Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Empower Network 1 Year Anniversary, Join the Revolution

Learn the skills to make money online with Empower Network

Looking for a JOB? Just out of College? Are you Laid off? Stay at home mom or just sick of your JOB?
 People of all backgrounds and age have found that Empower Network gave them what they were looking for.  

Today marks 1 year since Empower Network launched online. In this short amount of time the income results for their affiliates defy logic. It normally does not happen this fast. Why are normal people, not Guru's able to make this much money in such a short amount of time?
  Watch this Video as David Wood shares with you why! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Obviously, this is just what our top 30 people have done, and doesn't guarantee income of any kind. Refer to the 'income disclosure' link. We cannot guarantee income but we can show the proof that people have made a ton of money with hard work and consistency. This is not a ponzi scheme.

People are successful because the follow the 8 chore commitments in Empower Network which includes owning all of the training products. The training teaches you how to market. It is powerful to have this knowledge. Imagine knowing how to target your market to drive the people that want what you have to your business? With this knowledge you can drive traffic and make money in any business you own or promote as well as recruit.

Are you going to sit back and watch others make life changing money or are you going to get in on the Revolution now? Join this Revolution NOW. Watch this Video!  

David Wood, the Founder of Empower Network, sent out a post on Facebook today sharing his vision for 2013! All I can say is WOW! I am blessed to be apart of this and the best is yet to come!! Click here to read and see testimonies!  

Below is a little video message from me, explaining why I love Empower Network 100% Commissions! I'm not the best at videos but I feel passionate about this and I want you to realize what you are missing out on if you don't take action TODAY!


Happy Birthday Candles Click here to getImages & Happy Birthday Candles Pictures - Pictures  

 If you enjoyed this please “comment, like & share” this page…
 Laurie Davis
Skype: laurie.davis711
Work With Me Personally– Click here to Join our team!    

 PS: Earn $500-1200 Per Day to use towards your advertising   budget for your primary business!   The Easy Way Here!   If you enjoyed this post about (Empower Network 1 year Anniversary) please comment below!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Empower Networks offers a completely set up Blogging System

Empower Network blogging platform and training is top notch.

If you haven't heard of Empower Network yet, you will. The reason is that people all over the world are learning how to blog and make money in any business. Empower Network takes the headache out of trying to set up your own wordpress blog. A blog to set up properly with all the plug ins and hosting is very expensive and time consuming.

 Empower Network is a high authority site with GOOGLE

Empower Network is a high authority site (Google already loves them) that is a blog platform completely set up and ready to use. Get started now for only $25 and save over $1400 dollars in products and training. You will be on your way to earning money and recruiting for your business.

Blogging is powerful for many reasons and Empower Network shows you how.

1.) Blogging enables you to share anything you are interested in or care about and connect with like minded people.
2.) Blogging is the only way that you can share your business links without being considered spam, for free, other than placing paid ads or free classified or solo ads.
 3.) Blogging creates an audience that gains trust. It enables you to build a sales funnel of people that will buy from you because they trust you.
4.) People work with people they trust. Sharing relevant content with them, solutions and proof you know what you are talking about, makes them want to work with you. Great recruiting tool
5.) Stay connected to your team and give them assignments to make sure they know how to run their business as well as create team culture.
 6.) Google loves fresh content and will promote your site when people search the keywords you write about.

I made a quick video about blogging. Watch it below.

I have seem some training programs boasting that their is no blogging required. They are totally missing the boat. Regardless of what training they give you on marketing and recruiting, blogging is the key.  You should be blogging daily. Consistency is the key. The gurus blog daily and they also drop a ton of money into paid advertising. Majority of people in network marketing or affiliate marketing do not have a huge marketing budget to drop money into paid advertising. Blogging works and will build a solid business.

Not all Blogging Sites are Equal

A free blog platform is  great for getting use to blogging or to blog for fun but you do not want a free blog for your business. You putting all your hard work into it and if  you write something they don't like, they will shut down your blog. You will lose all the articles you wrote and followers, which is possible leads in the near future. They can do this because they own the hosting. NOT YOU!

Empower Network set up the blog for you with hosting you pay for within your $25. It is a full blown blog, which is what all the Gurus use. You will not be at risk at losing your blog. If you wanted to you could have a free blog with Google Blogger and then copy and paste your blog into it and then post it on google+ right away.

Just another way to hit another audience and Google+ is owned by Google so they like you using all their products. By doing this Google will automatically show your blog in the top 10 to all google+ users when they search your  keyword. Cool, right?

P.S. Did I mention that Empower Network pays 100% in affiliate commissions for referring others to the blogging and training system. Watch this video now.

 If you enjoyed this please “comment, like & share” this page…

 Laurie Davis

 Skype: laurie.davis711
 Work With Me Personally– Click here to Join my team

P.P.S: Earn $500-1200 Per Day to use towards your advertising  budget for your primary business! The Easy Way Here!
  If you enjoyed this post about (Empower Network Blogging System) please comment below!              

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Are you prepared for Hurricane SANDY?



My family and I have been watching closely to see if this storm will be bringing heavy winds, rain or snow our way.

We were fortunate during the summer to not be without power for weeks at a time but many of our friends and family were not.

Are you prepared for a national disaster to occur? Do not wait until it is too late to be prepared. The first things off the shelf in a storm and outage are water, generators, candles, batteries, toilet paper, paper towels, cooler and ice.
The last storm was right in the middle of the hottest part of summer. People were out of power for weeks. They lost all their food in the freezers and refrigerators. They didn't have a generator to run a fan or window air conditioner and could not find ice anywhere to keep a cooler full of food and drinks. Many could not even go to work because their place of business was without power. They lost pay which they could not afford to do.

Do you have a back up plan in place?

Did you know you could work a business online, part time, from home? You can start this now and as it grows, it will be the cushion you need when you are not earning a pay check. Being prepared has everything to do with being able to survive financially and physically. Buy these items now and build your savings account today. You can buy these items before they are in high demand. that are in high demand. I suggest you buy books on survival. It will really help you to realize how "not" prepared you are. Time and time again we hear the stories of what can happen, but we get caught up in the daily grind and forget to get things done. Don't wait. Start today...Let me show you how.

The Weather Channel tone turns ominous for hurricane, its collision course with other systems

