Monday, October 22, 2012

Empower Network Success Stories

I am so privileged to have found the Empower Network. I have written many blogs about Empower Network and this just gets better and better.

Concrete Dispatcher Made $158,166 In 90 Days


 I spent 2 hours yesterday re-listening to the recorded call from last weeks Empower Hour call. This was no ordinary call. Normally a call will be hosted by the "Owners" of the Company but this call was hosted by Lawrence Tam. He is an affiliate just like the rest of us. The only way you can listen to this call is to be a member in the Empower Network. Click here and sign up for the Empower Network Community.

Listen to the audio to the right after you log in. Take notes. Take Action.

Join us tonight for the Monday night Empower Hour Call

Empower Hour Call tonight @9PM EST.
Here's the call in details: Dial in number:  (712) 432-0900 Secret Code:  260326#

Lawrence Tam's Empower Network Story

Lawrence is just an ordinary guy. He has a wife and 3 kids and he is now a "Retired Engineer", thanks to the training from the Empower Network. Watch this Video to see his Story now! His story is a true story of success. He worked his butt off an did whatever it took to push himself to the ultimate level. Anyone can do this, but most will not.

Aaron and Sophia Rashkin's Empower Network Story

On this call he asked for Aaron Rashkin to join the call. Aaron Rashkin has been in the Network Marketing/MLM Industry for years. He has  gone from struggling and spending his last dime to join an MLM and go to their Event to working hard and with a passion for helping others and a desire to succeed, has created a phenomenal business. He is a personal  coach along with his wife, Sophia. They give back every day and are a true testament to this Industry. They pull all their efforts right now into getting people plugged into the Empower Network. Why when they can teach people how to be successful themselves?

The reason for this is the culture that the Empower Network has created. They have great respect for David Wood and Dave Sharpe. They believe in their dream. They believe in helping others. Most importantly by plugging people into the Empower Network, people are given the training, tools and knowledge to succeed online. This enables the Rashkins to spend more time with their family and focus on mentoring and motivating. Not teaching. It is a beautiful thing. They do hold boot camps to help people take their business to the next level but they are not stuck on the phone taking calls 24/7.

Justin and D Verrengia's Empower Network Story

Justin Verrengia was on this call as well. Justin is married to D and they both have been promoting MLM for the past 5 or 6 years. D has always supported her husbands ventures and believed in him but she hated all the hours and time he had to put into team mates rather then spending time with her. Sponsors and customers always came first. Justin was doing what is taught in every MLM which is to grind it out for 2-5 years and hopefully get to live on the beach. You are taught the 80's style of business which is to spend the day  calling people, doing hotel meetings, 3 way credibility calls and "Showing The Plan".  Sound familiar? This all stopped when he was introduced to the Empower Network. The Empower Network taught Justin how to market online, plug his team into the same training and enable everyone to get paid 100% for sharing the training products within the Empower Network.

Toby Black's Empower Network Story

Toby Black was also on this call. Toby Black and his wife Layla are very successful in their Network Marketing Business, Body by Vi. Lawrence Tam is as well and he met Toby at one of their events. They had a beer and created a friendship. After Lawrence was introduced to the Empower Network, he sponsored Toby Black. Toby sent out an email to his downline and plugged them into the training with Empower Network. What happened was amazing. He made huge checks and didn't even realize how much money he had generated because he was focused on his MLM. Lawrence called him and said hey man, pay attention, if you really promote this, your results are going to be amazing. Toby is focused now on sharing the Empower Network with everyone. Why? Everyone needs this, everyone can do this and it WORKS!

The Empower Network is the Solution

If you have been struggling to make money in your MLM the "Traditional way" or are struggling to make money online, you must join the Empower Network Movement. I highly suggest you get serious and get "ALL In" with us in the Empower Network.

 I have used the Empower Network's training to teach me how to promote and generate leads for recruiting Realtors, recruit and sponsor people to Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing (FHTM) and to become a professional affiliate marketer. I have over 5 streams of income. I love online marketing and residuals. It has changed my life.

P.S.  Leave your thoughts in the comments below, and be sure to share this on Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter.

P.P.S Read how bed-ridden Cristina Munoz typed her way to six figure income!

Laurie Davis Empowering Lives

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