Friday, September 28, 2012

Empower Network Teaches how to Generate Leads For ANY Business

I am so excite and pumped. I have been through all of the training the Empower Network provides, I am following the formula and system and I have generated 100's of leads myself. I know now how to generate leads for anything online, without hiring anyone else to do this for me. I am use to getting calls from companies offering to get me ranked on GOOGLE to get me leads. NO THANK YOU! I can do this myself. Want to learn how?

 Empower Network Delivers 100%

The Empower Network does pay 100% commission but that is not what I am talking about. I am talking about the fact that this training is phenomenal. It took me months to get through all of the training. This is in depth training on social media, seo, sales funnels, spinning, paid advertising, offline advertising, leadership, language, metaphors, sales styles and so much more.
I am blown away with the system. I started this training to learn how to generate traffic and leads online. I am very successful in a MLM business but my team complains that I can not be duplicated.
I learned that majority of leaders in MLM are not easy to duplicate. We do all the work, we do all the appointments and we hand hold. It does not work. People need to be shown how to run their own business. They need a system they can follow and have success with, on their own.

Empower Network is a group of Like Minded People

I went to the Event for Empower Network and every single person I met was like me. I could not believe it. They were entrepreneurs, they were business owners and they had a passion to help people. I have been to tons of events with my Real Estate Business and MLM and never have I met such friendly people. The cool thing about an Empower event is that it is a non compete environment. This means that no one could pass out their cards or try to recruit. Everyone shares where they were at with Empower and their results. You want proof, get to the next event.

Watch this Video. Even if you think you have seen it before, you need to see it again. You really need to listen to the whole story that David Wood shares. He has been right where you are today. He hit many walls, made little money with lots of effort and then created a system to work less and make more money. This system works for any business. Now keep in mind, the video does share lots of testamonies of people that have made a lot of money promoting the Empower Network, but they are also making more money in their Primary Business.

Remember, this is training and a system. Every single person now has the skills to market online any business or product. Think about this, what if the current business you promote goes under? It can happen. Nothing is guaranteed. What if you could learn to brand yourself, work a proven system and sell anything online? Would you agree that you would more likely have money coming in, consistently, because you are in control and not relying on anyone or any 1 company?

Buy your ticket for the next event. GO HERE NOW and sign up with our team. Then click on event and order your ticket. The Empower Network Event is will be held  in Texas this coming January. You want proof, get there! You want to be take YOUR business to the next level? Invest in yourself and Get the Training you need today with the Empower Network.

Best of Both Worlds with Empower Network

With the Empower Network you can buy the training, start generating leads and have massive success with whatever business you promote.


You can also choose to be a paid affiliate and then have the right to "re-sell" the same training that helped you to make more money with YOUR company!
Just to recap, Option 1. Buy the training, grow your knowledge and skills and make money selling anything you want online. Option 2: Do Option 1 and pay to be an affiliate and get paid for referring others to the best training on the internet.
Look my future blogs and videos sharing more of how Empower has increased my income and others.

Empower Network Results are Astronomical

You do need to buy all the training and follow all the steps, consistently. Do what you are taught and you can do this too.

NOW is the time you free yourself from the
clutches of our dreaded society...

...and start creating your own recession proof
thriving economy!
NOW is the perfect time you begin living your dreams.
Get started here for only $25...

...or go here for more information.

To live life any other way is insane.

P.S.  Leave your thoughts in the comments below, and be sure to share this on Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter.
If you can’t comment, it means that we’re still in the middle of our Facebook Protest (click here), and we invite you to join us, in keeping free speech alive!

P.P.S. Read David Woods Blog, Unveiling The Mysteries Of Success – The POWER of LANGUAGE 
Laurie Davis
Empowering Lives

Thursday, September 27, 2012

My Kids love Network Marketing

Why do my KIDS love Network Marketing?

I have always worked. But I had jobs that took time away from my kids. I have worked at The Limited Credit Services as a Collector. That really sucked because I realized I want to help everyone and I would give money to anyone that deserved it. I did not like asking people that were in hardship to pay a clothing credit card. True you buy something and you NEED to pay it back but a lot of the people I talked to had paid on time for a long time and "LIFE" happened. This was during Desert Storm. It was a crazy time. 

Then I worked at JCPenney Catalog. I worked until 3am while the kids slept but I was so dag on tired the next day, my son was in Kindergarten and my daughter was 3 and had to occupy herself. I was no good to them. I hated it too. 

Wish I had heard about Network Marketing

I decided I was going to go to Nail School and work at my mom and dads salon. WELL that only lasted 6 months as my husband and kids hated the hours. I literally worked from noon until 9 or 10 every day including Saturday. Not great for a family! 

I then got a job at Aetna where I processed health insurance claims, answered incoming calls and then went on to train new hires. I started out make great money, I worked during the day when my kids were in school and had evenings with them. It was OK for a while but then I was going through a divorce and I had court dates constantly that ate up any vacation time I had. ON top of that my supervisor told me I was walking on thin ice. I actually was told I could not take time off for funeral and a few other important events. I cannot handle work being more important than MY family. 

My JOB really really Stunk!

I decided to cash out my retirement and go to Real Estate School. I actually gave my 2 week notice and then 3 weeks later I was a licensed Realtor. Cool, great. If you have read my other blogs, you know that I am still a Realtor but found out quickly that I was a SLAVE to the Real Estate Industry. My KIDS hate me being a Realtor. Talk about long hours, no respect, cut throat environment. This is not LIFE!

