Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Empower Networks offers a completely set up Blogging System

Empower Network blogging platform and training is top notch.

If you haven't heard of Empower Network yet, you will. The reason is that people all over the world are learning how to blog and make money in any business. Empower Network takes the headache out of trying to set up your own wordpress blog. A blog to set up properly with all the plug ins and hosting is very expensive and time consuming.

 Empower Network is a high authority site with GOOGLE

Empower Network is a high authority site (Google already loves them) that is a blog platform completely set up and ready to use. Get started now for only $25 and save over $1400 dollars in products and training. You will be on your way to earning money and recruiting for your business.

Blogging is powerful for many reasons and Empower Network shows you how.

1.) Blogging enables you to share anything you are interested in or care about and connect with like minded people.
2.) Blogging is the only way that you can share your business links without being considered spam, for free, other than placing paid ads or free classified or solo ads.
 3.) Blogging creates an audience that gains trust. It enables you to build a sales funnel of people that will buy from you because they trust you.
4.) People work with people they trust. Sharing relevant content with them, solutions and proof you know what you are talking about, makes them want to work with you. Great recruiting tool
5.) Stay connected to your team and give them assignments to make sure they know how to run their business as well as create team culture.
 6.) Google loves fresh content and will promote your site when people search the keywords you write about.

I made a quick video about blogging. Watch it below.

I have seem some training programs boasting that their is no blogging required. They are totally missing the boat. Regardless of what training they give you on marketing and recruiting, blogging is the key.  You should be blogging daily. Consistency is the key. The gurus blog daily and they also drop a ton of money into paid advertising. Majority of people in network marketing or affiliate marketing do not have a huge marketing budget to drop money into paid advertising. Blogging works and will build a solid business.

Not all Blogging Sites are Equal

A free blog platform is  great for getting use to blogging or to blog for fun but you do not want a free blog for your business. You putting all your hard work into it and if  you write something they don't like, they will shut down your blog. You will lose all the articles you wrote and followers, which is possible leads in the near future. They can do this because they own the hosting. NOT YOU!

Empower Network set up the blog for you with hosting you pay for within your $25. It is a full blown wordpress.com blog, which is what all the Gurus use. You will not be at risk at losing your blog. If you wanted to you could have a free blog with Google Blogger and then copy and paste your blog into it and then post it on google+ right away.

Just another way to hit another audience and Google+ is owned by Google so they like you using all their products. By doing this Google will automatically show your blog in the top 10 to all google+ users when they search your  keyword. Cool, right?

P.S. Did I mention that Empower Network pays 100% in affiliate commissions for referring others to the blogging and training system. Watch this video now.

 If you enjoyed this please “comment, like & share” this page…

 Laurie Davis

 Skype: laurie.davis711
 Work With Me Personally– Click here to Join my team

P.P.S: Earn $500-1200 Per Day to use towards your advertising  budget for your primary business! The Easy Way Here!
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