marketing campaign. Having the mission statement around will help you stay ethical. Mobile marketing is not brain surgery, but there a few things to consider. It is the hot new way to promote your business, but it will definitely take a good amount of work and commitment.

By using the advice listed above, you will surely be able to make more sales.

Learn Exactly How to Market your Network Marketing Business 3 Weird Marketing Tricks!The Power of Language Read David Woods Blog, Unveiling The Mysteries Of Success

Thanks for stopping by!


Laurie Davis
Skype: laurie.davis711

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Rewind YouTube Style 2012

I love watching YouTube Videos!

I could spend hours on YouTube. I totally wish I had thought of it. I grew up in a different era. Majority of people 40 and up HATE getting their pics taken let alone a video.

It blows my mind how much my kids love recording their every move, every facial expression, every single MOMENT of their lives...

 I guess it is good in a way because they actually seem to love themselves. I mean, most of my friends have such low self esteem. I think it is because we looked so funny in those 70's pictures. The quality of video was just awful and it was not convenient to record or play.

 Enough about me and my shock of Video Obsessions... YouTube put together a channel of the top popular videos of 2012. I have to admit, I have subscribed to many of them. Who doesn't like to be entertained?  

Check out the Top YouTube Trending Videos (Global)

Pretty cool...The people in these videos really are talented. You will enjoy this too. YouTube had these Video Stars get together and do a Rewind of 2012.

Rewind YouTube Style 2012

Fun to watch right? Can't wait to see what they do next year.

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Laurie Davis
Skype: laurie.davis711