Saturday, October 27, 2012

Do You Need a Reason To Keep Pushing Through

I listened today to the Inner Circle Interview within the training of the Empower Network for the 3rd time,  from the Costa Rica Masters Retreat and again got something I had not picked up on before.

At the beginning of the audio, David Sharpe goes onto talk about needing a reason to keep pushing on. Do you ever feel that you just want to hide in cave because you told your family that this is the business that will make you rich and you barely make 2 bucks an hour for all the work you have done? What can happen when you make a decision to take your power back? Take responsibility for you and your actions.

You are not alone. This is what everyone of us go through in starting a home based business. You have to remember, when you go from a paycheck that you really do not have to do anything different or push yourself hard to earn every day into the transition of owning your own business.

On the audio a story was shared about a guy named Scott. He was at the point when he was going to take his own life. He was in his car driving, and he had the items with him to pull this off. However his car  got stuck, so he decided, for whatever reason, to put in the audio from our Inner Circle about being inspired and about feeling like a failure and how to not give in to it. It saved his life. A reason for pushing on, may be not be just about your business, but in life.




Crazy happy people, right? Well this is what it is like all the time with the folks that decided to GET ALL IN.
It is hard and it is frustrating at times.

 You need to understand that you need to build the foundation of your business, you need to make it strong and you need to take the time to do it. You cannot expect it to happen over night.
Think about this though, massive action equals massive results. You must take action and you must not quit on YOURSELF.


You need to:
1.) Have a game plan
2.) Set reasonable goals
3.) Educate Yourself
4.) Plug into Coaching
5.) Set a budget to advertise
6.) Get in the Empower Network

We will help you do "ALL OF THE ABOVE"

You want to know the real secrets? You need to surround yourself around the best of the best.

The Empower Network is the best of the best in the Industry
I have been there so many times. But, every time I push myself through it, I have amazing results. So many people only focus on the success and money that people they follow make. They think it was easy for them.

What they are not seeing is that each of these people have failed their way to success. They have spent hundreds if not thousands on products, training and start up and monthly fees. Only to be discouraged because they are spending more money than they are making.

Then they quit. They quit all of the things they have been doing. They quit and close their minds down from even reading the emails that come from the company they have been trying to promote.

They crawl in a corner and give up. If they had kept going and pushing through, what results would they have seen?

I can tell you from my own personal break through  and from the results and break through others with the of the Empower Network are experiencing.

Majority of the people in Empower Network have failed in other business ventures. Whether it be an mlm or just affiliate marketing. It is hard to make money with an mlm and affiliate marketing when you do not know what you are doing. Our current success is from being plugged into a system that works and people that care.

You need knowledge and training. You need to get educated. You need to take it seriously. Never give up and push through the hopelessness.

We will give you the reason to believe again. A reason to believe in yourself again. We are a group of people that will believe in you until you believe in YOU.

This is real people getting real results. They understand the need to get trained every day, to be consistent, to spend money to make money, and to push themselves past what they thought they could.
If you get serious about your business and your life, you can experience in the next 30 days, a massive break through.

Plan big and take the step to just get in with us. Get the training you need. We give you everything you need to know, a game plan to run with us and you will give the results you deserve.

Success can come fast when you actually make up your mind that you are going to do whatever it takes to make it happen.

We call it following the 8 core commitments. This is the secret to what we do. We do this daily and it WORKS.

Are you ready to stop the pain and misery and stop struggling?

David Wood shares a story of a couple that believed they could make 10k a month and did! This is what Empower is about. It is a community of people that are sharing their knowledge, helping people meet their goals and making serious money with the education Empower offers.

Simple get trained and follow the 8 core commitments and you too can have what you want. Just believe in yourself, no you can do it and join this amazing group of people. See what we are talking about now.

The best part about doing something that's really for the people, is getting messages every day like this... think it's time to listen?

------------start of message---------------
Hi David, Alex and Erica here from New Zealand. We just wanted to share something with you. We met you in San Diego, you shook our hand and looked us right in the eye and
told us we'd be hitting $10K a month after the event.We looked at each other and tried to imagine what that would feel like ...
We just had our first $10K month, actually we're sitting on $12K+ and the month is not even over.
We just want to share this with you because we were a lot like Naime Arthur (sorry for the spelling) ... but after hearing her tell her story on stage we said to each other, "what if we just follow the 8 Core Commitments to the letter and see what happens?"
So we came back to NZ and just threw ourselves into the 8 Core Commitments ... and here we are ... hitting our first $10K month within a month of the San Diego event!
And now we have people coming out of the wood work wanting to know OUR SECRET ... and all we tell them is this, "just follow the 8 Core Commitments!"
This is so FUNNY!!!
Thank you for being so REAL and telling it like it is!
We are so grateful for what you have created for all of us and we'll see you in Austin!
Alex and Erica
----------end of message-----------------
You know, I just got back from Singapore - the best part of the trip, was meeting a 15 year old malaysian kid with chron's disease making $3,000 per month.
The kid can't even hold a regular job, and he can barely eat - so he joined Empower Network, and is making more money than all his teachers in school.
This month, he's made more than $7,000 - this is a 15 year old in a 3rd world country with a disease that is life threatening.
In malaysia, $7,000 in a month is the equivalent of what $21,000 is in the united states - a 15 year old, with chron's disease.
What bull shit excuse is it time to 'slay'?
-----------------end of David Woods Post-----------------

Lately I have seen a lot of ads from people with Neucopia trying to convince people to join Neucopia not Empower Network.

You do not see ads from Empower People saying not to join Neucopia. Instead we would say, "Hey do both!"
I even wrote a review on Neucopia and a Video. It is a good company with a good training program. Read my review here.

We believe in multiple streams of income and getting as much training as you can.

Empower Network, first and foremost is not about the opportunity to make money, but rather, the training that is priceless.

Empower Network has over 40,000 people that just bought the training and wanted a blog already set up for them. They did not pay to be affiliates. They are not getting paid to refer people to Empower. They took the training and the blog and are using it to grow their current business.

The training is like having a bachelors degree. It is that good. It is years of training packed into webnars and audios. It is the best, period.

Ok so make the decision and GET ALL IN AND GET RESULTS!

If you enjoyed this please “comment, like & share” this page…

Laurie Davis
Skype: laurie.davis711

Work With Me Personally– Click here to Join my team

PS: Earn $500-1200 Per Day
The Easy Way Here!

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