NEW YORK – The Weather Channel had its third straight day of a round-the-clock vigil for the approaching superstorm, and the tone of its meteorologists turned more ominous Sunday with evidence building that their forecasts would come true. The network is planning to live-stream its television coverage online so people in the eastern United States who lose power can keep up with the news on their mobile devices. The storm is expected to affect some 50 million people. "We want you to know we are not hyping this storm, OK?" on-air meteorologist Vivian Brown said. "We don't do that at The Weather Channel because we want you to be alert and aware." Other television networks mixed news of Hurricane Sandy with stories like the presidential campaign. In New York, the local CBS outlet ran a split screen with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie delivering a storm briefing Sunday afternoon and the New York Jets' game against the Miami Dolphins. But Hurricane Sandy, which is mixing with other weather systems to create a storm of unprecedented strength in the region, kept the undivided attention of The Weather Channel. The network's Julie Martin, stationed on a beach in Nags Head, N.C., looked increasingly weary of the wind and rain as she described the storm's staying power in a series of live reports. Meteorologist Jim Cantore, the network's most visible personality, said it was unlike anything he'd ever seen or covered. He had to take a brief break from his live reports from New York's Battery Park City to move his belongings because his hotel had been evacuated; his publicist's apartment was also in the evacuation zone. Bryan Norcross, the network's senior hurricane specialist, explained in an interview that the network tries to keep its tone serious yet urgent. The network's computer models have been consistent in their forecasts of the storm and it has been acting as anticipated, perhaps with even more strength. "Our goal has been to get people to appreciate the magnitude of the storm and try to prove to them that, based on everything we know, that this is going to be a system that is outside of their experience," Norcross said. The Weather Channel sent a message via Twitter calling it "an extraordinary storm, an extremely serious threat" and urged followers to re-tweet it. The storm "will occupy a place in the annals of weather history as one of the most extraordinary to have affected the United States," the network tweeted. Quickly, the Business Insider tweeted: "WHOA. The Weather Channel meteorologist just completely freaked out." Twitter filled with messages of concern for people in its path, as well as a few oddities. Comic Ricky Gervais made an unprintable suggestion as a joke, while media mogul Rupert Murdoch tweeted: "Eerie feeling, but kids getting ready to celebrate no school." ABC News posted a blog of storm-related news, while another Twitter message contained links to live webcams where computer users could track the storm's progress. Cosmopolitan magazine tweeted advice for "how to cut your bangs at home (because if you're going to be house-bound for Sandy, why not?)." ''Sesame Street" offered a hurricane toolkit to help children understand what's going on. Judging by The Weather Channel, there were also people who saw a business opportunity. There were frequent commercials from companies that make generators for people to keep electricity going in their homes if the power lines go down. Partly to underline the seriousness of the situation, The Weather Channel has refrained from using the "Frankenstorm" nickname coined by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration last week when the storm was a model on its computer forecasts. "Being cute about this storm is not the right idea," Norcross said.
Read more:
  If you enjoyed this please “comment, like & share” this page… Laurie Davis Skype: laurie.davis711 Work With Me Personally– Click here to Join my team PS: Earn $500-1200 Per Day The Easy Way Here! If you enjoyed this post about (Pushing Through) please comment below!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Do You Need a Reason To Keep Pushing Through

I listened today to the Inner Circle Interview within the training of the Empower Network for the 3rd time,  from the Costa Rica Masters Retreat and again got something I had not picked up on before.

At the beginning of the audio, David Sharpe goes onto talk about needing a reason to keep pushing on. Do you ever feel that you just want to hide in cave because you told your family that this is the business that will make you rich and you barely make 2 bucks an hour for all the work you have done? What can happen when you make a decision to take your power back? Take responsibility for you and your actions.

You are not alone. This is what everyone of us go through in starting a home based business. You have to remember, when you go from a paycheck that you really do not have to do anything different or push yourself hard to earn every day into the transition of owning your own business.

On the audio a story was shared about a guy named Scott. He was at the point when he was going to take his own life. He was in his car driving, and he had the items with him to pull this off. However his car  got stuck, so he decided, for whatever reason, to put in the audio from our Inner Circle about being inspired and about feeling like a failure and how to not give in to it. It saved his life. A reason for pushing on, may be not be just about your business, but in life.




Crazy happy people, right? Well this is what it is like all the time with the folks that decided to GET ALL IN.
It is hard and it is frustrating at times.

 You need to understand that you need to build the foundation of your business, you need to make it strong and you need to take the time to do it. You cannot expect it to happen over night.
Think about this though, massive action equals massive results. You must take action and you must not quit on YOURSELF.


You need to:
1.) Have a game plan
2.) Set reasonable goals
3.) Educate Yourself
4.) Plug into Coaching
5.) Set a budget to advertise
6.) Get in the Empower Network

We will help you do "ALL OF THE ABOVE"

You want to know the real secrets? You need to surround yourself around the best of the best.

The Empower Network is the best of the best in the Industry
I have been there so many times. But, every time I push myself through it, I have amazing results. So many people only focus on the success and money that people they follow make. They think it was easy for them.

What they are not seeing is that each of these people have failed their way to success. They have spent hundreds if not thousands on products, training and start up and monthly fees. Only to be discouraged because they are spending more money than they are making.

Then they quit. They quit all of the things they have been doing. They quit and close their minds down from even reading the emails that come from the company they have been trying to promote.

They crawl in a corner and give up. If they had kept going and pushing through, what results would they have seen?

I can tell you from my own personal break through  and from the results and break through others with the of the Empower Network are experiencing.

Majority of the people in Empower Network have failed in other business ventures. Whether it be an mlm or just affiliate marketing. It is hard to make money with an mlm and affiliate marketing when you do not know what you are doing. Our current success is from being plugged into a system that works and people that care.

You need knowledge and training. You need to get educated. You need to take it seriously. Never give up and push through the hopelessness.

We will give you the reason to believe again. A reason to believe in yourself again. We are a group of people that will believe in you until you believe in YOU.

This is real people getting real results. They understand the need to get trained every day, to be consistent, to spend money to make money, and to push themselves past what they thought they could.
If you get serious about your business and your life, you can experience in the next 30 days, a massive break through.

Plan big and take the step to just get in with us. Get the training you need. We give you everything you need to know, a game plan to run with us and you will give the results you deserve.

Success can come fast when you actually make up your mind that you are going to do whatever it takes to make it happen.

We call it following the 8 core commitments. This is the secret to what we do. We do this daily and it WORKS.

Are you ready to stop the pain and misery and stop struggling?

David Wood shares a story of a couple that believed they could make 10k a month and did! This is what Empower is about. It is a community of people that are sharing their knowledge, helping people meet their goals and making serious money with the education Empower offers.

Simple get trained and follow the 8 core commitments and you too can have what you want. Just believe in yourself, no you can do it and join this amazing group of people. See what we are talking about now.

The best part about doing something that's really for the people, is getting messages every day like this... think it's time to listen?

------------start of message---------------
Hi David, Alex and Erica here from New Zealand. We just wanted to share something with you. We met you in San Diego, you shook our hand and looked us right in the eye and
told us we'd be hitting $10K a month after the event.We looked at each other and tried to imagine what that would feel like ...
We just had our first $10K month, actually we're sitting on $12K+ and the month is not even over.
We just want to share this with you because we were a lot like Naime Arthur (sorry for the spelling) ... but after hearing her tell her story on stage we said to each other, "what if we just follow the 8 Core Commitments to the letter and see what happens?"
So we came back to NZ and just threw ourselves into the 8 Core Commitments ... and here we are ... hitting our first $10K month within a month of the San Diego event!
And now we have people coming out of the wood work wanting to know OUR SECRET ... and all we tell them is this, "just follow the 8 Core Commitments!"
This is so FUNNY!!!
Thank you for being so REAL and telling it like it is!
We are so grateful for what you have created for all of us and we'll see you in Austin!
Alex and Erica
----------end of message-----------------
You know, I just got back from Singapore - the best part of the trip, was meeting a 15 year old malaysian kid with chron's disease making $3,000 per month.
The kid can't even hold a regular job, and he can barely eat - so he joined Empower Network, and is making more money than all his teachers in school.
This month, he's made more than $7,000 - this is a 15 year old in a 3rd world country with a disease that is life threatening.
In malaysia, $7,000 in a month is the equivalent of what $21,000 is in the united states - a 15 year old, with chron's disease.
What bull shit excuse is it time to 'slay'?
-----------------end of David Woods Post-----------------

Lately I have seen a lot of ads from people with Neucopia trying to convince people to join Neucopia not Empower Network.

