Monday, October 1, 2012

Network Marketing VT Company Review

Network Marketing VT Review

Anyone that is online right now has heard about companies offering training and paying 100% Commissions.

The reason is because it solves 2 problems. One, is that it is hard to market online. If you don't what you are doing you can be banned from GOOGLE, Youtube and even Facebook. Two, is that people need to make money. Network Marketing VT does solve both. They do have training to show you how to build your Network Marketing business and they also pay you 100% to share it with your team. Network Marketing VT does have a low end product which is good because it helps people to get training they can afford and they refer 1 person and it pays them back. It does have continued and training webnars but how powerful is it. Some of the training is ok but there are some that will probably not do much to help you make money. You get what you pay for, no matter what it is.

Network Marketing VT Relaunch

Network Marketing VT has relaunched. The reason is to make sure that people get paid faster and get 100% commissions for referring their team. A leader of a Network Marketing team is drawn to a program like this because they do not have to do as much training with their team. They can send them to the program which helps them to grow their primary mlm but also make money as an affiliate for promoting the training to their team members.

Network Marketing VT Compensation

The Network Marketing VT company relaunched on 9/30/12. They offer a free 14 day trial. You do have to put your credit card number in and then after the 14 day period, unless you cancel, you will be charged $98 per month. When you refer a person to Network Marketing VT you are then paid 100% for that sponsor. Then a method they call "Reverse 1 UP". The 2nd person you sponsor rolls up to your direct sponsor. Basically every 2nd sale the team makes rolls up to the directly coded Sponsor.
 The bad thing is that the training is not that great compared to other 100% Companies that have training and the other bad thing is that they only have one product to get a residual from. I did a review on another company a few weeks ago that is also a 100% Commission Training Company. Read my Blog, Neucopia Review Basically both the Network Marketing VT and Neucopia are good companies. Neither one is a scam. It just depends on what training is best for you and if they have more than one product to get paid as an affiliate. Don't you want to make as much money as you can at 100% commission. With one product, that can take a long time. What I am mean is that if it is $98 for each person and you get paid 100% you are still only getting paid $98 a month for each person. The Company I recommend and promote is the Empower Network. The reason is that they have 5 products you get paid 100% on. Both low end and high end. The blogging platform which saves people from having to set up their own blog with themes and plug in as well as capture pages to use and promote to drive people to the training products. Empower Network Leaders on Yacht in Costa Rica

 The blog platform will help you to drive people to your primary business as well. You will learn how to blog to generate a sales funnel which will turn into sales which turns into money. This product is $25 a month. It is a residual. Every person you refer to the blogging platform pays you 100% every month. The 2nd product is the Inner Circle. It is $100 a month. Each person that has the inner circle pays 100 a month and that is paid to you at 100%. The third product is the Costa Rica Intensive and that is a one-time $500. The 4th product is the 15k formula and this is $997 one-time fee (increasing to $1000 just because it makes sense). The 5th product is releasing soon and it will pay you $3000 per person that buys it at 100%

 Now here is the thing, this is important, you must own all the products to make the most amount of money. WHY? This is for serious people only. People that want to make real money online. They are sick and tired of trying to figure it out, staying broker and not living their lives. If you only want to try it and spend $25 for blogging, you will have people that are serious buy this from you. Then they will buy all the products and guess what? That money goes up to the next qualified sponsor. Meaning who in your upline is the next one that is "ALL IN", they own all the products.
You can now make $4622 in commission PER PERSON with the Empower Network. That means that with only 217 people you are are walking away with a COOL MILLION. Darren Little, MLM Super Hero Promotes Empower Network
Those that are not serious will make money that is not serious money. Does that make sense? Not only that but the training with the Empower Network is ALL ABOUT HOW TO MARKET ONLINE and OFFLINE.

The other company's focus more on giving you training about recruiting, cold calls, contacting friends and family and even about real estate investments and taxes. Just time fillers. Again, you get what you pay for.

 Sneak Peek Of Empower Network Training. Click Here

 Summary, you need to do what is best for you. You must believe in it. You must know that it has everything you want so you can promote it with a clear conscious. Hopefully you have gotten the information you were looking for to make a good decision in regards to joining the Network Marketing VT.

 P.S. Leave your thoughts in the comments below, and be sure to share this on Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter.

P.P.S. Read David Woods Blog, Unveiling The Mysteries Of Success – The POWER of LANGUAGE

Laurie Davis        

Empowering Lives


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