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?

MY POINT! My point is that if you are sick and tired of being told when to pee, when to eat, when you can spend time with your family, tired of your phone running your life, tired of not being home for dinner, not going to special events, putting OTHERS and your JOB before your family, THEN STOP!

JUST STOP! It is that easy. Make a decision to do something about it. It is not going to change on its own.

If it does not work, STOP doing it! 

I chose to look into Network Marketing. Residuals made real sense to me. I do the work once and I am paid over and over and over again. Others work because I show them how, and they show others how and we all get paid. What is so hard to figure out about that?

Now I know that you will have friends and family tell you that you are crazy. They will say you have lost your mind. They will tell you that you are dreaming, grow up and get another JOB!

Guys, a JOB alone will keep you broke. You have no job security, you have no life, you are not in control of you and your pay very rarely changes. Then you have 65 to look forward to right? Ok lets get excited about less than 60 % of your pay. Is your retirement account built? Do you have millions saved so you can retire? That is what you need to NOT have to get another job.

Watch this video and see how he figured out how to make Six Figures in 7 months on the Internet

After you watch all of this video, you should not have a shadow in doubt that you know what you need to do. Get on our team. Follow our instruction and get busy.

Push the button and get started!

I don't know about you but I decide what I do based on me. Not based on what my family or friends say. It is my life, not theirs. I know Network Marketing works. I know it has given me my life back. I know that I am happy now and that my kids and husband are happy now. Does that sound good to you?

By the way, I do not have to talk to friends and family now that I know how to generate traffic and leads on line. I know how to find targeted traffic. People that are like minded and want to do what I do. It really is easy to make money online when you are apart of a system.

The Network Marketing Industry is NOT given the credit it deserves. Think about this, if every person in America, or the World, would start a Network Marketing business, while they have a job, they would never have to worry about the, "what if".  Without it, people are laid off, can't find a job, run out of money and are SCREWED! That sounds like a plan. 

Have an open mind, look at what you are doing now, if you are happy, be happier. If you are not happy, get happy. It is that simple. See why millions of households run a home based business part time. If it was illegal or didn't work, would so many do it?

I decided to get the training necessary to be successful online. I now know how to promote and sell ANYTHING online. Kris Darty in the video above, myself and over 40,000 others worldwide, have found the system and secrets to building a business online. You don't have to be perfect to make this work. Be yourself and learn what it takes and then JUST DO IT! Get the training you need right now from the Empower Network. It is training and the best you will ever get your hands on. You want the answers on how to not fail at Network Marketing and Online Marketing? Empower Network is the training you need!

Don't believe me, watch Dave Wood's Secrets to marketing Here!

Network Marketing is only for those that want to Seriously make Money

Why do I say this? Well many join a Network Marketing Business, thinking that they will be rich tomorrow. They think they only have to talk to 3 people. They think that they don't have to treat it like a business. Well they are wrong, wrong, wrong. You do have to treat it like a business. You do have to be consistent and you can never quit. As long as you do 2 things your business will always grow. 

1. Get it started by sharing with others. Once you have build a small team. It will grow.
2. In order to get paid on what this team does, keep you business qualified. 

Every MLM company has requirements for being qualified to be paid. I promote FHTM and they require for me to have 15 bills in my system. That means my gas, electric, Internet, cable, cell and etc are established through FHTM and I am paid every month and I have the qualifying points that I need to get paid for my team. It is so easy  and people make it so complicated. Keep it simple. 

Other Network Marketing companies require you to be a customer to them in order to get paid for growing your team and get paid for other customers. Big deal, so you have to buy products from YOUR company. Should you not be a customer to your company if you want others to use those products?

Having a Network Marketing business is creating Residual Income for you and your family, it is a huge tax advantage and you don't have to work hard until your are 65. It is a shame more people do not see a good opportunity when it is presented to them. 

I don't know if it is pride or fear or maybe both. But it is a shame needless to say.

My Empower Network 100 day challenge

I am only 35 days into my 100 day challenge. All I do is follow the Empower Networks system and I generate leads, I create new relationships and I make money. I had no list when I started. I got started, took action and I now have over 500 leads and I am all over the Internet ranking on GOOGLE for the words I want to rank on. Make a decision and do it now! Now I am showing my entire FHTM team how to stop bugging friends and family and generate traffic and leads online. It is awesome!

I am not shoving this down your throat, I just wished that someone would have shared it with me while my kids were young and I was young. I would be so much further ahead now and I would not have sacrificed all the time I did from my family. 

Do yourself a favor, listen to my words and think about adding a Network Marketing business to your life. It may take time but it will be worth it in the long run.


Laurie Davis

Empowering Lives

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Deregulation of Gas and Electric

Deregulation of Energy


Deregulation of Energy is  available in many States, including my home State, Ohio. Once you have watched the video above you will understand Deregulation of Energy and why it does benefit you, as the consumer.
There are many Energy Providers that you can choose to deliver the Energy to your home. Why let your utility company pick for you when you can choose and save? Deregulation of Energy is about YOU!

Deregulation of Energy saves YOU Money

Yet, because of people not understanding what the Deregulation of Gas and Electric means to them, they continue to let their local Utility Company choose FOR THEM.
With energy bills continuing to rise as well as  food and gas, people really cannot afford to NOT pay attention. Have you been approached by an Energy Representative at your door, received a post card or gotten a phone call.? Did you pay attention? Did you realize they are trying to help you?
Many do not, because They are so afraid of being scammed, so they do not take the time to research and see if this is a good thing for them. Instead they say, "NO thank you, I am happy with my utility company." What they are saying is, " I don't know you and I am afraid to get scammed." The Utility company remains the same. You will still pay your bill to your Utility Company, in most cases.

