Saturday, November 3, 2012

Empower Network shows How to not be Rep Support in your Network Marketing Business

Do you feel like 24 hour customer service for your Network Marketing Team?

I love Network Marketing but what I do not like is not having a life. I didn't sign up to be 24 hour customer service. I know that like most of you, I was told that in running a home based business a MLM or Network Marketing business, you create a life for you and your family meaning, you have more time to enjoy each other.

The model for Network Marketing is actually set up to do home parties, hotel meetings and show the plan as often as can in a day.

I set out to just add additional income to my Real Estate Career. With the market being down, it was nice to have Residuals come in while I wait for commissions.

I really only had 2 hours a day to fit Network Marketing in and it was not enough. I found my self working from 9am until 11pm trying to show houses during the day and leave the evenings for home parties.
I committed to my team to do evening home parties and Saturday morning training in my home as well as live webinars and credibility calls. You cannot do all of this for you team and have a life.\

Your Network Marketing Business should not have come before your Family

My husband and kids were getting extremely upset and I was not happy. I had taught my team to be hand held and I taught them that I have all the time in the world. They could call me anytime and set appointments anytime.

This is a huge problem running your Network Marketing business this way. For one you are working like a dog but the second thing is that you are teaching people to not stand up on their own 2 feet. They do not become independent. They do not duplicate you and they give up. They don't think they can do what you do, because you didn't teach them.

As you will see from my other blogs, I have talked about the importance of understanding that the traditional method of "Word of Mouth" Advertising does not work anymore. Not to have the life you thought you would create, which is a life of time and freedom.

Empower Network's Founder and Co Founder, David Wood and Dave Sharpe

They understood this problem. They created Empower Network in order to fix this broken system and give people that were serious about making money from home and serious about growing a business a way to do this at home.

 Empower Network shows you how to encourage your team to get training that is essential to learning how to be a business leader, how to generate traffic online, how to recruit online, how to build relationships online and how to advertise online. This can be done in 2-4 hours a day at first and then once you get your systems set up, it can be on autopilot with only working 2-5 hours a week.

Isn't that a relief to know that you can grow your Network Marketing business, truly from home?

It was for me. I wish I had kn0wn this before I got started and trained my team right from the get go.

 If you consider yourself a Leader and you consider yourself someone that wants to make serious money while having a life, you owe it to yourself to get involved with the Empower Network.  

Get the training you need under one platform. Then share it with your team. Create a massive team of independent Entrepreneurs. Not a team of employees that stop working when you are sick, don't answer your phone or on vacation.

 If you enjoyed this please “comment, like & share” this page… Laurie Davis Skype: laurie.davis711 Work With Me Personally– Click here to Join Empower Network

PS: Earn $500-1200 Per Day to use towards your advertising  budget for your primary business! The Easy Way Here!

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