Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Have you heard of the Shred Diet?

Is the Shred Diet the Answer to losing the last 20 pounds?

I saw this diet mentioned today on one of the Morning shows. They were interviewing the creator of the Shred Diet, Dr. Ian K. Smith, M.D. He stated that he wanted to create a diet plan that was a combination of the best diets that he found to work well. Many people, especially the older they get, have a hard time losing the last 20 p0unds or so. They may exercise every day, try the latest fads or shakes but never get to the size or weight they really want to be at. If that is you, the Shred Diet may deliver the results you are looking for. Download the E-bo0k now, CLICK HERE

Shred, The Revolutionary Diet

  Dr. Ian K. Smith, M.D states that you can maximize your weight loss by exercising half hour a few times a week. He said you can lose weight without exercising but you want to maximize your weight loss. One key is diet confusion just like when fitness experts encourage muscle confusion. The Shred Diet shows you it is important to switch your food everyday. Otherwise, when you eat the same food or follow the same diet, your body stops responding. You hit your  a plateau.

The Shred Diet is a Simple Plan to Follow

You are spacing our meals. This keeps your hormone levels even through out the day, which is what I really need and works for me because I am borderline Diabetic. There is no need to buy food from special stores or online. Just shop from your local grocery store.

If you do decide to give the Shred Diet a try, shoot me your results and I will share in a follow up article. Share by video or pics if you like.

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Laurie Davis
skype laurie.davis711
twitter @lauriemdavis

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