Saturday, January 26, 2013

Define and Visualize your Purpose

What does it mean to define and Visualize your Purpose?

Heck I didn't know 6 months ago. I have been studying the Think and Grow Rich book with my Prosperity Mastermind group and have been enjoying the morning calls and daily night hangouts on google+

Join us Monday through Friday at 9am Eastern time. It is open to everyone that is looking to grow their minds. Dial 712-432-0900 Code 565762#

Today our team did a hangout on how to Visualize Your Purpose. Your Purpose in life is really important to figure out because if you do not know what it is, how are you going to accomplish it?

On this hangout we did an exercise of how to visualize your purpose. For our group we have a purpose to share our Empower Network Training with as many as people as possible because anyone trying to build a business, need this training and blog platform.

Our mission and purpose is to change lives of every person that wants to be an Entrepreneur, Internet Marketer, Network Marketer, whatever! Show them how to market. How to build a business. How to sell anything online. How to be a leader.

What is your purpose? What do you want to accomplish? What is holding you back from going all out and getting the maximum results.

Do this Exercise and see if this helps you to focus in on your Purpose?

Amazing right? How did you feel when you went to a rough time in your life? How did you feel when you saw the white light? The light at the end of the tunnel?

I don't know about you, but it forced me to deal with things I didn't want to deal with. I never really healed from them because I was so busy just trying to survive and figure things out. Sound familiar?

 I balled my eyes out. It was crazy. I had emotions come out that I did not know were so down deep.

Then I felt the light. The place where I need to be. I knew without a doubt I would be there and get what I want. I smiled so big. I felt so good. I felt so at peace. My purpose was crystal clear.

My purpose is to help as many people as I can stop struggling. Not just financially but with whatever in their life is holding them back from being the best they can be.

Define Your Purpose

I hope you get started on defining and visualizing your purpose. Once you make the decision to work on YOU, your life will change drastically and you will attract success, like minded friends and be truly blessed. Remember this, you need to serve others and do daily actions to help others. In doing this you will have what you want.

Thanks for stopping by!

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Laurie Davis
Skype: laurie.davis711
twitter @lauriemdavis

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