Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Failure, Positive Thinking and Law of Attraction

Is failure real? Can you overcome your past failures?

Failure is real but it is not something that you should think of as a bad thing. You should be proud of yourself in everything that you have done and learn from your past mistakes. Make it a daily practice to celebrate your WINS.

We all fail at some point

We need to take life's lessons and become stronger and wiser. Let go of the past, look at the positive things and look for ways to improve what you have done.

People often start exercise programs and diets and say they failed. Did they fail or did they just not tweek them to work for them personally?

 In business, did we really fail at our past business, or did we look at the positive and work at what was good to make it better? Or maybe the business idea was good but the marketing or products wasn't. Maybe you needed better tools and training.

 I made a video to share with you about my thoughts and past failures. I hope it helps.

Do you feel that you don't deserve to have anything? Do you feel like you have bad luck?

Have you given up on the idea that you deserve a better life? We were all born to be exceptional. We were all born with the same abilities. The difference is what we allow to exist in our lives.

 The Empower Network has a product called the Inner Circle. This product is a set of audios that are added to monthly. The purpose of the audios is to teach people to get over their failures. To demand success in their life. To think differently and to attract what they want and who they want to be.

One way to do this is to create a vision board. A vision board is awesome because as you are thinking about where you want to be, what you want to have materially, spiritually and financially, you draw these wants and goals out on a large board. You can cut out pictures from magazines, put family photos on, whatever helps you to draw to that vision.

 You want this to be goals that you want to accomplish in a few months and in the next year. By doing this, your thoughts will become more than thoughts and actually push you to take action to make your thoughts and visions come true. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it and work on finding the right vehicle to take you there.

You can literally manifest your dreams into reality. It has worked for me and that is why I am passionate about sharing this with others.

 I found a great article about how to use a Vision Board to Activate the Law of Attraction. Click here to read it. The problem is that people think that people just naturally succeed. That is just not true. Ever person I know that is successful or have read their stories, shares that they have had their share of failure. But it is what you decide to do next that makes your life either great or bad. It is up to you.

                         MAYBE IT’S MY FAULT – Jordan Commercial – Become Legendary

 The truth is that in order to change your direction in life, you need to gather knowledge every day and work on your mind and your spirit. The world around is full of pain and sadness. You must make up your mind that you are not going to be influenced by it. I am not saying to not pay attention but you cannot help others unless you help yourself first.

 I also want to share with you a video of  a guy that I look up to very much so. He  has recorded a video about how the Law Of Attraction has changed his life. His name is Justin Verrengia and his big heart and actions has changed my life. He is amazing and has turned his failures into life lessons that he has chosen to share with everyone, in order to save them from making the same mistakes. He shares his words and wisdom to help others change life's course.

I hope you have enjoyed this article and videos. My goal is to reach out and let you know you are not alone.  It is not too late to have an amazing life.  

Empower Network is the right vehicle to help you to obtain your goals. Lets get to work now. Join me for $25. Click here now.

 If you enjoyed this please “comment, like & share” this page…

Laurie Davis

Skype: laurie.davis711  

PS: Earn $500-1200 Per Day to use towards your advertising budget for your primary business! The Easy Way Here!

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