Deregulation of Energy does not mean your Utility Company Changes

In Ohio, you still pay your bill to Utility companies like Columbia Gas and AEP,  but the bill will reflect what Energy company is providing your Energy.
Not all States are deregulated, each State more than likely will be in the near future. The Utility Company bills you for reading your meter, turning your service off and on and taking care of emergencies and repairs. They do not provide the Energy to your home but they do include the bill for your Energy.  They then turn around and pay your Energy Provider for you. This is called the "Middle Man". You did not have a choice and had to pay what ever rate was provided to you. Now with Deregulation of Gas and Electric, you can shop for the Energy Provider of your choice. 

Click here for a map of Deregulated States

Many Energy providers have entered into a joint venture with Network Marketing Companies in order to not only provide you with a Choice and Savings but also the ability to earn a commission. You can now become the Middle Man.
One of the Companies that pays you to choose them as an Energy Provider is XOOM Energy. Xoom Energy provides their customers with a choice of a fixed rate or a variable rate. In some Some States you can choose a 12 month and a 24 month fixed rate. In Ohio, they currently offer a fixed rate of 12 months.

Choose Xoom Energy through FHTM

You can sign up through XOOM Energy through FHTM. It is a Network Marketing Company that has been gathering Loyal Customers for Fortune 500 Companies for over 10 years.
Companies like XOOM energy choose to work with Network Marketing Companies because they know their business model is "word of mouth" referrals. They pay FHTM and their Representatives for referring consumers to them, which saves XOOM from advertising the traditional way, like newspaper, radio and billboards.
FHTM Representatives get paid for gathering these customers and in turn save and get paid a commission on their own bills.  Think about it, there are 5 bills that we all pay every month that we will never pay off.  No matter how much money you make, you can never pay off your  Wireless phone, Gas, Electric, Internet or Cable bill, to name a few.
If you do lock in your rate right now, you are locking in a summer rate which will keep your bill from fluctuating with the Market. This can result in a decent savings on your bill.
I find it strange that people are so afraid of everything.  People are afraid of being scammed or taken, especially when they are tight on money. The sad thing is that there are so many opportunities in front of them that could change their lives, but FEAR will keep them right where they are. Yet they rush out and get a Mortgage and are willing to pay 3 times as much for their home than what it is worth. Go figure.
Take the time to research the Deregulation of Energy.  I highly recommend taking a look at XOOM Energy.
P.S.  Leave your thoughts in the comments below, and be sure to share this on Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter.

P.P.S Read my Blog, The Power of Language, Unveil the Mysteries of Success

Laurie Davis
Empowering Lives

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Get Started With Easy Internet Marketing Tips

Get Started With Easy Internet Marketing Tips

How many times have you gotten sidetracked by the latest "special report" on some top secret internet marketing method that didn't work at all? Every one wants a business that becomes successful overnight, but the truth is, internet marketing is just like any other business. It takes work, patience and perseverance.

Keep adding fresh content to your website by using online writing services to keep your content pages well-supplied. It's hard to have enough time to write lots of good content on your own, but there are many great online writers who will happily provide you with content to your specifications at good prices.

A fantastic way to increase your site visibility is to create site map pages which outline all the different parts of your site. This makes it easier for your site to be navigated, and will allow search engines to locate all the different sections of your site more easily.

Never use exit pop-ups in your internet marketing set-up. These are specialized routines that stop visitors from navigating away from your site, asking them to confirm that they want leave. These high-pressure tactics sway no one. It does hurt when visitors leave your site, but giving them a pop-up on their way out, makes it significantly less likely that they will ever return.

Try placing some fun elements in your banners. You can add things like trivia questions in your banners for customers to answer. many customers love trivia. Make an offer through it, such as if they get the answer right that they win a prize that pertains to your store. The prize is a great way to get them to click the banner too.

Internet Marketing Ads should include New Launches or Products

A very important keyword to use, in order to have a successful internet marketing advertisement, is the word "new". People like hearing that the product that you are selling is new and innovative. A good phrase to say are phrases, such as, "This product is new and was just released in the market."

Deciding what customer base to target with your marketing strategies, can be the easy part of doing your business online. You need to be prepared to accept business before you even offer any business. Your hard-wrought promotions will be for nothing if you are ill-prepared on the back end of the site.

Some people find it a bit intimidating or even confusing to add links to their site. Knowing how many links belong on your site is something that you are going to have to test out to see how it goes. You do not want your site to end up looking spammy because people will back right out of a spammy site.

Benefits to Internet Marketing

There are many great benefits to internet marketing and that is why you shouldn't overlook this option. The most important aspect of marketing through the internet is that it has a very large market penetration. This means that it is easily shown to a large number of potential consumers easily.

Present your product as new. Consumers want to be the first ones to have something, and the internet is a great way to find products before they are available in most stores. Present your product as something that is going to catch on rapidly, and make your offer look like a great opportunity before prices go up.

Start an online club and give your customers a free membership. Everyone likes to belong to stuff, and they especially like to belong to online stuff. You could have a free e-newsletter or e-zine that you give only to members of your club. You can also offer an upgraded membership for a fee to increase your revenue.