You do not see ads from Empower People saying not to join Neucopia. Instead we would say, "Hey do both!"
I even wrote a review on Neucopia and a Video. It is a good company with a good training program. Read my review here.

We believe in multiple streams of income and getting as much training as you can.

Empower Network, first and foremost is not about the opportunity to make money, but rather, the training that is priceless.

Empower Network has over 40,000 people that just bought the training and wanted a blog already set up for them. They did not pay to be affiliates. They are not getting paid to refer people to Empower. They took the training and the blog and are using it to grow their current business.

The training is like having a bachelors degree. It is that good. It is years of training packed into webnars and audios. It is the best, period.

Ok so make the decision and GET ALL IN AND GET RESULTS!

If you enjoyed this please “comment, like & share” this page…

Laurie Davis
Skype: laurie.davis711

Work With Me Personally– Click here to Join my team

PS: Earn $500-1200 Per Day
The Easy Way Here!

If you enjoyed this post about (Pushing Through) please comment below!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Interesting And Innovating Ideas For Mobile Marketing Campaigns

Some industries absolutely must use mobile marketing to survive, but using it well can be difficult. There is so much to learn both on the marketing side and the technical side. Keep reading for some guidelines on implementing an effective mobile marketing campaign. Your mobile marketing call to action should be extremely simple and user-friendly. It is much easier to fill out a lengthy form on a PC than it is to do so on a small, limited smartphone keypad. You should make it easy for someone to add themselves to your company mailing list. Use a variety of ways to communicate your marketing efforts. This will be much more effective. For instance, send direct mail containing information on an event, like a 50% off sale. You could send out an email a few days before the event, and then send a follow up email shortly before the sale is to start.

What Mobile Marketing Experts Do

Expert mobile marketers deploy various aspects of their marketing strategies in sequence. This should be your strategy as well. You can start with a text messaging campaign, expand into using mobile websites, then incorporate mobile apps and eventually deliver videos to mobile devices. Keep progressing and improving your overall mobile marketing campaign. Use all that you have.

Mobile Marketing

Prior to implementing a new mobile marketing strategy, it is important to make sure that your current strategies are working effectively. The long-term durability of your campaign is more important than its impact on total sales when it comes to mobile marketing. Apply the same formula to design a better campaign. Take advantage of dedicated short code. Even though it's more expensive, it can safeguard and promote your brand. It also provides you with a degree of legal coverage. Check out the things your rivals are doing, you will get advantage when it comes to social network marketing. It is important that you are distinguishable from your competition. Promote your mobile campaign wherever possible. Utilize sites like Twitter and Facebook, as well as your own store front to promote your mobile marketing plan. This should give your marketing campaign the widest possible reach and attract a variety of different potential customers. When starting a mobile marketing campaign, make sure that it works correctly for the major mobile platforms. Not every potential customer is using the same mobile device, and you would not want to eliminate any that your campaign was not able to reach. You will need to make your mobile campaign compatible for all mobile devices.

Google Maps

Mobile Marketing
Give customers something, and get ready to receive much more in return. It's important to offer incentives with any mobile marketing endeavor. Consider offering weather alerts or information about local events. Increase participation by offering coupons. Use mobile-friendly maps and driving directions on your site. A lot of people use apps to locate places. List your business with Google Maps and similar websites. Be easily accessible. Have maps that are clear, so when people do a search it is easier to find. Include a link that allows the customer to find your location through Google Maps. You can reward loyal customers and even chase new ones by delivering coupons through Multimedia Messaging Services. To help increase business you may wish to send promotional codes. You can link these codes to a mobile site with a tracking code. Both coupons and promotional codes are wonderful ways to reward your customers and attract new customers. Take the time to learn from your audience and competitors before launching your campaign. Listen to your clients' needs and act accordingly. Use your phone to see what the competition is doing, and use their ideas if they would work to boost your business. Do not message your customers randomly. Only send them information that they'll find relevant and useful. Nothing will crash your marketing campaign faster than annoying your customers with random things. Readers can get random entertainment from their friends. They prefer to receive quality content from businesses. Spending money to create a successful mobile website is worth the investment, because it will optimize your site for a variety of mobile devices. It can be quite difficult to develop a mobile website that is attractive and appealing. Leave this to the professionals if you doubt your talent at all. Work for your customers. Understanding the basic needs of your consumers is key to making mobile marketing work. If you are not aware of what your customers want, it is going to be very difficult to sell them anything. Therefore, when you first meet a customer, you should try to find out exactly what they are looking for. Make your mobile marketing messages compatible with as many platforms as possible. Every message should read properly on a wide variety of mobile devices, including Apple iOS devices, Android devices, Blackberries and more. It can also save time and effort if you write simple, non-customized messages that suit every platform. This KISS principle applies here. Include discount coupons or coupon codes in your mobile marketing campaign. People love a deal. If a customer gets an incentive to check out your site, they will be more likely to do so.

Mobile Marketing

Understanding and properly utilizing mobile marketing is crucial to the success of any modern business. This will make it easy for you to know which mobile marketing strategies suit your business needs. By implementing what you have learned from this article, you will give yourself a head start in mobile marketing. Learn Exactly How to Market your Network Marketing Business 3 Weird Marketing Tricks!The Power of Language Read David Woods Blog, Unveiling The Mysteries Of Success P.S.  Leave your thoughts in the comments below, and be sure to share this on Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter. Laurie Davis

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Joel Olsteen Living with Purpose, Power and Passion

Joel Olsteen Living with Purpose, Power and Passion

Have you have had a hard time getting out of bed to start your day because you do not know your purpose? You know your life is about more than just waking up to an alarm clock and going to work for 8 hours, fighting traffic home, eating dinner too late, not feeling like doing anything else but crashing, only to go to bed and wake up and do it again tomorrow?

This video is very motivational. I am not a follower of Joel Olsteen when it comes to his sermons but I do really love his motivational messages and his books.

Joel Olsteen is an amazing speaker whether you believe in GOD or Religion

GOD wants you to live a life with purpose and he wants you to have a an amazing life.

 Joel Olsteen's book Living with Purpose, Power and Passion was an awesome book to read. I highly suggest you reading anything by Joel Olsteen. I find him to be so inspiring and he makes me feel like GOD had him write these books to speak directly to me.

Sometimes we don't know what to do to make us happy. Make a habit of reading every day. Whether it is a book from Joel Olsteen or someone else. It does not matter your beliefs, we all need to be inspired, motivated and pushed.

When you are growing up, life is hard, you get beat down, you get disappointed. Sometimes you feel like you can't do anything right and you are not suppose to have good things.

This is all just horse crap. We all are born to be exceptional. We just need to work on ourselves daily and push out the daily negativity we face.

I hope you found this blog encouraging. Share what inspired you about this post and Joel Olsteen's book if you read it.

Here is my facebook link. Please "Like" my page.

Click the link below to buy this now. You will love it. Good, Better, Blessed: Living with Purpose, Power and Passion

P.S. Leave your thoughts in the comments below, and be sure to share this on Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter.

