Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Neucopia Review

Neucopia is a new company that was founded by Rich Cook and also launched in June of this year, the year 2012. He released this company with numerous products to market and in addition 100% commissions.
Presently there are many ads out there saying that Neucopia is superior compared to the Empower Network and additional companies which have 100% commissions. They say this is due to the fact they do not have pass ups, supposedly. The ad I received in my email stat ed this word for word. This made me curious because the company has to generate money and there has to be some sort of advantage with regard to the Reps to sponsor as well as assist other people. I decided to research and find out more about this particular company. This is actually what I found. Keep in mind there are generally always going to be brand new companies that will pop up that declare that they have got the best compensation in the particular industry and the greatest goods. You have got to make positive it is the suitable company for you to invest your time and money with.

any company, you have got to be able to build a team and you have got to provide people a reason to help others. You also have to build leverage, possess good products and offer Residuals.
Neucopia's Compensation Plan

Neucopia has 2 level buy ins. Level
1 is $150 with a monthly fee of $50.00. Your first three sales are passed upward to your sponsor. This is what they say you will need in order to qualify your business. Be eligible means that you have to possess a product or sale in order to be a legitimate business, per the Attorney General. You sign three folks and you are now qualified to make money. You do not make money until you have signed 3 people. Neucopia then pays you a One-Time bonus of $100 when you sponsor your 4th person to infinity. Now in the level one, there is NO RESIDUAL INCOME. There is also NO PASS UP COMMISSION.
Level 2 with Neucopia pays Pass up Commission

Level 2 is the level that each Representative with Neucopia is going to push to their sign ups. The reason for this is that Level 2 only requires 2 pass ups and with those 2 pass ups, you continue to get $10.00 per month as long as the people are still paying their monthly fee. The Buy In for this level is $270 and the monthly fee is $170. The one time bonus when you sign your 3rd person is $200. The monthly Residual is $100.00 as long as the people sponsored continues to pay their monthly fee.
What are the Products that Neucopia Offers?

This took me sometime to find but they do offer training. You get different categories of training depending on the level you choose to come in at with Neucopia.

Level 1 Products with Neucopia, which is considered the Basic Membership, offers training and tools in a variety of subjects.

Neucopia Basic Training Products

Level 2 Products with Neucopia, which is considered the Premier Membership gives you all the basic training as well as "special" training webinars and training videos taught by people well known in their respective fields, as well as other well know people that are Actors and Athletes.

This surprised me when they stated that Actors and Athletes would be included in the training. Do they do what they teach or is it just a celebrity backing. I really think it is odd when a company needs celebrities to help them to grow and promote their company. Just my opinion.

Neucopia Products

I included a link above that takes you to a Neucopia Products Review written by a person with Neucopia. He breaks down the training subjects which are subjects that you could easily find on the internet and you can take training and and attend seminars in each of these industries. I do not how valuable this content and training is and if it has enough value and information that would be worth your monthly fee. Maybe it is. I am sure that after this company hype goes down, we will see what people think about the value of the training provided.
People join a Network Marketing Company to live the life they Dream

Now remember that the reason that people join a company at first is because of the "dream" they are selling and how fast they will make money and be able to quit their jobs. Many times they don't know what products the company sells, they do not take the training or use the products the company offers. They go out and try and sign up a few people and quickly find out how hard it is.

Just to be clear, I am not representing Neucopia or promoting Neucopia and they seem to be a reputable company. Meaning they do have products and they do have a good compensation plan. I have nothing negative to say about Neucopia. I wish the company and their reps great success.
An outside opinion of Neucopia

I am looking at Neucopia from the outside in with an honest opinion, which is what I believe people want when they are deciding on joining a company.

It is only fair to point out the struggles that people face in Network and Internet Marketing. I definitely believe and know that both fields are very lucrative and have produced thousands of Millionaires.

These Industries however also have thousands that join and quit in the first 30 days to 6 months. Majority of people are only willing to 'Try It". The problem is that when they "Try" something, they have already set themselves up for failure.

All leaders, in any business not just Network and Internet Marketing know that only on average, 6% of people actually make life changing money.
There are several reasons for this:

1.) Fear to talk to people

2.) Hearing the word "NO" and the feeling of rejection

3.) Realization sets in that they really do have to "WORK" this thing!

4.) They are excited when they hear the opportunity and are told to focus on their "Why" for doing this. BUT their "Why is tied to emotion and not Will Power.

5.) People are not willing to pay the price to have the true freedom and wealth.

They quit the business, blaming the company, their friend, everyone and their brother.

The reason the rich are rich is because they are willing to conquer their objections and fears, work their asses off to grow their business, allow themselves to fail but only to learn from it. They adjust what they do until they perfect it, get it down and make money.

A successful person never quits! Bef0re you decide to join Neucopia, you need to look at yourself, what your motive is for joining the business and are you going to learn, be coachable and work your butt off? In this Industry you work your butt off until you achieve the success you want. It can be 2 years or 15. It depends on how hard you work, how consistent you are and how well trained you are.

One more thing I need to share. I have credibility being that I am a Realtor and have been for 9 years, I am a Network Marketer and now I am an Internet Marketer. I cannot stress to you enough the fact that you must know how to drive traffic to your business, sell products and build a team and become a Leader.

You are reading this article to start a new journey in your life or to perfect the journey you are on. I do not care which it is, get the training you need to do this.

I highly suggest, even if you join Neucopia, to get training. The best training I have found that does give you the tools and knowledge to drive traffic and grow any business is, hands down, Empower Network.
NO BS TRAINING with the Empower Network

I do not care what anyone says, I am telling you as a customer, it has changed my life. Empower provides the NO BS training you searching for. Without the proper training and tools, you are dead in the water, no matter how good a company's website, commission or products are.

If you are serious about making money and being successful, get the products that will make this happen if you implement what you learn, everyday!

 P.S. Learn the Power of Language! Must master this to take control of your life! CLICK HERE NOW!
P.P.S. Leave your thoughts in the comments below, and be sure to share this on Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter.
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Read David Woods Blog, Unveiling The Mysteries Of Success – The POWER of LANGUAGE 
Laurie Davis
Empowering Lives!

1 comment:

  1. Great information Laurie. I love watching your videos. Smile girl! :)


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