Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Revolutionary Entrepreneurs ‘Fight The Forces Of Evil’ 2012 Empower Network Event

The Empower Network just finished the 2nd Event since they launched in November 2011 Empower Network is not your average affiliate company. Not only do they have the best training products for serious online marketers but also a culture that I have never seen or experienced. The friendships that we have developed, regardless of what team you are on, is priceless. Everyone shares what they know and are celebrating each others success.

Watch this video of the Fight the Forces of Evil  Empower Network Event in San Diego

 If you want to truly be successful in your Network Marketing or Affiliate Marketing business, you need to take action now. I know it is hard to know who to trust. It is hard to decide what programs to do. It is hard because people are always trying to get you to join their business. This market and economy has taught us all a big lesson. With the foreclosure rates the highest they have ever been, gas prices over the top, unemployment rates over 13%, more and more will be learning to work from home.

Home Based Businesses Growing Rapidly

Many will start a home based business because they cannot find another job and others are just sick and tired of living pay check to pay check, making their company rich. At the end of the day, they are only a number. Tomorrow they could be the one that is walking out with their life in a box. When people approach you, always be open minded, they have you in their best interest. It helps them as well. Think about helping people that need a change in their lives by being their customer or joining them on their mission to have a better life. You would be surprised how much fun you and how  much additional money you could generate for your family.

The Empower Network will give you a life!

The Empower Network was created to help you make money faster. It is simply a system designed to help any person in any business, be an expert at marketing and lead generation.

 Don't you want to learn how to make money and work for yourself? NEVER have to work for anyone ever again? Only set your alarm if you want to? You can go to college again or take your time looking for another career because you have taken the time to build a home business that will pay you 5 times more than any job could.

The Empower Network will show you how to do this in less than 2 hours a day so  you can have a life! I am so blessed to have been introduced to the Empower Network. I am in control of my life and I am looking for like minded people to join me. I will mentor you and push you to succeed. There is nothing to think about.

  JOIN me now. I will show you how to get started today. Join the Revolution and get all in. I look forward to helping you to have what  you want. Now is the time.


P.S. Last night we had… …“The BEST Empower Hour Ever… 
Every week, our Monday night calls are EPIC… …sometimes, we set a new BAR.  Tonight, was one of those nights. Empower Hour Replay:
Here’s the call in details: Dial in number: (712) 432-0990 Secret Code: 260326#
Inside David Wood teaches us you how to overcome money issues, and create the resources you want. Dave Sharpe teaches you how to “unleash the badass within

We PROVE that it works.

They show us how they’ve earned more than $464,000 as affiliates (not company income) in the last 90 days – and how you can, too. It is – for all intents and purposes –
“The most amazing call ever” Listen to it daily this week. It will change your inner game. It will show you how to tap into your power… …and you may even find yourself succeeding… automatically. …when you listen to the ‘audio of the week’ EVERY DAY this week.

Do it. Take action. Decide – that it’s your turn now.

 and you know what?  It is.

 Here’s where you can listen in: Here’s the call in details: Dial in number: (712) 432-0990 Secret Code: 260326#

I’ll see you on the beaches of the world.

Get ready for Thursday  (explained in the audio)

P.P.S Read my Blog, The Power of Language, Unveil the Mysteries of Success

 Laurie Davis

 Empowering Lives  

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