Create an instant impression of exclusive, rare, and one-of-a-kind products, services or promotional offers. Something that is offered only in a limited amount is infinitely more appealing to potential customers, especially early adopters and innovators. Your website or e-mail campaign should highlight the prestige associated with being one of the first people to own your product."

When in doubt, just continue to apply principles that you know have worked for you and for others. Internet marketing is not a mystery, and many people have become very successful selling products and services on the internet. Follow the gurus, find what works for you, and keep persisting towards success.

P.S.  Leave your thoughts in the comments below, and be sure to share this on Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter.

P.P.S You may also enjoy this Article about Network Marketing Top Tips, Click Here 

Laurie Davis

Empowering Lives

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Ronan's Story Must be Shared

Who is Ronan?

If you have not heard of this little boys story, you will.
He is strong, brave, funny, smart, spicy, fearless, innocent, carefree, inspiring, sparkly, silly, soulful, bold, courageous, proud, powerful, and all things beautiful. He was 3-years old when he passed away from Neuroblastoma, a form of Childhood Cancer. He shouldn’t have. No child should.
Maya Thompson
Ronan was a little boy that was struck by a tragedy. His own tragedy. He was diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma cancer, August of 2010. He battled this cancer for 8 months. He passed just before he turned 4 years old. Actually 3 days before his birthday!  His mother wrote a blog and shared his story with the world. This was her way of dealing with the pain and the loss. This has also kept Ronan's memory alive and is helping many families to cope with their own personal battles.
Ronan's battle with Neuroblastoma ended on May 9, 2011, but his fight will go on. Ronan continues to inspire us in the way he lived his life full of passion, strength, and courage. He will live forever in our hearts and minds as the most beautiful little boy to ever have touched the earth. We, as a family, are determined to carry on his name, and find a cure for this horrible disease.
Maya Thompson
No parent should ever have to bury their child. It is truly 1 of my worst fears. I cannot imagine having to go through this. I am so grateful that Maya Thompson shared her little boys story with us. Please consider Donating to this cause. Help fight against this horrible disease that has struck so many families. You can donate through The Ronan Thompson Foundation Now!

Follow Her Blog, RockStar Ronan


USA Today, Ed Masley, The Arizona Republic, wrote a great article about Ronan and his family. He also mentioned that Country Music Star Taylor Swift, wrote a song in Memory of Ronan. This must have been so amazing to know that Ronan has his own song. Wow that was an awesome thing Taylor Swift did.
The Thompson family has a set of 9 year old twins, Quinn and Liam. Maya and Woody are expecting another child in April. I hope this will bring so much joy to their family. They have all been through so much.

Taylor Swift wrote a son in Memory of Ronan

I found out about Ronan and his mothers blog when my own daughter, Brooke, shared it with me. She is 19 and she is one of 3 of my beautiful children. She is my middle child.
I have been going through a lot of emotions lately. I didn't know why. I am not the type of person that cries a lot or easily, but I have found myself bawling uncontrollably at times.

My Own Pity Party!

I felt like I was in a pity party for myself but I didn't know why. I have a great life. I am blessed with a wonderful loving, supportive husband, 3 kids and a career that enables me to work from home. I cannot complain at all. Yes I have had hardship in the past. I have lost a home, gone through 2 rough divorces that could have messed my kids up. Probably did more than I know. But for the most part I feel they are well rounded and are doing ok. They are great kids and I could not be more proud of them.
What was this sadness I was feeling? What is wrong with me?

Ronan's Story told by his Mother touched my heart so deeply!

After Brooke shared Ronan's story with me, I bawled again. I couldn't stop. I felt every word his mother shared. I felt it as though I was going through it. I imagined myself in her shoes, having to hold and comfort Ronan. Knowing I had little time left with him. Knowing there was nothing anyone could do!
I realized then that my sadness, my pain was coming from a loss as well. Not a permanent loss like Ronan's mother, Maya Thompson, has experienced but nonetheless, a loss.

Empty Nest Syndrome

I am 41 years old and I have 2 children that are 20 and 19 and I have a 6 year old daughter. I remember when my oldest 2 were little, I thought of how cool it was that I would be done raising them in my early 40's and could experience some freedom.

Little did I know, it is one of the hardest things I have experience. I guess they call it empty nest syndrome. This makes no sense to me though because I do not have an empty nest, technically. I have a beautiful 6 year old that I thank GOD for everyday as I do for my oldest children.

I felt that my kids didn't need me anymore. After 18 plus years of changing diapers, brushing teeth, doing homework, dressing boo boo's, doing laundry, playing and being their whole world. You know the moments when your child looks up at you and says, I love you Mommy, you are so beautiful Mommy, you are my best friend Mommy, I love you so much it hurts Mommy. You are their whole world!

Then they go have their own life and don't need you anymore. So I felt.
I sent a text to my kids last week pouring out my heart and letting them know I am missing them, it is hard and that I am so proud of who they have turned out to be. I told them I believe in them and they can be and do anything they put their minds to.

My oldest son Tyler replied, "Thank you mom. I wouldn't be who I am without you. Love ya and have a good evening." My heart was so happy. Wow am I lucky!

My daughter Brooke replied, "I love you so much mom. Whether I am sitting right next to you or I'm a thousand miles away...I will always need you! You are a perfect woman. Nobody is perfect but you are perfectly imperfect and you will always be who I look up to.  You have strength of a warrior. Keep your head up because no matter what life throws your way I know you can come out the other side 10 times stronger. You are my hero. Love you!"

