Thursday, September 6, 2012

Power of Language, Will Change your Life!

What is the Power of Language?

I really did not know what this really meant until I read a blog post and listened to an audio written and recorded by David Wood with the Empower Network. I mean I thought I knew the Power of Language when it came to my own personal development, but I realized that I could use the Power of Language to help to mold and mentor others as a leader. Help them to get what they want!

People need to be tempted or tricked to do something, sometimes, because their fear or skepticism by their own subconscious mind won't let them take the risk. They do not believe in themselves to be able to do or have whatever it is. You play on their curiosity and they don't even know they did what they fear.
Really! It's true! For example, you want your child to eat their peas so you say, "Don't you dare eat those peas!" Well then they just got to. You told them not to and so they think, "What will happen if I do? That is the Power of Language!

People sometimes have to be tempted because they have to see what is on the other side. DON'T Click on this red line, or else!

Majority of people will click on that red line. It is kind of like the horror films where the person  hears a noise, they know that someone is in the house or closet and they will probably get killed if they go find that noise, BUT they can't help it. Their curiosity gets the best of them, so they go find it and , BIG SURPRISE, they get killed!

Oh, yea back to David Woods audio, he said something that made me chuckle and it was " Stinking Thinking Screws you up! Wow as simple as that is, it is actually so true!

Do you feel that sometimes, people just freak-in over think? I see it every day. I do it myself but I really try not to. I know it can just be a killer of happiness. It can steal your happiness. Your thoughts have to be positive. One reason is you are letting your mind set you up for failure before you even get started.

With both my Real Estate business and my Network Marketing business, I run into the people that have to see it work for someone else first. They have to dip their toes in the water before they jump in. That is FEAR not letting them jump in. If you want to be the best, you have to jump in and make your own success.

The Power of Language
by Michele Toomey, PhD

I do not know anyone that is successful that did not jump all in, and then fail and then do it again. They keep going until they get it right. Until they succeed. Until they hit their goals. Are you a winner or a quitter? Why do you want someone else to succeed before you do? You are failing before you even get started!

 First Encounter with the Power of Language

I had been influenced and shown the Power of Language years ago but I did not realize the full capacity of it until now. I am a Realtor and my Real Estate Company, EXIT Realty, drives it into every agent that in order for them to be successful, they need to change themselves from the inside out. Demand success, demand respect and focus on daily affirmations.

My Broker asked me to participate in a course by Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich. I had to read, watch videos and do the exercises. They really are mind and thought exercises. He wanted to see if increasing my confidence, my belief in myself and doing the affirmations would increase my productivity.
Power of Language
Napoleon Hill
Do not expect something for nothing. Be willing to give an equivalent value for all that you desire, and include in your plans a definite provision for doing so. –Napoleon Hill
Yes, it did. Not only did I produce more but I became a Leader. I went on to recruit many agents to EXIT and also teach, train and mentor them. I was surrounding myself with successful people, like minded people. Entrepreneurs.

I make it a habit to daily speak myself into existence. This just simply means that what I want, I say I have and I believe I have it and then I get it. I cannot really explain why that works but it does.

(I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky) ONE MORE TIME!

Today, in David Woods audio he spoke of speaking into existence and also said he did not know how it works but it just does. He pointed out our 5 senses take in everything around us. So, if you believe life sucks, you believe you can't do this or can't do that or that the world is falling apart and there is nothing you can do, you will see just this reality in your life. Your senses will look all over the universe for data that will prove your right. Read that again!

WOW, knowing that, why would anyone continue to watch the news, listen to negative people or not see that they need to change. You are in control of your own destiny. Your subconscious mind, though, is in control most of the time. Your mind takes in over 2 million bits of information a day and your mind only processes 2-5% of it. Your mind trashes the rest. It doesn't think you need it. Your mind focuses on the negativity, the doom and gloom, the broke mentality and you stay that way. Defeated! Defeated before you even get going!

Your mind seeks for what causes you pain. If you don't want that, then train your subconscious. Become conscious of what you are doing, what is going on around you. Decide that you are going to think about what you do before you do it. Pay attention to your thoughts. Pay attention to what you are feeding your mind. Put junk in, you get junk back. Feed your mind with knowledge, words, positive words and thoughts, you will get good stuff back. The Power of Language is so powerful. It is in sync with what is going on in your Universe. You can leverage this power in everything you do.

I realized in reflection, that many things that happened to me were bad choices, not thought out choices and I could have controlled the outcome. For example, say to yourself, "If I do this, will I be able to accept the possible outcome? If the answer is YES, then do it but don't complain about it. If you can't live with the end result of your choice, then don't do it. It is that simple!

For example, you say, I know I can be difficult or I know I am an ass, and you expect people to welcome you with open arms and they don't, then you deserve what you get. If you don't like it and you are aware you are the problem, then change it. Change you. Take responsibility for you!

This leads me to the fact that in almost everything we do, we tend to blame everyone but ourselves for the outcome. STOP! Just STOP!

Take blame for your choices, your failures, your problems. You control you. You cannot control anything else but you. It is not your parents fault, your companies fault, your friends fault, your teachers fault! It is your fault you do not succeed. No one can stop you from being successful! It is up to you.

Read everything you can on the Power of Language

It will change your life. Start to change yourself from the inside out. Make it a habit every day to say positive affirmations! Read and gather knowledge that will transform your mind. Retrain your mind. Allow yourself to dream. Allow yourself to have money. Speak yourself into existence. What do you want? You can have it, just believe it, put it to action and you will have it.

Watch this 3 year old! She is ahead of majority of adults! So funny!

P.S.  Leave your thoughts in the comments below, and be sure to share this on Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter.
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P.P.S. Read David Woods Blog, Unveiling The Mysteries Of Success – The POWER of LANGUAGE 
Laurie Davis

Empowering Lives!

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