P.P.S. Read David Woods Blog, Unveiling The Mysteries Of Success – The POWER of LANGUAGE

Laurie Davis Empowering Lives  

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Battle of Drug Addiction

Drug addiction has affected so many lives and too many families.

It has touched me personally. I want to share a story about someone I love dearly. I want to give him my support and my love and tell him I believe in him. "He", is my baby brother.

 As I write this blog, I have tears pouring down my face. Tears of joy. You see my little brother is my baby brother. He is 7 years younger than me. I literally thought he was my live baby doll. He let me carry him around like a rag doll. I was in love with him since the day he was brought home.

 We come from a family of 5 children. I am the 2nd oldest. I love all of my siblings and we have all had to endure ups and downs. My baby brother though, experienced more than I even really know. I know his story of Drug Addiction can only really be told by him.

The reason I am sharing this now is because for the first time since he was 14, he is completely drug free. He has faced his demons, lost everything. He has lost his original child hood friends due to his drug addiction. His sphere of influence was the people that he used drugs with. He could not see how bad it was. My entire family would look at him with his face sunken in, his eyes dark and lifeless, weighing only 140 pounds at 6'3". I thought that the next time I saw him, it would be at his funeral.

His Drug Addiction caused him to lose Everything

He was a little boy that knew no fear. He was smart, bright, handsome, funny and so loving. The drug addiction stole his looks, created fear and robbed him of everything he could be. He was not himself. He was long gone. So I thought.... Two weeks ago I talked to my 2nd brother and he said he wanted me to help him out with my youngest brother. My baby brother has been fortunate enough to have my brother provide a roof over his head, a couch and food. The problem was when he did work it enabled him to spend every dime he made on his drug addiction.

Over 30k a year spent feeding his Drug Addiction

He told me today that he calculated he was spending over $30k a year on his drug addiction. Times that by all the years he has been feeding his habit. He has nothing to show for it. Nothing. I went over to my 2nd brothers home and I sat and talked to him and then my younger brother came in. I could not believe my eyes. I had seen him just 5 months prior at my daughters graduation party. He hid in corners with his head down from embarrassment then. After he left we could not help but think of how sad it was and what a waste of life he had created. He was meant to be so much more. He had so much potential.

I could not believe my eyes. He was beautiful. My baby brother was back.

His eyes were bright and clear. He was smiling and holding his head high. He had gained over 40 pounds. He was shaved and dressed nicely. He was ready to start a new chapter and was so excited. I finally am reconnecting with him. My brother needed my help. He and I really have the same personalities and passions. He just had his drug addiction controlling him and pushing down his real self. He knew that I am an Entrepreneur and that I could help him get back on track mentally and financially. It was my pleasure to say yes. I am so excited.

Our Hearts Broke Over and Over Again

I called my mom and asked her if she had seen him lately. She had not. Majority of my family never saw him or talked to him. It hurt too much. It was heart break over and over again. The only time we heard from him was when he needed bailed out of jail or money. Each time apologizing for needing our help. We all enabled him. We did not know what else to do. I don't think tough love would have done any difference. I think it would have just made him more sad and gave him more reason to stay high.

 My brother came over Saturday and I shared with him the stories of Dave Wood and Dave Sharpe. The owners of the Empower Network. Keep in mind that people that are in this kind of life style of drugs and alcohol, it leads to crime and jail time. It is hard for them to get a job after they recover. People judge them for what the drugs cause them to be and do. If you know someone that has had a personal battle with a drug addiction and you now know there is a way to help them get back on their feet, you need to share this with them. Let us help them too.

 The day that I was introduced to the Empower Network, Dave Sharpes story gave me hope that my brother would some day beat his drug addiction. Dave Sharpe has an amazing story his personal battle with drug addiction and he is a success story that I am honored to share.

I shared this story with my brother. CLICK HERE to hear about Dave's Story.

Both Dave Wood and Dave Sharpes stories resonated with my brother. He said that this one video gave him hope and he knew what he was meant to do. These 2 guys and the community they have built has given him exactly what he needed.

 I also plugged him into the call from the other evening. This call was so powerful. He got to hear 2 other guys talk about how the Empower Network has changed their lives. Each has their own story.
Here's the REPLAY call in details:
Dial in number: (712) 432-0990
Secret Code: 260326#
You will hear similar stories over and over again within the Empower Network. This is a a culture of like minded people that have a mission to change the world. They have a mission to give back. They have a mission to stop the lies and help people really make an income and lifestyle they deserve.


I challenge you to open your mind, and have the guts to do something that you have never done. Watch this video and fill out this form. Share this story with of the Empower Network with everyone you know. They are looking and praying for a better way.

People our Struggling Every Day to provide for their Families

People are sick and tired of not knowing how they will afford groceries until they get paid again. They are tired of not being able to fill up their gas tanks. They are tired of not having money to treat themselves to a dinner or a new item for the home. Something little like a candle to make their home smell great, they can't even justify.

The Only thing you have Control over is YOU

The only way you or anyone is going to fix your personal finances is to create your own destiny. You can do this by filling out this form and making a commitment to yourself to stop the bull crap. Do whatever it takes to change the path you are on. Nobody said this would be easy, but it will be worth it and the end result will blow you away.

I hope you understand this is bigger than you, bigger than me. What happen to the American Dream? The system is BROKEN. It does not work anymore. Yet we continue to teach our children to do what does not work!  

Follow my blog as I share stories as he goes down the path of a new life and begins to live his dreams. Stay tuned as he will be blogging as well and I will share his journey. Please cheer him on and pay attention to what he shares. Share with others. His story can help so many people.

P.S. Leave your thoughts in the comments below, and be sure to share this on Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter.

P.P.S Read my Blog, The Power of Language, Unveil the Mystery of Success  

Laurie Davis Empowering Lives          

Monday, October 22, 2012

Empower Network Success Stories

I am so privileged to have found the Empower Network. I have written many blogs about Empower Network and this just gets better and better.

Concrete Dispatcher Made $158,166 In 90 Days


 I spent 2 hours yesterday re-listening to the recorded call from last weeks Empower Hour call. This was no ordinary call. Normally a call will be hosted by the "Owners" of the Company but this call was hosted by Lawrence Tam. He is an affiliate just like the rest of us. The only way you can listen to this call is to be a member in the Empower Network. Click here and sign up for the Empower Network Community.

Listen to the audio to the right after you log in. Take notes. Take Action.

Join us tonight for the Monday night Empower Hour Call

Empower Hour Call tonight @9PM EST.
Here's the call in details: Dial in number:  (712) 432-0900 Secret Code:  260326#

Lawrence Tam's Empower Network Story

Lawrence is just an ordinary guy. He has a wife and 3 kids and he is now a "Retired Engineer", thanks to the training from the Empower Network. Watch this Video to see his Story now! His story is a true story of success. He worked his butt off an did whatever it took to push himself to the ultimate level. Anyone can do this, but most will not.

Aaron and Sophia Rashkin's Empower Network Story

On this call he asked for Aaron Rashkin to join the call. Aaron Rashkin has been in the Network Marketing/MLM Industry for years. He has  gone from struggling and spending his last dime to join an MLM and go to their Event to working hard and with a passion for helping others and a desire to succeed, has created a phenomenal business. He is a personal  coach along with his wife, Sophia. They give back every day and are a true testament to this Industry. They pull all their efforts right now into getting people plugged into the Empower Network. Why when they can teach people how to be successful themselves?