Ok now I am crying again. But tears of joy. I do have amazing kids and I know they need and love me.  My kids are my whole world! All I ever wanted was to be a mother! I will never take this for granted!

I am just going through another phase of life. It is all good!

Many parents experience this. I have a lot of friends that also have older kids and younger children they are still raising. We have put our older kids into college or they have moved out to start their own lives. It is a strange and lonely feeling when you feel they don't need you anymore. I actually mourn as though I have lost them.

Ronan's story puts my life into Perspective!

I decided after reading Ronan's story that this was something I needed to get over quickly. I need to realize that his mother had 4 years with him and I have been lucky enough to enjoy many memories and phases of life with my kids.  These memories and stages of life were stolen from her.
My point in this blog is to reach out to Maya and let her know that I feel for her and I thank her for sharing Ronan's story. It has touched me in ways I cannot explain and it has caused me to put my life in perspective. To count my blessing and appreciate every minute I have with my children.
I know that Ronan is not in pain anymore and he will see his family again. I know that this is what she has to comfort her. I know she is going to be blessed for sharing her story and others are blessed from hearing it.
Thank you Maya Thompson!

P.S.  Leave your thoughts in the comments below, and be sure to share this on Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter.

Connect with me on Facebook

P.P.S. Read David Woods Blog, Unveiling The Mysteries Of Success – The POWER of LANGUAGE 

Laurie Davis
Empowering Lives

Monday, September 17, 2012

Movie Review, BAIT 3D

BAIT is a great Thriller! Definitely worth watching!

I watch motion pictures every weekend with my husband. Yes we're old, have old pals, and we all spend the weekends watching movies and drinking beer.

This weekend, 
among the film selections was Bait. I by no means am a fan of Shark films. The truth is I still have nightmares from the 1st JAWS. Of course, I let my husband talk me into watching BAIT! I got to pick the next movie but I have to say, this was a great choice.

Bait was Frightening!

I'm telling you, I jumped often and so did my husband. It definitely was suspenseful and these sharks are wicked! It kept me on the edge of my seat!

The story line of BAIT was
incredibly exciting. It was about a A freak tsunami that traps shoppers at a coastal Australian supermarket inside, below the ground. Some how the ocean swept  a 12-foot White Shark through the doors.
Not just 1 White Shark but there was another shark that found its way into parking Garage. Ok I have officially decided I am under no circumstances Residing in an region where sharks may be thrown out of the OCEAN into my house, grocery retailer or church. If you reside in an location like this, what had been you thinking?

The Actors were amazing in BAIT! I felt their fear!

Right from the start of BAIT, people are dying, animals are going crazy, folks are initiating sex within a automobile, a girl shop lifts, and people are just weird. I was thinking that this film was about all animals going crazy. I knew individuals were going to become bait but I did not know how it was going to play out. I was shocked. Entirely pulled in. I seriously liked this movie.

I guess, in
daily life, you just don't take the time to prepare for a disaster. What would you do for those who were trapped in a grocery store, beneath water, with a shark?

I was imagining
 myself there and thought about which character I related to Was I survivor? Was I a Hero? Was I a big chicken that only cared about myself?  I feel that I would be a survivor. I would do what it takes to survive. I would definitely help others but I do not believe I would volunteer to do something that would surely kill me. I want to live. 

Wow! My thoughts freaked me out. 
I would be willing to let the others try to swim to get help. I guess that's human nature to choose to survive. Not take the risk to be a hero. 
Fortunately in BAIT, there were several willing to be Heroes! You will have to watch the movie to see how important it was for somebody to be a hero. What would have happened if no one was willing to be a Hero?

In life,
 we see tragedies happen. Mostly on the news or in the paper. I personally have never witnessed a tragedy right in front of my eyes. Thank God. But I  know it could happen at any time. We have no control over this. We mourn for those that lost their loved ones, we mourn for those that lost their lives. Do we stop and think about how, if we were there, we could have maybe saved a few of those lives? Are we aware of our surroundings at all times, so that if something like this happens, we can take action? 

I am afraid for most of us, it is no. My husband is huge on survival and he makes sure that I have become very aware of  my surroundings. I think he has me watch these movies so I quit living in a fairy tale! SOMETIMES I like living in my fair tale, but I know he is right.

An instance will be the Colorado shooting at the BATMAN Premier. This was horrifying. I read the twitter messages of a few of the victims that had been tweeting about how excited they had been to be at the theater for this late night premier film. Then the tweets were so sad. They were confused. They were shocked. They were not prepared. They were desperate. They can not believe what exactly is taking place. Death just before their eyes. They see blood everywhere! I'm positive the color RED will forever stand out in their minds.

Red will
always imply some thing to them and trigger this horrible tragedy. I can not imagine personally experiencing something like this. It does make me seriously appreciate my life, my kids, my husband, my pals, the sun, the flowers, the mountains and just about every step I take!

BAIT reminded me of this day. I saw bodies and blood.
Men and women desperate and in shock.
Absolutely take the time to watch BAIT. I also suggest creating a program to survive. Figure out what you would do. Talk about it with others.  Be prepared for the worst. It could mean the difference of life or death.

Each day life is full of these choices!

