Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Battle of Drug Addiction

Drug addiction has affected so many lives and too many families.

It has touched me personally. I want to share a story about someone I love dearly. I want to give him my support and my love and tell him I believe in him. "He", is my baby brother.

 As I write this blog, I have tears pouring down my face. Tears of joy. You see my little brother is my baby brother. He is 7 years younger than me. I literally thought he was my live baby doll. He let me carry him around like a rag doll. I was in love with him since the day he was brought home.

 We come from a family of 5 children. I am the 2nd oldest. I love all of my siblings and we have all had to endure ups and downs. My baby brother though, experienced more than I even really know. I know his story of Drug Addiction can only really be told by him.

The reason I am sharing this now is because for the first time since he was 14, he is completely drug free. He has faced his demons, lost everything. He has lost his original child hood friends due to his drug addiction. His sphere of influence was the people that he used drugs with. He could not see how bad it was. My entire family would look at him with his face sunken in, his eyes dark and lifeless, weighing only 140 pounds at 6'3". I thought that the next time I saw him, it would be at his funeral.

His Drug Addiction caused him to lose Everything

He was a little boy that knew no fear. He was smart, bright, handsome, funny and so loving. The drug addiction stole his looks, created fear and robbed him of everything he could be. He was not himself. He was long gone. So I thought.... Two weeks ago I talked to my 2nd brother and he said he wanted me to help him out with my youngest brother. My baby brother has been fortunate enough to have my brother provide a roof over his head, a couch and food. The problem was when he did work it enabled him to spend every dime he made on his drug addiction.

Over 30k a year spent feeding his Drug Addiction

He told me today that he calculated he was spending over $30k a year on his drug addiction. Times that by all the years he has been feeding his habit. He has nothing to show for it. Nothing. I went over to my 2nd brothers home and I sat and talked to him and then my younger brother came in. I could not believe my eyes. I had seen him just 5 months prior at my daughters graduation party. He hid in corners with his head down from embarrassment then. After he left we could not help but think of how sad it was and what a waste of life he had created. He was meant to be so much more. He had so much potential.

I could not believe my eyes. He was beautiful. My baby brother was back.

His eyes were bright and clear. He was smiling and holding his head high. He had gained over 40 pounds. He was shaved and dressed nicely. He was ready to start a new chapter and was so excited. I finally am reconnecting with him. My brother needed my help. He and I really have the same personalities and passions. He just had his drug addiction controlling him and pushing down his real self. He knew that I am an Entrepreneur and that I could help him get back on track mentally and financially. It was my pleasure to say yes. I am so excited.

Our Hearts Broke Over and Over Again

I called my mom and asked her if she had seen him lately. She had not. Majority of my family never saw him or talked to him. It hurt too much. It was heart break over and over again. The only time we heard from him was when he needed bailed out of jail or money. Each time apologizing for needing our help. We all enabled him. We did not know what else to do. I don't think tough love would have done any difference. I think it would have just made him more sad and gave him more reason to stay high.

 My brother came over Saturday and I shared with him the stories of Dave Wood and Dave Sharpe. The owners of the Empower Network. Keep in mind that people that are in this kind of life style of drugs and alcohol, it leads to crime and jail time. It is hard for them to get a job after they recover. People judge them for what the drugs cause them to be and do. If you know someone that has had a personal battle with a drug addiction and you now know there is a way to help them get back on their feet, you need to share this with them. Let us help them too.

 The day that I was introduced to the Empower Network, Dave Sharpes story gave me hope that my brother would some day beat his drug addiction. Dave Sharpe has an amazing story his personal battle with drug addiction and he is a success story that I am honored to share.

I shared this story with my brother. CLICK HERE to hear about Dave's Story.

Both Dave Wood and Dave Sharpes stories resonated with my brother. He said that this one video gave him hope and he knew what he was meant to do. These 2 guys and the community they have built has given him exactly what he needed.

 I also plugged him into the call from the other evening. This call was so powerful. He got to hear 2 other guys talk about how the Empower Network has changed their lives. Each has their own story.
Here's the REPLAY call in details:
Dial in number: (712) 432-0990
Secret Code: 260326#
You will hear similar stories over and over again within the Empower Network. This is a a culture of like minded people that have a mission to change the world. They have a mission to give back. They have a mission to stop the lies and help people really make an income and lifestyle they deserve.


I challenge you to open your mind, and have the guts to do something that you have never done. Watch this video and fill out this form. Share this story with of the Empower Network with everyone you know. They are looking and praying for a better way.

People our Struggling Every Day to provide for their Families

People are sick and tired of not knowing how they will afford groceries until they get paid again. They are tired of not being able to fill up their gas tanks. They are tired of not having money to treat themselves to a dinner or a new item for the home. Something little like a candle to make their home smell great, they can't even justify.

The Only thing you have Control over is YOU

The only way you or anyone is going to fix your personal finances is to create your own destiny. You can do this by filling out this form and making a commitment to yourself to stop the bull crap. Do whatever it takes to change the path you are on. Nobody said this would be easy, but it will be worth it and the end result will blow you away.

I hope you understand this is bigger than you, bigger than me. What happen to the American Dream? The system is BROKEN. It does not work anymore. Yet we continue to teach our children to do what does not work!  

Follow my blog as I share stories as he goes down the path of a new life and begins to live his dreams. Stay tuned as he will be blogging as well and I will share his journey. Please cheer him on and pay attention to what he shares. Share with others. His story can help so many people.

P.S. Leave your thoughts in the comments below, and be sure to share this on Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter.

P.P.S Read my Blog, The Power of Language, Unveil the Mystery of Success  

Laurie Davis Empowering Lives          

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