The reason for this is the culture that the Empower Network has created. They have great respect for David Wood and Dave Sharpe. They believe in their dream. They believe in helping others. Most importantly by plugging people into the Empower Network, people are given the training, tools and knowledge to succeed online. This enables the Rashkins to spend more time with their family and focus on mentoring and motivating. Not teaching. It is a beautiful thing. They do hold boot camps to help people take their business to the next level but they are not stuck on the phone taking calls 24/7.

Justin and D Verrengia's Empower Network Story

Justin Verrengia was on this call as well. Justin is married to D and they both have been promoting MLM for the past 5 or 6 years. D has always supported her husbands ventures and believed in him but she hated all the hours and time he had to put into team mates rather then spending time with her. Sponsors and customers always came first. Justin was doing what is taught in every MLM which is to grind it out for 2-5 years and hopefully get to live on the beach. You are taught the 80's style of business which is to spend the day  calling people, doing hotel meetings, 3 way credibility calls and "Showing The Plan".  Sound familiar? This all stopped when he was introduced to the Empower Network. The Empower Network taught Justin how to market online, plug his team into the same training and enable everyone to get paid 100% for sharing the training products within the Empower Network.

Toby Black's Empower Network Story

Toby Black was also on this call. Toby Black and his wife Layla are very successful in their Network Marketing Business, Body by Vi. Lawrence Tam is as well and he met Toby at one of their events. They had a beer and created a friendship. After Lawrence was introduced to the Empower Network, he sponsored Toby Black. Toby sent out an email to his downline and plugged them into the training with Empower Network. What happened was amazing. He made huge checks and didn't even realize how much money he had generated because he was focused on his MLM. Lawrence called him and said hey man, pay attention, if you really promote this, your results are going to be amazing. Toby is focused now on sharing the Empower Network with everyone. Why? Everyone needs this, everyone can do this and it WORKS!

The Empower Network is the Solution

If you have been struggling to make money in your MLM the "Traditional way" or are struggling to make money online, you must join the Empower Network Movement. I highly suggest you get serious and get "ALL In" with us in the Empower Network.

 I have used the Empower Network's training to teach me how to promote and generate leads for recruiting Realtors, recruit and sponsor people to Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing (FHTM) and to become a professional affiliate marketer. I have over 5 streams of income. I love online marketing and residuals. It has changed my life.

P.S.  Leave your thoughts in the comments below, and be sure to share this on Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter.

P.P.S Read how bed-ridden Cristina Munoz typed her way to six figure income!

Laurie Davis Empowering Lives

Friday, October 19, 2012

Affiliate Internet Marketing Strategies

In order to take your business seriously, you must be serious about every effort you bring to your company. This is just a fact. A good Web marketing campaign could be the key to the success of your business. Here are some ways to make sure that your business is a success due to Internet promotion.

Promote your Internet Marketing Business

You can improve your online business by carefully analyzing your top competitors. Browse the sites of businesses similar to yours, and make note of the things that aren't as good as they could be. If you have a particular service other websites seem to be lacking in, make sure to highlight these on your site in an effort to beat the competition.
TIP! "Guaranteed" is a very strong positive word to use in internet marketing. Even though a guarantee is only as good as the company behind it, people want to know they are not taking a risk by buying your product.
Make your website unique when using Internet marketing. The amount of websites is so high that you have to find a way to distinguish yourself in order to attract users. One way to begin is by featuring a product or service on your site that is unique to your brand.

Set up a Merchant Account for your Affiliate Internet Marketing

It is important to ensure that the system you to handle orders is completely secure. Use an online banking service, like Paypal, to ensure your transactions are safe. Ask your customers to signup for an account through this money transaction system and provide their personal and payment info that way. This will ensure that all info is password protected and you can't be held liable. Adding emotive descriptions will help potential customers feel an attachment to what you are selling. You will grow brand recognition this way. This emotional connection comes from words that describe the good results your product will have in vivid terms.

TIP! Interviews from people high up in your industry can hold a lot of value. Ensure that you have the appropriate permissions prior to publishing the interviews, however, to avoid any legal repercussions.
Give customers an option to pay either wholesale or retail prices depending on the amount they purchase. You should always be making money on wholesale items you're selling and it great for increasing the amount you sell. Try allowing your customers to leave reviews and ratings on your products. Honest feedback can help customers feel more confident with you and your products. You can increase your success at Internet marketing by creating a viral video with tags and uploading it. Also put a link back to your site within the description of the video. That is going to dramatically affect your site visits.

TIP! A mailing list of your clients is essential. Include a place on your website for visitors to request information.
If you are good at writing, write an article about your business and submit it to magazines that accept submissions. Make sure these articles are signed with your full name and contain information about your business. If you get published in an online magazine, include a link to your site. Make it a point to communicate directly with the editors and entice them with rewards if they are able to assist in article publication. You increase your chances for a positive first impression if you have a title that reflects significance.

 If you have your own business, make yourself CEO. Even non-owners can add that extra dash of importance by using a creative title. List your title after your name on emails. Try and see your website through the eyes of your customers. Is it easy to use? Is it enjoyable to look at? Can your orders be placed quickly and clearly? It is useless to work hard to bring customers to your site through SEO and then lose them (and a sale) because your website is dull or confusing.

TIP! You may not realize it, but you already have the tools you need for a successful internet marketing enterprise. All that is required to be successful is you, not pricey software or get rich quick schemes.
Email is an important part of any Web marketing strategy. Take steps to protect your email correspondence. Free webmail services should be avoided, because they delete outdated messages; it is essential that you always have access to your past emails. If you want the most security and the most features for your mail, try setting up your own archiving service by using an actual web host's features instead of those free mail services. The purpose of Affiliate marketing is to recognize a problem in which you should fix.

When you start your day, create a list of questions that need answering. You will want your customers to tell people about you through word of mouth, help them and they will do this. For example, if you sell websites, partner up with a writer to offer his or her customers discounts. If one partner is willing to reduce the prices of its products or services, both partners are likely to profit from the move.

Error Message

It's a great idea to customize your site's 500 error page and make it a little more user-friendly. Visitors will see this page when something goes haywire with your site's automated database code. Avoid the typical basic error message that lacks any real information. Customers will be less frustrated and more understanding if they do not get a generic error message.

 Try making a game to get more customers on your site. Customers may look for something to play online, so something simple can attract many people! The game can be utilized to subtly advertise products sold at your site. For instance, if you sell products for hair, your game could be about hairstyling and feature the things you sell on your site.

It's time to Join the Movement! Click here to find out why you should. 

TIP! Use a lot of headlines on your websites and in ezines. These should be catchy and showcase something that you are offering for sale on your own site.
Some people assume online internet marketing is unnecessary, but it needs to be a vital part of any company that wants to continue succeeding. It simply is not a good idea to overlook the use of the Internet if you are marketing online. Using what you have read here will help you to maintain a strong internet presence and prosper through web marketing

 P.S.  Leave your thoughts in the comments below, and be sure to share this on Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter.

 P.P.S Read Cristina Munoz story of blood, sweat and tears that lead to complete and absolute success!

 Laurie Davis Empowering Lives

Monday, October 15, 2012

Increase Your Revenue With These Blogging Tips

Increase Your Revenue With These Blogging Tips

Blogging is an excellent way to express yourself. It is also a great way to attract and connect with others who share similar interests. You may start a blog to get your ideas and opinions out there, but it can also be a great way to make money, once you gather a following.

