Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Joel Olsteen Living with Purpose, Power and Passion

Joel Olsteen Living with Purpose, Power and Passion

Have you have had a hard time getting out of bed to start your day because you do not know your purpose? You know your life is about more than just waking up to an alarm clock and going to work for 8 hours, fighting traffic home, eating dinner too late, not feeling like doing anything else but crashing, only to go to bed and wake up and do it again tomorrow?

This video is very motivational. I am not a follower of Joel Olsteen when it comes to his sermons but I do really love his motivational messages and his books.

Joel Olsteen is an amazing speaker whether you believe in GOD or Religion

GOD wants you to live a life with purpose and he wants you to have a an amazing life.

 Joel Olsteen's book Living with Purpose, Power and Passion was an awesome book to read. I highly suggest you reading anything by Joel Olsteen. I find him to be so inspiring and he makes me feel like GOD had him write these books to speak directly to me.

Sometimes we don't know what to do to make us happy. Make a habit of reading every day. Whether it is a book from Joel Olsteen or someone else. It does not matter your beliefs, we all need to be inspired, motivated and pushed.

When you are growing up, life is hard, you get beat down, you get disappointed. Sometimes you feel like you can't do anything right and you are not suppose to have good things.

This is all just horse crap. We all are born to be exceptional. We just need to work on ourselves daily and push out the daily negativity we face.

I hope you found this blog encouraging. Share what inspired you about this post and Joel Olsteen's book if you read it.

Here is my facebook link. Please "Like" my page.

Click the link below to buy this now. You will love it. Good, Better, Blessed: Living with Purpose, Power and Passion

P.S. Leave your thoughts in the comments below, and be sure to share this on Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter.

P.P.S. Read David Woods Blog, Unveiling The Mysteries Of Success – The POWER of LANGUAGE

Laurie Davis Empowering Lives  

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