Are you currently deciding what you will do next in your life? Are you tired of the every day grind and just having enough energy to go to work and come home, eat dinner and go to bed. Every day is the same, is it not? Do you get the chance to go to the movies, can you afford to go on a trip? Do you push yourself to try new things? Are you afraid of trying anything since it is an excessive amount of work to succeed?  Today, make up your mind to enjoy every second you have. If you are not happy, get happy. If it is that crappy job, find another way to make a living. What ever it is, change it while you have the ability to. You never know where you life will lead, but you can change the course somewhat. 

live my life to the fullest. I decided to take a opportunity to be my own boss.  I decided to take life by the horns. I have invested in myself to learn a whole new way of life. I seek knowledge and what I learn I put to action every day. I have created a life of financial freedom for my family and I. We do enjoy every day together and we have the time to plan our back up plan and survival plan. Don't let life just rush by you. 
Get Started Today on a New Path!
I believe you will enjoy watching Bait! Thank you for reading my review!

P.S. Leave your thoughts
inside the comments below, and be sure you share this on Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter.

Laurie Davis

Empowering Lives!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Neucopia Review

Neucopia is a new company that was founded by Rich Cook and also launched in June of this year, the year 2012. He released this company with numerous products to market and in addition 100% commissions.
Presently there are many ads out there saying that Neucopia is superior compared to the Empower Network and additional companies which have 100% commissions. They say this is due to the fact they do not have pass ups, supposedly. The ad I received in my email stat ed this word for word. This made me curious because the company has to generate money and there has to be some sort of advantage with regard to the Reps to sponsor as well as assist other people. I decided to research and find out more about this particular company. This is actually what I found. Keep in mind there are generally always going to be brand new companies that will pop up that declare that they have got the best compensation in the particular industry and the greatest goods. You have got to make positive it is the suitable company for you to invest your time and money with.

any company, you have got to be able to build a team and you have got to provide people a reason to help others. You also have to build leverage, possess good products and offer Residuals.
Neucopia's Compensation Plan

Neucopia has 2 level buy ins. Level
1 is $150 with a monthly fee of $50.00. Your first three sales are passed upward to your sponsor. This is what they say you will need in order to qualify your business. Be eligible means that you have to possess a product or sale in order to be a legitimate business, per the Attorney General. You sign three folks and you are now qualified to make money. You do not make money until you have signed 3 people. Neucopia then pays you a One-Time bonus of $100 when you sponsor your 4th person to infinity. Now in the level one, there is NO RESIDUAL INCOME. There is also NO PASS UP COMMISSION.
Level 2 with Neucopia pays Pass up Commission

Level 2 is the level that each Representative with Neucopia is going to push to their sign ups. The reason for this is that Level 2 only requires 2 pass ups and with those 2 pass ups, you continue to get $10.00 per month as long as the people are still paying their monthly fee. The Buy In for this level is $270 and the monthly fee is $170. The one time bonus when you sign your 3rd person is $200. The monthly Residual is $100.00 as long as the people sponsored continues to pay their monthly fee.
What are the Products that Neucopia Offers?

This took me sometime to find but they do offer training. You get different categories of training depending on the level you choose to come in at with Neucopia.

Level 1 Products with Neucopia, which is considered the Basic Membership, offers training and tools in a variety of subjects.

Neucopia Basic Training Products

Level 2 Products with Neucopia, which is considered the Premier Membership gives you all the basic training as well as "special" training webinars and training videos taught by people well known in their respective fields, as well as other well know people that are Actors and Athletes.

This surprised me when they stated that Actors and Athletes would be included in the training. Do they do what they teach or is it just a celebrity backing. I really think it is odd when a company needs celebrities to help them to grow and promote their company. Just my opinion.

Neucopia Products

I included a link above that takes you to a Neucopia Products Review written by a person with Neucopia. He breaks down the training subjects which are subjects that you could easily find on the internet and you can take training and and attend seminars in each of these industries. I do not how valuable this content and training is and if it has enough value and information that would be worth your monthly fee. Maybe it is. I am sure that after this company hype goes down, we will see what people think about the value of the training provided.
People join a Network Marketing Company to live the life they Dream

Now remember that the reason that people join a company at first is because of the "dream" they are selling and how fast they will make money and be able to quit their jobs. Many times they don't know what products the company sells, they do not take the training or use the products the company offers. They go out and try and sign up a few people and quickly find out how hard it is.

Just to be clear, I am not representing Neucopia or promoting Neucopia and they seem to be a reputable company. Meaning they do have products and they do have a good compensation plan. I have nothing negative to say about Neucopia. I wish the company and their reps great success.
An outside opinion of Neucopia

I am looking at Neucopia from the outside in with an honest opinion, which is what I believe people want when they are deciding on joining a company.

It is only fair to point out the struggles that people face in Network and Internet Marketing. I definitely believe and know that both fields are very lucrative and have produced thousands of Millionaires.

These Industries however also have thousands that join and quit in the first 30 days to 6 months. Majority of people are only willing to 'Try It". The problem is that when they "Try" something, they have already set themselves up for failure.

All leaders, in any business not just Network and Internet Marketing know that only on average, 6% of people actually make life changing money.
There are several reasons for this:

1.) Fear to talk to people

2.) Hearing the word "NO" and the feeling of rejection

3.) Realization sets in that they really do have to "WORK" this thing!

4.) They are excited when they hear the opportunity and are told to focus on their "Why" for doing this. BUT their "Why is tied to emotion and not Will Power.

5.) People are not willing to pay the price to have the true freedom and wealth.

They quit the business, blaming the company, their friend, everyone and their brother.

