Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Law of Success, The Science of Getting Rich

The Science of Getting Rich and the Law of Success

Napoleon Hill states whatever your mind can conceive and believe the mind can achieve.

The Law of Success - 1st Principle - Definiteness of Purpose


Have you ever wondered if you would be rich? What do you think or feel when you hear the word rich? Do you think it is for only a few? Why do you feel the way you do?

What is your Definite Purpose in life?

For me it was something that I thinks would be awesome. To be rich and financially free, but I didn't believe it was going to happen for me. Not that I have not had great success in my businesses but not the type of success that equaled financially free, debt free. My definite purpose in life is to help my family achieve what they want. To teach my children the principles of the Law of Success and the Law of Attraction. Having a clear purpose in their minds of what they want. Believing what they want they will have. I am showing them this by leading by example. They are seeing me go through a journey of reprogramming my mind and living my life in the present. I didn't really think too much more about it until after living financially a good life and seeing i quickly turn into a financial nightmare. Then I started to feel like life could not get worse. One bad thing was happening to me after another. Why? Why me? I have always gone out of my way to help people. I have given thousands to friends and co-workers in their time of need. Isn't that suppose to come back to you in your time of need. When you need it? I had no motive for helping people. I just have a big heart and if able, I give, not expecting anything in return. Is that the right thing to do though? I had to do a lot of soul searching and I had to research this law of success and figure out why things were the way the were for me. I am a good person, a God Fearing person, a loving person. I have not hurt anyone. Why did it seem like everyone around me had it good, had a better life, were blessed. Many of them were not good people and I knew for a fact they did not put others first. After losing everything I had worked so hard for and realized that not one person I helped was there for me, I had to figure this out. Was I not really a friend to them. Did they just use me? Did I enable them to be who they are? Why can't I say no. I had to look at me and the full picture. I had to take responsibility for my choices that lead me to where I was. Was it anyone else's fault? Or just mine? The truth is that I had given out so much money that it actually hurt my family and I. I was not going to get blessed for doing this because I was to take care of me and my family first. You cannot help others until you help yourself first. Once I learned this, I was able to say no. People that I thought were my friends, as soon as I said No to loaning them money or doing their work for them, quit calling me. I had friendships based on what I could do for them and it was not mutual. I realized that my family was my priority. I had to shift my thoughts. It is not selfish to take care of you first. I had hurt my family to help others that didn't even appreciate it.

You deserve to be Rich and can be Rich

This leads me to what else I learned. I have found that I thought down deep that money or being rich was bad. Money was the root of all evil. I thought the bible taught it was a sin. Now that I have researched this I have found that God does want you to have money, he wants you to be rich and he wants you to have what your desire.
“Whatsoever things ye ask for when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them,” said Jesus.
Wow that is powerful. It is not enough to pray and ask for what we want but we need to believe we will receive them.

 This means that if you want a specific house or income, you need to believe you have it and then and only then will you have it.

 This is a huge topic so I can't touch on all of it in this article but I want you to realize, today, that you are the way you are, have what you have and do what you do, based on what you BELIEVE.

I strongly suggest you take a journey and dive deep into YOU. What do you want? How can you get it?

 Read The Science of Getting Rich and Think and Grow Rich to start with. Read a chapter a day and then do what you see. This will change your thinking in a big way. You will see good things start to happen for you. You will see that GOD gave you a powerful mind that needs the energy from the Universe. With the positive Energy and your Belief, you can have what you want.

 I have shared the low times in my life with you, but now because of my practicing what I believe, changing and practicing what I have learned, good things have come to me. Everyday my life gets better. I thank God and I thank the people that are like minded in my life for the influence they have on me.

 I am now receiving what I believe I have. It will make sense to you once you have read the books above and researched this for yourself.

 I hope that you realize now that your life does not have to be the way it is today. If your life is hard, if you are broke, if you do not have the job you want , the house you want, the car you want, you must change your thoughts today.
“When we realize this we lose all doubt and fear, for we know that we can create what we want to create, we can get what we want to have, and can become what we want to be.”
Wallace D. Wattles
Define your definite purpose in life, think and grow Rich.

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Laurie Davis
Skype: laurie.davis711
Twitter @lauriemdavis

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