Monday, November 12, 2012

What is Chakra and what are the 7 Chakras?

I had never heard of Chakra until today. I actually was going over and creating a personal manifesto today when I came across this term, Chakra.

 A personal manifesto is an audio you create that has several key phrases and statements that you need to hear every day, preferably at night when you are sleeping, that will reprogram your subconscious. This is truly a science that must explored. It is a key to happiness and health.

Part of my daily journey, self development and transformation of my mind, has included a daily call and book reading from Think and Grow Rich. Today we also discussed The Science of Getting Rich. Go and click on both links to get your free e-book and sign up for the newsletters.

Both encourage you to create a personal manifesto with affirmations and practice them daily. The point is to work on our subconscious mind and be able to overcome fear and self doubt that we all experience. I had never realized before that I could reprogram my mind. I have just tried to stay positive and do things on my own. The problem is that you have to understand how the mind works. It is very powerful once you realize that you do have the ability to live a happy fulfilling life.

What are Chakras?

Chakra are believed to be centers of the body from which a person can collect energy. They are connected to major organs or glands that govern other body parts.

I was very curious about this Chakra

My dad is a massage therapist so I called him and asked what he thought. He said definitely take a look at the 7 Chakra and practice what makes sense to me to my personal journey.

This takes me back to how I saw the term Chakra today. I was putting together my manifesto,  as I stated eariler, and I was looking at a friend of mine, Justin's manifesto, that he shares with our team. There are 7 Chakras. I found a site that you can take a quick test to see if your Chakras are Balanced.

 Click here to see which one of your Chakras may be unbalanced and affecting your life.

I took this test and to my surprise all 7 of my Chakras were closed. Not just week but closed. I am going to practice all 7 and keep a journal of my progress and how my mind and body changes from this day on. Added to my personal Manifesto, I am positive that I will achieve my goals.

 Carol Tuttle Is a Master Energy Therapist. She has been featured on ABC, NBC and CBS to name a few.

Watch this Video below about Root Chakra

Justin stated Chakra as being able to turn it off and on at will. He gives credit to his success with the Empower Network and Internet Marketing to the principles he has learned from the books above. He has mastered the Law of Attraction and he has spoken into existence what he wanted out of life. His journey has been to created wealth, happiness and be connected spiritually to the Universe and God. His Manifesto has been an intregal piece for  personally creating and defining his definite purpose in life.
I can awaken my chakras anytime at will. Justin V.
Needless to say, I am excited to add Chakra to my daily journey to transform my mind and continue to reprogram my subconscious mind so that I can attract opulence (health, wealth & happiness) into my life. I strongly suggest you read and follow Think and Grow Rich and The Science of Getting Rich. Both are powerful and have changed my life.

Watch Justin's Video about the Law of Attraction

Wanna know what else is equally important to your success?

Knowing what you want in life.

Do you have a crystal clear vision of what you want your life look like? I ask because without knowing clearly what you want & why you want it… …it’s similar to a captain of a boat stuck in the middle of a storm without any directions or even a map… …expecting to get to his destination which he hasn’t even decided upon yet. Expecting to become successful in this case is not happening. Create your own personal Manifesto. Play it every night when you go to sleep. You will be able to transform your mind and get what you want.

Speak LIFE into the World

Listen to the audio ‘Speak LIFE into the World‘ every day for the next 21 days. I’m not going to explain why here, you need to hear this. It is the SINGLE most impactful audio David Wood has ever done, and if you do it, it will change your life, Click here to Download

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Laurie Davis
Work With Me Personally– Click here

Skype: laurie.davis.711

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