When hosting your blog, it is best to go with a free, well-known host. Paying for hosting might give you a few extra features, but unless you're planning on operating a legitimate business and selling products from your blog (as with a shopping cart, landing pages, etc), a free host will provide you with everything you need.

Don't be afraid to set up more than one blog. If you have diverse interests you would like to share or several commercial products to promote, consider a blog for each one. That way you will avoid a crowded and unfocused blog which will attract no one. So, identify the topics you most want to share and set up a few blogs, each with it's own focus.

Enable Plug-ins on your Blog

Use a lot of plug-ins on your blog because it gives users the motivation to stick around and explore more of your site. The longer you have someone on your site the more likely they will be to make a purchase. "Most popular posts" and "relevant posts" are just a couple of the most popular plug-ins.

Make sure that you aren't stingy when it comes to sharing posts. Make sure that you are not simply sharing your own posts. You should also be sharing other people's posts. In fact, you should be sharing posts from others much more than you share your own. You don't want to gain a reputation for only sharing your posts. If you do, you won't have very many readers.

Don't overuse links. Links within the text of your blog are an effective way to direct readers to other areas of your site that may pertain to the subject, however don't abuse this technique. When every other word in your blog is a link, it can be very off-putting to readers. They are on the page to read that post, not every other page on your site.

Make sure that your blog posts are structured well in order to make scanning easier. Make use of lists, header tags, and more. Keep in mind that the average reader is not going to want to read sentences and paragraphs that are really long. Therefore, you should make them as short and to the point as possible.

Be sure to keep it simple. Blogging isn't the same as philosophy. Even if you wish to explain any complicated concepts, try your best to keep them as simple as possible. Your blog competes with many other information sources, so it needs to be as easy to understand as possible.

Make sure that you consistently post when running a blog. If you don't post content regularly, then your site traffic will diminish fairly quickly. Have a guestbook or contact information posted as well, so your audience can interact and provide feedback. If your readers are happy with your response, they are more likely to come back.

Study the different blog platforms that are available on the web and their feature sets before choosing what you will use. Wordpress, Blogger, and Tumblr are three of the most popular and they all have their own pros and cons. Do your research on the different platforms and see what works best for your goals.

You can have an excellent blog that would target an audience and bring in many readers, but without a great domain name you have nothing. Keep the domain name for your blog simple yet direct and effective. Think about your target niche, and choose the appropriate domain name for your blog as if you were thinking hard about a great title.

If you are wanting to run a potentially profitable blog, you should ensure that your niche is one that is very marketable to others. Although it's important to select a topic that interests you, you can't simply go by that because some topics aren't very marketable. This is fine if you don't care about making money with your blog. Otherwise, marketability is extremely important.

When you create a successful blog, you will find readers from around the world who are interested in your opinions. Use the helpful tips in the article above to find interactive readers from across the globe, keep them interested and potentially, use your blog to create an additional income for yourself.

I highly recommend the Empower Network training to show you how to blog correctly and how to
write a monetized blog. 

Check it out here! It is set up for you with plug-ins and themes for $25.00.

Please comment and share this post. Thank you.

P.S. Check out this article about a guy in the U.K that made over $66K in 90 days blogging.

P.P.S- Every Monday learn from the best Network/Affiliate Marketers in the World! Free to listen in and learn. Mark your calendar, every Monday night, 9pm Eastern time.
Dial in number:  (712) 432-0900
Participant access code:  260326

Laurie Davis

Empowering Lives 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Creating Mobile Marketing Campaigns That People Want To Share

Mobile Marketing
What all have you found out about mobile marketing? Are you currently employing a marketing plan? If you have a plan in place already, are you looking to improve it? Is your marketing approach enhancing your bottom line effectively? Are you confident that you're making the best of your mobile marketing plan? If you cannot provide a satisfactory answer to any of these questions, keep reading.

 It pays to have a dedicated short code. Though there is a slight increase in price, it translates into a major increase in protection. It can also provide you with some level of legal coverage.

Mobile marketing is a great way to increase your profits. There are many more people that are using their phones to download apps or use social networking sites. You can significantly increase the success of your business by marketing in these areas. It is important to focus your marketing where your customers are.

Your first step should be focusing on building a database. Do not slap customers' cell numbers onto your subscriber list just because you have access to them. Make sure you get your customers' permission before you add anything. To obtain permission, you can create a form for downloading or a process through which users respond to a text message.

Your recipient will, probably, send out the mobile marketing ad if it is easy for them to do so. Ease of forwarding as well as incentives for doing so are great ways to ensure that your ad is packing all of the punch that it is capable of.

Although lots of people use their phones for Internet text, not all know the different kinds of abbreviations used online. If people can't figure out what you're trying to tell them, more than likely they will not pay any attention to what you are promoting.

Make sure you give the right type of audience something of value. Provide value to get the attention of people outside of your friend circle. You might want to send a gift certificate, depending on who you are targeting. For middle class families, you want to send family-related items.

Company Mobile App for Mobile Marketing

It might be a good idea for your company to make a mobile app to market. If you have an app, customers will check regularly to see if there are any specials or promotions available. This could give you brand more recognition and also drive more traffic to your business. If you don't have experience in developing apps, consider consulting a professional, as there can be a wide variation in pricing.

Use your traditional website. Use your website to advertise your mobile sites and smartphone apps. By visiting your site, your customers can learn how to stay in touch with you from their mobile devices.

Do not forget to invest some cash into making sure that your site is mobile-ready. It can be hard to make a mobile site that is appealing and attractive. If you would like this to go smoothly, consider outsourcing the project to someone qualified.

A call to action on a mobile phone needs to be easy to complete. Keep in mind that completing involved forms when using a PC or laptop is no big deal, but can be time-consuming and frustrating when using a smartphone. If it is not easy to get on your mailing list, your customers won't bother.

Multimedia Messaging Services are fantastic for the instantaneous delivery of coupons and rewards. MMS can also be effective in capturing the attention of new customers. Your coupons can include promotional codes. Codes that can be tracked can easily be linked to your online product pages. You can use coupons to incentivize and reward loyal customers and attract new ones.

Aim high in your advertisements and seek out that hook that will catch the "viral" wave. The power of your mobile campaign is multiplied if your customers like your content enough to share it with their friends.

When calling or texting someone, remember there is a live person on the receiving end; therefore, it is important to be considerate of the time in which you call as well as the type of message you are sending. Behave appropriately.

Never forfeit quality for speed in your marketing efforts. Always present polished material that is relevant to your audience. While mobile marketing is novel and exciting for you as a business owner, keep in mind that your customers are looking for more than novelty and excitement. Make sure the information you give to customers and potential buyers is relevant. If it is relevant, they'll give you business. When creating a mobile marketing campaign you must focus on keeping your existing customers as opposed to gaining new clients. The relationships you have already built will likely be more receptive to your mobile marketing updates than new customers. When done improperly, mobile marketing can be viewed as spam. Make sure that your offers are of real value to both current and potential customers.

Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is a great way to attract more customers, but make sure that your mobile marketing campaign works cross platforms. Don't miss out on potential buyers because of an inability to connect with multiple devices.

