Thursday, January 3, 2013

Rewind YouTube Style 2012

I love watching YouTube Videos!

I could spend hours on YouTube. I totally wish I had thought of it. I grew up in a different era. Majority of people 40 and up HATE getting their pics taken let alone a video.

It blows my mind how much my kids love recording their every move, every facial expression, every single MOMENT of their lives...

 I guess it is good in a way because they actually seem to love themselves. I mean, most of my friends have such low self esteem. I think it is because we looked so funny in those 70's pictures. The quality of video was just awful and it was not convenient to record or play.

 Enough about me and my shock of Video Obsessions... YouTube put together a channel of the top popular videos of 2012. I have to admit, I have subscribed to many of them. Who doesn't like to be entertained?  

Check out the Top YouTube Trending Videos (Global)

Pretty cool...The people in these videos really are talented. You will enjoy this too. YouTube had these Video Stars get together and do a Rewind of 2012.

Rewind YouTube Style 2012

Fun to watch right? Can't wait to see what they do next year.

Thanks for stopping by!

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Laurie Davis
Skype: laurie.davis711

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