Friday, January 18, 2013

The worst U.S. flu season since 2009

The worst U.S. flu season since 2009

If you have seen the news or heard the radio lately, you know that this years flu is spreading fast and it is said to be the worst flu epidemic since 2009. I have talked to many that have not gotten a flu shot and they do not think it really helps.

The Flu Epidemic of 2013 is causing hundreds of deaths all over the country


Flu Deaths in U.S. Rise Past Epidemic Levels, CDC Says

The worst U.S. flu season since 2009 intensified last week, killing hundreds more people as the viral epidemic spread to additional states, health officials said.

 About 8.3 percent of all deaths nationwide were due to the flu and pneumonia for the week ended Jan. 12, more than the 7.3 percent level for an epidemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said today. About 90 percent of those deaths are people older than age 65, who are being hit particularly hard by this year’s flu strain, the Atlanta-based agency said.

 The flu season, which has now been at epidemic levels for two straight weeks, may result in 36,000 deaths, said William Schaffner, chairman of the department of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, Tennessee. Infections will likely persist through February and March though cases may have peaked in some regions, including the East Coast and Southeast, he said.

 “We are right in the middle,” Schaffner said in a telephone interview. “Influenza just doesn't turn off like a light switch. It may be that in many part of the country it has plateaued and we are seeing some downturns. But we are continuing to see patients hospitalized.”

The outbreak is widespread in 48 states with 30 seeing high levels, the CDC said today. Cases are starting to increase on the West Coast, which hadn’t been hit as severely as the Midwest and eastern states, the agency said. From Dec. 3 through Jan. 12, there have been 5,643 deaths from flu and pneumonia, which is often caused by the flu, the CDC data show.  Read Full Story 

 My family had 2 different types of flu. My husband was sick first with a cough, headache, sinus back up and dizzy. He had a fever of 101 for 2 days as well. This flu was with him for 5 days. He did not have a flu shot.

 I came down with the flu 2 days after my husband. I had cough, stomach ache, body aches, headache and very lethargic. No fever or throwing up. Mine symptoms lasted 3 days. I did not have a flu shot but I take a wide regimen of daily immune supplements, antioxidants, D3,  as well as Protandim. Maybe these supplements did help me to not get as sick.

My 7 year old became sick and she had her flu shot this year. Her symptoms were totally stomach. She threw up over 8 times in 24 hours and then ended with diarrhea. Her doctor said to keep her hydrated and recommended the pedialyte products. She did not get a fever. The flu for her lasted 24 hours.

Stomach Flu

What is stomach flu (viral gastroenteritis)?

Stomach flu is a viral infection that affects the stomach and small intestine. The illness is usually brief, lasting 1 to 3 days. Stomach flu is caused by a different virus than the Influenza viruses which affect the respiratory tract (nose, throat, and lungs). Learn about respiratory tract flu here.

How is it transmitted?

Stomach flu is caused by swallowing certain viruses. Infected people can spread the virus through their secretions, sometimes even before their symptoms begin. The virus can be spread by direct contact with an infected person (for example, kissing or shaking hands) or by sharing food, drink, or eating utensils. The virus enters the stomach and intestine and inflames the lining of these organs. As a result, the stomach and intestine are temporarily unable to perform their usual functions. The virus can also cause food to move more rapidly through your gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Some bacteria and other tiny organisms called protozoa can cause infections that have symptoms similar to those of viral gastroenteritis.

What are the symptoms?

When you have stomach flu, you may have one or more of the following symptoms:
  • Fatigue
  • Chills
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach cramps
  • Diarrhea (liquid stools)
  • Low-grade fever
  • Muscle aches
The illness may develop over a period of hours, or it may suddenly start with stomach cramps, vomiting, or diarrhea. Read Full Story

Is it time to call this a Flu Epidemic?


The Myth that you will get the flu by getting a flu shot, doctors say is  not true. They do say, however, to not get a flu shot if you have a fever or other flu symptoms now. They urge the elderly and the children to get a flu shot right away.  

Thanks for stopping by!

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Laurie Davis
Skype: laurie.davis711


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