Present part of your campaign as a quizzes or as trivia games. This strategy makes your mobile marketing efforts more fun for your customers. Most people like to interact with quizzes that are sent to their cell phone. Quizzes can help you get feedback about your products or encourage them to look around your site. In addition, the customer will be entertained.

When creating a mobile app, make it work for you as a part of your mobile marketing strategy. Load it with plenty of valuable information that your customers will find interesting. Apps have become very popular because they are so helpful. To get more sales from your app, put in links to any related products/services, alternatively, you can make some money by selling the app itself.

Screen Campaign

Run a picture-to-screen campaign. In a picture-to-screen campaign, you request cellphone photos taken by your customers. The customers' photos are then digitally posted after they submit the photo via the use of a short code text. The screen that they are posted on can be a single television, or a type of digital billboard.

Use QR codes to expand your branding and to entice customers. These codes are an effective way to reach your customers with coupons and promotions. They are easily used as well as simple to capture with a cell phone. QR codes allow immediate interaction with your customers.

Know what Market you want to Target

Investigate your target market. Before diving head-first into any mobile marketing campaign, you want to know your money is well-spent by first understanding what preferences your audience has. Do they prefer cell phones over computers? What is the main type of operating system used on their phones? Find out lots of information about the audience you are trying to target, you will be more successful in reaching them.

Easily Viewed

Ensuring your emails are easily viewed on mobile devices is essential to ensure the effectiveness of what you email. Open your messages on different mobiles to make sure they are accessible to everyone. You could also include phone numbers in your emails with a click feature to complete the call, and be sure any provided links are easily viewed on mobile phones. Lots of people check their email using their phones. You should format your emails with this in mind.

Offering free apps is a great way to market; however, you might not realize that creating applications can be easy. You could create an app to help your customers select the product they need or learn more about a topic related to your industry. You will have a large array of options to choose from. If you want to succeed in mobile marketing, it is important to remember the limitations of mobile devices when developing your domain and advertisements. Being familiar with a wide variety of devices will help you see things from the perspective of your customers.

 Click here for and Example of a Mobile Marketing Ad

 Are you more informed when it comes to mobile marketing? Do you have a new plan or a better plan now? Can you now use things that work with your business? Do you know how to properly apply your plan? With any luck, the tips above should have created better answers.

Learn Exactly How to Market your Network Marketing Business 3 Weird Marketing Tricks!The Power of Language Read David Woods Blog, Unveiling The Mysteries Of Success

P.S. Leave your thoughts in the comments below, and be sure to share this on Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter.

Laurie Davis

Empowering Lives

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Think You Know Everything There Is To Know About Network Marketing? Think Again!

If you would like to be successful, it will be necessary for you to learn all that you can about network marketing. Use this article to reach the widest possible audience for your MLM message. Keep your meeting to 60 minutes or less. When you pass the one hour mark in a meeting, it tells your prospect that this is an energy-intensive plan.

Network Marketing Leads

Concentrate on gathering leads. Leads are a great way to generate money. The other items you must do, including scheduling, learning, and even replying to contacts, don't actually create any revenue. Obtaining leads and capitalizing on these leads are the only methods that make you profitable. Open-mindedness is required to be a good network marketer. If you're open to all opportunities, you'll be far more successful in your business.

 Learn from pros in your field. Imitating their business can help you avoid mistakes and pitfalls that they have already experienced. You should aim to draw prospects to your page. This might be one of the hardest parts of doing network marketing but is critically important. Once you have lured a viewer to your page, you have a better opportunity to sell your products, and make this person aware of just how valuable your service is to him or her.

Set up a blog platform to provide updates and content

Having a blog on your website can provide all those who visit your site with relevant updates about your operations, especially potential customers. Because you are proving that you are on top of your business, you have a better shot at attracting more clients who want to work with you.
Blog articles can also serve as a way to market your products and services.

Your network marketing campaign should be more of a business than a hobby.
To succeed takes tremendous hard work and effort.

 Make sure to schedule in time with family and friends to help relieve stress and allow you to keep your relationships healthy. In the beginning, expect that your business will demand more of your time. Once it is established though, be sure to write in time for yourself and your loved ones.

Network Marketing for Newbies

If you are just getting started, you are going to have to practice patience. It is normal to feel overwhelmed at first. Your first few months are extremely important as to whether your business will succeed or not. Network marketing can help a slow start in business, pick up the speed and momentum needed for lasting success.

 There needs to be regular meetings that are held for your team. This will aid in everyone's success, as you will be able to work together to come up with plans, solutions, and goals. Culturing a team spirit is key to getting the most from your partners.

There isn't a person alive who doesn't enjoy a great deal! Choose a network marketing company who provides coupons for the items you'll be selling. Coupons are pretty versatile. You can use them as rewards for customer loyalty or organize a raffle or other contest where people can win them. It's more likely that people will be interested in what you're selling if they believe they are getting a deal on it.

Become and Expert of your Network Marketing Products

Learn everything possible regarding the product you want to promote. Really believing in your own product, helps to build confidence in your potential consumers. If you believe in your product, more people are likely to sign up for your network. When you give a review about your product, it will come from a genuine place. Potential clients will sense this honesty.

Duplication and Creating your own Unique Niche

Try to be someone that others want to copy when you are going about your network marketing campaigns. Try to come up with unique ideas that will make your company stand out. Offering something unique can cause your competitors to copy you, in hopes that they can generate the same kind of booming business you're getting. Never copy anyone. Always aim to make your own unique niche.   Think about helping people and not selling to them when you are network marketing. Do not talk about how great your product is. Instead, explain how a person can benefit from it. This brings people in and sells a product.

Choose your Target Market, Who wants what you have?

Use any opportunity to you can to expose your product to your target market. People can and do make their own decisions, but you still need to give them something to decide.
When meeting MLM leads in person, keep the meetings shorter than 45 minutes. This shows the lead that you are what you say you are, a successful businessperson.

Massive Success comes by Stepping up as a Leader

You'll become a leader in network marketing when you base your efforts on doing all that you can to help others be successful in reaching their goals. Once you become a network marketing guru and start to give back to the field, you will be surprised to see your own personal profits start to rise.

Education and Knowledge is Essential

As stated earlier, you need to educate yourself and implement good ideas if you want to be successful with multilevel marketing. When you know the correct techniques, your company will benefit with profits. Get your message to your intended audience by utilizing the insights you've learned here

Having other business professionals in your network is a great way to grow your business. People that work in the sales world on commission normally have a great work ethic because if they do not do a good job, they make no money. These businessmen and women are also the ones who will be more perceptive to your recruitment drive. There is one place that you can get the skills and knowledge you need as well as a blog set up for you.

I highly recommend this if you are serious about being successful in your Network Marketing Business. Watch Now! Watch Now!

Learn how to be successful marketing online Weird Marketing Tricks!!

P.S.  Leave your thoughts in the comments below, and be sure to share this on Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter.

 P.P.S. Read David Woods Blog, Unveiling The Mystery of Success – The POWER of LANGUAGE

  Laurie Davis "Empowering Lives"

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Revolutionary Entrepreneurs ‘Fight The Forces Of Evil’ 2012 Empower Network Event

The Empower Network just finished the 2nd Event since they launched in November 2011 Empower Network is not your average affiliate company. Not only do they have the best training products for serious online marketers but also a culture that I have never seen or experienced. The friendships that we have developed, regardless of what team you are on, is priceless. Everyone shares what they know and are celebrating each others success.