The reason the rich are rich is because they are willing to conquer their objections and fears, work their asses off to grow their business, allow themselves to fail but only to learn from it. They adjust what they do until they perfect it, get it down and make money.

A successful person never quits! Bef0re you decide to join Neucopia, you need to look at yourself, what your motive is for joining the business and are you going to learn, be coachable and work your butt off? In this Industry you work your butt off until you achieve the success you want. It can be 2 years or 15. It depends on how hard you work, how consistent you are and how well trained you are.

One more thing I need to share. I have credibility being that I am a Realtor and have been for 9 years, I am a Network Marketer and now I am an Internet Marketer. I cannot stress to you enough the fact that you must know how to drive traffic to your business, sell products and build a team and become a Leader.

You are reading this article to start a new journey in your life or to perfect the journey you are on. I do not care which it is, get the training you need to do this.

I highly suggest, even if you join Neucopia, to get training. The best training I have found that does give you the tools and knowledge to drive traffic and grow any business is, hands down, Empower Network.
NO BS TRAINING with the Empower Network

I do not care what anyone says, I am telling you as a customer, it has changed my life. Empower provides the NO BS training you searching for. Without the proper training and tools, you are dead in the water, no matter how good a company's website, commission or products are.

If you are serious about making money and being successful, get the products that will make this happen if you implement what you learn, everyday!

 P.S. Learn the Power of Language! Must master this to take control of your life! CLICK HERE NOW!
P.P.S. Leave your thoughts in the comments below, and be sure to share this on Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter.
If you can’t comment, it means that we’re still in the middle of our Facebook Protest (click here), and we invite you to join us, in keeping free speech alive!
Read David Woods Blog, Unveiling The Mysteries Of Success – The POWER of LANGUAGE 
Laurie Davis
Empowering Lives!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Marketing Online Has Never Been Simpler

Online Marketing Tips to generate solid traffic

Here you will find effective and up-to-date information to guide you in applying Internet marketing to your business model. The following article contains some great tips you can use in your marketing efforts.
Fast is a great word to use in ad campaigns, as well as in the language around your products. Time means more in business than money so make sure you do everything quickly.

TIP! Adding a limited-time offer to your product can be a powerful motivator for some consumers. You might offer free shipping to a limited number of people or you could gift-wrap orders that are purchased prior to a certain date.
A website's tag is one of its most important features. It tells the world who you are. Tags at the top of each page play a large role in the search engine formula, and are visible to your visitors, too. If you say the wrong thing, or provide puzzling information in your tag, it will not work in your favor. Target your message, and remember it will be a factor in whether or not people continue their visit to your website.

You will improve your chances of getting sales if you provide several different ways for people to pay. While you may think their is nothing wrong with credit cards being the only payment option, you should let people pay with their checking account or payment systems such as Paypal.

Don't just offer your customers prizes; do so in engaging ways. One thing that you could do is to have questions based off of your website that your customers need to answer correctly. Once they find these words, provide them with a discount or reward. Getting your customers to participate in your website will make your site more fun and personable, making them comfortable when buying from you.

TIP! A great Internet marketing tip is to become an expert in the field you are dealing with. This helps establish credibility if you have true, relevant content.
Be sure your page contains information customers want. Don't make the mistake of assuming a one-page website with very little information will engage and keep a customer's attention. Post reviews of your products and write articles to keep your readers interested and establish your business as a reference.

Putting out a press release is a great way to increase traffic for internet marketing. Once you learn to write good press releases, you can find a number of places to have them published online. This can boost your profile easily.

Knowing your competition is crucial in Internet marketing. Investigate what your competitors are doing, and assess both the strengths and weaknesses of their strategies. There is much that you can learn by watching the actions of others. This can give you insight as to what to do, and what not to do.

TIP! Provide easily understood and content-driven content on your site. Your primary mission here is to convey knowledge to your prospects in a minimal amount of time, so that they understand what you are selling.
A good way to promote your products online is to offer discounts. You can highlight the discount by positioning it near the regular price on the featured items. Another way to entice a purchase is by saying that if they buy now, the price will be half off.

Make sure that your site has something unique about it. This will help to make you the go-to person for that particular thing. The visitors then usually end up checking out other parts of your sites which eventually sends it up the search engine rankings.

If you want more sales, it is important to be positive and show it. Be certain that people understand why your products and services are relevant to their own lives. Shoppers should know this information once they have briefly visited your website or any other page on the web that is relevant to your operations. Encouraging your audience to use your product to follow their dreams will make them much more likely to buy.

TIP! A well-designed website is the first step toward increasing your search engine ranking. All online businesses should begin with this idea.
Use banners that don't actually look like banners on your website. If they appear as clickable links, your customers will be more apt to use them. Many people avoid clicking banners, so this will tempt them to do so.

Internet Marketing Requires a Marketing Plan

Consider the information in this article before beginning your marketing plan. Take that knowledge and apply it; don't let it waste away. By taking the steps that were mentioned, you will be well on your way to profitability.

Be sure to include customer comments on your website. People like to read what others are saying about any product, and they like knowing what experience someone else has had with it. They will tend to feel safer purchasing from you, as well as feeling more at home on your website.

Weird Marketing Tricks!!
P.S.  Leave your thoughts in the comments below, and be sure to share this on Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter.
If you can’t comment, it means that we’re still in the middle of our Facebook Protest (click here), and we invite you to join us, in keeping free speech alive!
P.P.S. Read David Woods Blog, Unveiling The Mysteries Of Success – The POWER of LANGUAGE 
Laurie Davis

Empowering Lives


Friday, September 7, 2012

Fitness- Use Your Own Body Weight To Build Muscle

Fitness- Follow these tips!

