Friday, November 16, 2012

When I was a Broke Realtor

When I was a Broke Realtor

I want to share with you a past that many have been through and many are still going through right now.

 In December of 2006, I had my world fall apart around me. I was a Realtor and I was use to making very good money. I had no problem with paying my $2400 house payment, my two cars, my credit cards and taking care of my kids.

 I always had closings and it was so easy to sell homes in a good market. Foreclosures were few and far between. Loans were easy for people to get. LIFE WAS GOOD

  That month I had 7 closings fall apart. Literally, for 3 of the closings, my clients lost their jobs. Now I felt so bad for them but it also devastated me.

 You see, once you are use to an income and rely on it, and it is yanked out from underneath you in one month, you can't catch up. I had NO income coming in that month and it was set to be over a $50,000 month.

 I didn't know what to do. Things just go worse from there. I had more buyers, more listings, but buyers could not get approved, homes needed to sell short sale. Short sales were taking months to close, if not a year. Average income being $6,000 per home turned into less than $3,000 a per home.

 Closings went from 5 or more a month to 1 if I was lucky. I could not afford my cars, my house, my bills or even groceries.

 My 2 year anniversary to my 2nd husband was horrible because for the first time we could not go anywhere. We had $6 in the bank. It was the saddest and most surreal time of my life.

 Here we had 4 kids to take care of and we had no idea what to do. My husband worked with me and so this affected both of us. He got a job at Max & Erma's waiting tables and I picked up a few part time jobs. Still not enough. We had our water shut off, bounced our checking account, and used all our credit on our credit cards.

 My truck was repossessed and I lost my home after the bank would not approve a short sale. Yea I know, crazy, right? A Realtor losing their home in a foreclosure. It happens every day. Humiliating. I had a buyer for $170,000 after 45 showings and low ball offers. This was the best I would get. I owed $255,000. The bank approved the $170,000 but the investors that back the banks loan wanted $5,000 more. The buyers backed out thinking they were being taken. They thought I was pocketing it. Within 2 weeks my house sold at the sheriff sale.

 I was so embarrassed and so sad. I had to pretend life was great with my friends, family and clients. I saw no light at the end of the tunnel.

 Times were tough. People I thought were clients and then friends of mine, hit hard times and then tried to sue me for something so ridiculous and untrue. I had to hire an attorney to represent me for something that was nothing but lies. What money I had coming in, I had to pay this attorney.

 Then my husband and I separated. Secrets of his past came out and I had to end this marriage. It was horrible for me and the kids. I had actually thought about having an accident so that my kids would get my life insurance. I was at the lowest of low.

 I was on my own and broke. I was not going to give up. I knew that I was a survivor and I refused to let my kids suffer. I prayed to God that night and I said to him that I could not do this anymore. I was DONE. I could not take 1 more thing. I said to him that I was putting this all on his shoulder, in his lap and I was not taking it back. From that day on, I decided I was done worrying. I decided I was going to be happy and not let anything or anyone take it away from me.

 I dove into bible study classes and Think and Grow Rich. I found out that God wanted me to be happy and he wants me to have what I need and want. He gave me permission to pursue a way of life that would create wealth for my family and I.

 He lead me to great opportunities in which I am so grateful. I am paying this forward every day. My mission is to share my story and help as many families as I can create a solid financial future that will not be taken from them.

 I started searching for other ways to make money that would supplement my real estate income. I was use to commissions and not hourly pay. I wanted to reap and sow in my own fields, not for someone else.

 This is what started my amazing journey in the world of Network Marketing, MLM and Internet marketing.

 I started out with a few different mlm's and made great money. I met my new husband who is my soul mate and I now enjoy working from home.

 I will never again be in that place again, thanks to understanding Residual Income.

 Here is the thing, I have always been an Entrepreneur and I thought Real Estate was my calling. I was great at it but when the market is tanking, your income is a direct reflection. I was not going to chase commissions anymore. I was a slave to my business.

 My journey has lead me to want more residuals and to have multiple streams of income.

 I actually get paid residuals from my Real Estate Company for the people I have recruited. Every time an agent I sponsor closes on a home, I get 10% for their gross commission. On average that is over $40,000 a year. I didn't have to sell a house or chase the commissions to earn this. I also earn residuals from a great MLM Company every Friday and I get paid to share with the world the most amazing blogging and training platform. This averages me around $400-$4600 per customer. On top of this I have found an magnificent thing called Affiliate Marketing. I did the work once and I get paid over and over and over again. COOL, right? I love it.

 I can promote and refer people to pretty much every company that I use their products. Like Amazon, Go Daddy, Clickbank and on and and on.

 I can even write my own ebooks and promote them to others that are looking for answers. You can make decent money doing this but you need to provide valuable content and really help people. Otherwise it is just crap and you will not be blessed for long.

 Out of all of this, the most powerful and profitable for me is the Empower Network.

 Watch this Video and see why I chose Empower Network as my blogging and training platform of choice. Empower Network is only $25 a month yet is making people thousands per month. How can this be? Check it out for yourself. I promise you this is the best decision you will ever make if you are serious about changing your life and are serious about making money.

Have you ever heard of Alexa Rankings? Empower Network has a Global Rank of 481 and a U.S. Rank of 224. They beat out other authority sites like Kayak and Travelocity. This is HUGE!
This was accomplished in less than 1 year. Empower Network is a HIGH AUTHORITY site so your content will be seen and ranked fast. PERIOD. This is how you generate traffic, leads and sales with blogging. 

 I am ready to retire and Empower Network is enabling me to move forward with this goal. I have now been able to work my Real Estate business part time and I am enjoying time with my fabulous family.

 I want to share my journey and my success with the world because I do not want to see anyone go through what I did. There is no reason to when you have the answer right in front of you.

 If you are broke right now, you need to take action. If you want it, you can have it. You just need to want it bad and believe in yourself. Make a commitment to never give up and do whatever it takes.

 Fight back!

 If you are currently in a situation like I once was… …being over $300,00 in debt without any money to your name… …The real problem is not lack of money… it’s lack of ideas. I was once broke and I have experienced a lot of horse-crap in life so I can relate to wherever it is you are at.

Let’s just cut the crap.

There’s a million “gurus” all with a magical formula they promise will make you rich overnight. BUT LET’S GET REAL. Most of it is fluff and busy work designed to keep you busy and distracted (and I’m pretty annoyed with it)

 Dial in to this EPIC Empower Hour Replay from last night: Here’s the call in REPLAY details: Dial in number: (712) 432-0990 <—– Secret Code: 260326# Between now and then, to become a

Member, click here to get started now.

If you enjoyed this please “comment, like & share” this page…
Laurie Davis
Skype: laurie.davis711
Work With Me Personally– Click here

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