Watch this video of the Fight the Forces of Evil  Empower Network Event in San Diego

 If you want to truly be successful in your Network Marketing or Affiliate Marketing business, you need to take action now. I know it is hard to know who to trust. It is hard to decide what programs to do. It is hard because people are always trying to get you to join their business. This market and economy has taught us all a big lesson. With the foreclosure rates the highest they have ever been, gas prices over the top, unemployment rates over 13%, more and more will be learning to work from home.

Home Based Businesses Growing Rapidly

Many will start a home based business because they cannot find another job and others are just sick and tired of living pay check to pay check, making their company rich. At the end of the day, they are only a number. Tomorrow they could be the one that is walking out with their life in a box. When people approach you, always be open minded, they have you in their best interest. It helps them as well. Think about helping people that need a change in their lives by being their customer or joining them on their mission to have a better life. You would be surprised how much fun you and how  much additional money you could generate for your family.

The Empower Network will give you a life!

The Empower Network was created to help you make money faster. It is simply a system designed to help any person in any business, be an expert at marketing and lead generation.

 Don't you want to learn how to make money and work for yourself? NEVER have to work for anyone ever again? Only set your alarm if you want to? You can go to college again or take your time looking for another career because you have taken the time to build a home business that will pay you 5 times more than any job could.

The Empower Network will show you how to do this in less than 2 hours a day so  you can have a life! I am so blessed to have been introduced to the Empower Network. I am in control of my life and I am looking for like minded people to join me. I will mentor you and push you to succeed. There is nothing to think about.

  JOIN me now. I will show you how to get started today. Join the Revolution and get all in. I look forward to helping you to have what  you want. Now is the time.


P.S. Last night we had… …“The BEST Empower Hour Ever… 
Every week, our Monday night calls are EPIC… …sometimes, we set a new BAR.  Tonight, was one of those nights. Empower Hour Replay:
Here’s the call in details: Dial in number: (712) 432-0990 Secret Code: 260326#
Inside David Wood teaches us you how to overcome money issues, and create the resources you want. Dave Sharpe teaches you how to “unleash the badass within

We PROVE that it works.

They show us how they’ve earned more than $464,000 as affiliates (not company income) in the last 90 days – and how you can, too. It is – for all intents and purposes –
“The most amazing call ever” Listen to it daily this week. It will change your inner game. It will show you how to tap into your power… …and you may even find yourself succeeding… automatically. …when you listen to the ‘audio of the week’ EVERY DAY this week.

Do it. Take action. Decide – that it’s your turn now.

 and you know what?  It is.

 Here’s where you can listen in: Here’s the call in details: Dial in number: (712) 432-0990 Secret Code: 260326#

I’ll see you on the beaches of the world.

Get ready for Thursday  (explained in the audio)

P.P.S Read my Blog, The Power of Language, Unveil the Mysteries of Success

 Laurie Davis

 Empowering Lives  

Monday, October 1, 2012

Network Marketing VT Company Review

Network Marketing VT Review

Anyone that is online right now has heard about companies offering training and paying 100% Commissions.

The reason is because it solves 2 problems. One, is that it is hard to market online. If you don't what you are doing you can be banned from GOOGLE, Youtube and even Facebook. Two, is that people need to make money. Network Marketing VT does solve both. They do have training to show you how to build your Network Marketing business and they also pay you 100% to share it with your team. Network Marketing VT does have a low end product which is good because it helps people to get training they can afford and they refer 1 person and it pays them back. It does have continued and training webnars but how powerful is it. Some of the training is ok but there are some that will probably not do much to help you make money. You get what you pay for, no matter what it is.

Network Marketing VT Relaunch

Network Marketing VT has relaunched. The reason is to make sure that people get paid faster and get 100% commissions for referring their team. A leader of a Network Marketing team is drawn to a program like this because they do not have to do as much training with their team. They can send them to the program which helps them to grow their primary mlm but also make money as an affiliate for promoting the training to their team members.

Network Marketing VT Compensation

The Network Marketing VT company relaunched on 9/30/12. They offer a free 14 day trial. You do have to put your credit card number in and then after the 14 day period, unless you cancel, you will be charged $98 per month. When you refer a person to Network Marketing VT you are then paid 100% for that sponsor. Then a method they call "Reverse 1 UP". The 2nd person you sponsor rolls up to your direct sponsor. Basically every 2nd sale the team makes rolls up to the directly coded Sponsor.
 The bad thing is that the training is not that great compared to other 100% Companies that have training and the other bad thing is that they only have one product to get a residual from. I did a review on another company a few weeks ago that is also a 100% Commission Training Company. Read my Blog, Neucopia Review Basically both the Network Marketing VT and Neucopia are good companies. Neither one is a scam. It just depends on what training is best for you and if they have more than one product to get paid as an affiliate. Don't you want to make as much money as you can at 100% commission. With one product, that can take a long time. What I am mean is that if it is $98 for each person and you get paid 100% you are still only getting paid $98 a month for each person. The Company I recommend and promote is the Empower Network. The reason is that they have 5 products you get paid 100% on. Both low end and high end. The blogging platform which saves people from having to set up their own blog with themes and plug in as well as capture pages to use and promote to drive people to the training products. Empower Network Leaders on Yacht in Costa Rica

 The blog platform will help you to drive people to your primary business as well. You will learn how to blog to generate a sales funnel which will turn into sales which turns into money. This product is $25 a month. It is a residual. Every person you refer to the blogging platform pays you 100% every month. The 2nd product is the Inner Circle. It is $100 a month. Each person that has the inner circle pays 100 a month and that is paid to you at 100%. The third product is the Costa Rica Intensive and that is a one-time $500. The 4th product is the 15k formula and this is $997 one-time fee (increasing to $1000 just because it makes sense). The 5th product is releasing soon and it will pay you $3000 per person that buys it at 100%

 Now here is the thing, this is important, you must own all the products to make the most amount of money. WHY? This is for serious people only. People that want to make real money online. They are sick and tired of trying to figure it out, staying broker and not living their lives. If you only want to try it and spend $25 for blogging, you will have people that are serious buy this from you. Then they will buy all the products and guess what? That money goes up to the next qualified sponsor. Meaning who in your upline is the next one that is "ALL IN", they own all the products.
You can now make $4622 in commission PER PERSON with the Empower Network. That means that with only 217 people you are are walking away with a COOL MILLION. Darren Little, MLM Super Hero Promotes Empower Network
Those that are not serious will make money that is not serious money. Does that make sense? Not only that but the training with the Empower Network is ALL ABOUT HOW TO MARKET ONLINE and OFFLINE.

The other company's focus more on giving you training about recruiting, cold calls, contacting friends and family and even about real estate investments and taxes. Just time fillers. Again, you get what you pay for.

 Sneak Peek Of Empower Network Training. Click Here

 Summary, you need to do what is best for you. You must believe in it. You must know that it has everything you want so you can promote it with a clear conscious. Hopefully you have gotten the information you were looking for to make a good decision in regards to joining the Network Marketing VT.

 P.S. Leave your thoughts in the comments below, and be sure to share this on Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter.

P.P.S. Read David Woods Blog, Unveiling The Mysteries Of Success – The POWER of LANGUAGE

Laurie Davis        

Empowering Lives