Saturday, November 17, 2012

Walmart walkout: Black Friday on Thursday sparks protests

Employees of the retail giant, Walmart, were informed they would have to work on Thanksgiving Holiday. Walmart states it is to get a jump start on accommodating the needs of the Holiday Shoppers.

 Angry workers are not taking kindly to the prospect of working on the holiday instead of spending the time with their families, hence the Walmart walkout already in progress. According to a Nov. 16, 2012 report by FOX News, one such disgruntled employee is Charlene Fletcher. She and her husband William are employed at the Walmart in Duarte, Calif. The couple has two children, ages two and five. Both Charlene and William are upset because they are scheduled to work on Thanksgiving instead of being able to spend the national holiday with their kids.
“It’s heartbreaking to miss the holiday with them, and it’s just one more way that Walmart is showing its disregard for our families,” Fletcher said in a statement. “But when our co-workers speak out about problems like these, Walmart turns their schedules upside down, cuts their hours and even fires people. We’re going on strike for an end to Walmart’s attempts to silence its workers.”
Read more about this Walmart Walkout from Fox News. Click Here

 According to The Nation, union employees said to expect about 1,000 strikes or demonstrations in a 9-day period.

The first strike happened in California in October. The walkout soon spread to 28 stores within 12 states.

Walmart spokesman, Kory Lundberg said the walkout is “just another exaggerated publicity campaign aimed at generating headlines to mislead” customers and employees.

The Video below is a news clip that shares that Walmart employees are also striking to demand better equipment and clean water to name a few.

 Many stores have always been open on Thanksgiving but not until 8pm. This way, they say they can still have time during the day to spend time with their family. Sarah Spencer, Director Corporate Communications states:
This year we're are also providing them an additional 10% on one basket of goods. Additionally, we are providing 3 hot meals during the day for the associates that will be working Thanksgiving
Walmart also states they do get Holiday pay.

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Laurie Davis
Skype: laurie.davis711

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