There is no reason why fitness can't also be a part of your daily life!

Fitness has to do with tailoring workouts to the needs of a person. There are multitudes of different exercises, tools, and techniques that can be a little confusing when you are starting out. This article can help you weed out the good ideas from the bad.

Doing dips is an excellent fitness tip you should follow. You workout your shoulders, triceps, and chest when you do dips. There are several ways to do dips. Position two benches so that you can do the dips in between them. You can increase the impact your dips have by adding weight to them too.

Always wear appropriate gear on your feet when you work out. If you fail to wear the proper shoes for the type of workout you favor, you are in danger of sustaining an injury. You can also cause foot discomfort post-workout which can prevent you from exercising later.

Rollerblading is a great way to add fun to your Fitness Routine!

An excellent way to increase your fitness level is to purchase and use a pair of rollerblades. Rollerblading isn't popular like it was a couple decades ago, but it's great for burning off calories now. You can still find rollerblades in most sporting goods stores.
TIP! If you play tennis, try training your eyes for faster focus. By playing tennis nearer to the net, your eyes will adjust and react faster when the opponent hits the ball.
Your average push-ups are excellent for fine-tuning your triceps. Rather than doing regular push-ups, you can spot-tone the triceps by rotating your hands inward 45 degrees; your fingertips should be facing those of the opposite hand. Those triceps will melt like butter then harden like stone beneath the stress of these high-quality push-ups.

When doing any workout, you should make sure to exhale after every repetition of the given weight. This will allow the body to intake more air, which will help raise your energy levels.

Strength Training

Make sure that you are breathing deeply whenever you run. During strenuous workouts, your body's need for oxygen increases. Accommodate it by making each deep breath count. This practice is also a good way increase the capacity of your lungs.
TIP! Always keep some spice in your exercises and throw in a few new workouts whenever you come across a good idea. This will keep you focused and motivated so you keep coming back for more every day.
Goals are very important when you are developing a strength training routine. If your aim is to bulk up, you should do more intense sessions on a less frequent basis. But if you're trying to chisel leaner, more sculpted muscles, then up the number of strength training workouts you get in.

If you've hired a personal trainer, you can improve your odds for success by paying for his services up front. If you do so, you increase the chances of you going through with all the sessions you planned as compared to paying for them individually. Your money will have already been spent. You are going to want to make the most of your investment so you will follow through.

Keep track of all of your activities each day. Everything should be recorded, including food, drink, and exercise. Also, note the weather every day. This will help you monitor the things that affect how much you exercise. If you had to put off exercising a little while, note why.

Schedule a visit with your physician before beginning any exercise routine. It's particularly important to get professional medical advice if you face significant challenges on your way to getting fit. Even if you've already begun a fitness routine, your physician can give you more assistance.
TIP! You must ice the area in which you develop a muscle sprain. This will help reduce swelling and redness in the area.
Milk is a good beverage to drink before a workout. Milk tastes great and also contains protein, which your muscles need to grow efficiently. Milk is required by baby cows, or calfs, and milk has the protein and fats that the calf uses to grow and be strong. These nutrients can help you increase your body mass as well.

Do you want attentive stares at your games? Leg raises are a great way to get them! Calf muscles are two distinct muscle groups, so exercising them differently will help in a number of ways.

Many people make the mistake of concentrating on abdominal exercises day in and day out. In fact, daily ab workouts are not the best way to exercise this muscle group. As with other muscles, abs need a break between exercise. Your routine should allow for at least 2 or 3 days between ab routines.

If you want to work out, don't call it working out or exercising. It will be hard to remain motivated if you think of working out as a negative thing. Instead, you should think about your goals, the sense of accomplishment and the fun you have when you go running, cycling or swimming.
TIP! It's not uncommon for most people to assume that breakfast should consist of sugary cereals. However, whole grains include many foods, including quinoa, brown rice and barley.
Try paying a trainer ahead of time so that you will be motivated enough to go to your training sessions. When you do this, you are more likely to show up to all of your exercise sessions because if you do not, you are losing valuable money.

Foot agility is very important, as this exercise can help improve this skill. Lift up your left foot and tap it using your right hand, then lower it. Next, raise your right foot and touch it using your left hand before lowering it. Next, take your left foot and touch your right hand, and then repeat the right foot again. This should be done for 20 second reps that you do as fast as possible. Do these between three and five times.

Fitness is personal for everybody, but many share the same goal of becoming healthier and looking better. All kinds of different techniques exist, but all of them can help you live a better life.
Find a convenient place that allows the public to use their fitness machines. A lot of offices will give you a gym membership or room. Whatever you choose, having a gym that is easy to access is important for your fitness goals. You will go to the gym more often if it is nearby.
TIP! A nutrition plan should always be a part of any fitness program to increase its effectiveness. Your body will pay you back for feeding it well by giving you the body that you have always been looking for.

P.S.  Leave your thoughts in the comments below, and be sure to share this on Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter.
If you can’t comment, it means that we’re still in the middle of our Facebook Protest (click here), and we invite you to join us, in keeping free speech alive!

Laurie Davis
Skype: laurie.davis711
Twitter: follow me @lauriemdavis
Weird Marketing Tricks!!