Monday, September 17, 2012

Movie Review, BAIT 3D

BAIT is a great Thriller! Definitely worth watching!

I watch motion pictures every weekend with my husband. Yes we're old, have old pals, and we all spend the weekends watching movies and drinking beer.

This weekend, 
among the film selections was Bait. I by no means am a fan of Shark films. The truth is I still have nightmares from the 1st JAWS. Of course, I let my husband talk me into watching BAIT! I got to pick the next movie but I have to say, this was a great choice.

Bait was Frightening!

I'm telling you, I jumped often and so did my husband. It definitely was suspenseful and these sharks are wicked! It kept me on the edge of my seat!

The story line of BAIT was
incredibly exciting. It was about a A freak tsunami that traps shoppers at a coastal Australian supermarket inside, below the ground. Some how the ocean swept  a 12-foot White Shark through the doors.
Not just 1 White Shark but there was another shark that found its way into parking Garage. Ok I have officially decided I am under no circumstances Residing in an region where sharks may be thrown out of the OCEAN into my house, grocery retailer or church. If you reside in an location like this, what had been you thinking?

The Actors were amazing in BAIT! I felt their fear!

Right from the start of BAIT, people are dying, animals are going crazy, folks are initiating sex within a automobile, a girl shop lifts, and people are just weird. I was thinking that this film was about all animals going crazy. I knew individuals were going to become bait but I did not know how it was going to play out. I was shocked. Entirely pulled in. I seriously liked this movie.

I guess, in
daily life, you just don't take the time to prepare for a disaster. What would you do for those who were trapped in a grocery store, beneath water, with a shark?

I was imagining
 myself there and thought about which character I related to Was I survivor? Was I a Hero? Was I a big chicken that only cared about myself?  I feel that I would be a survivor. I would do what it takes to survive. I would definitely help others but I do not believe I would volunteer to do something that would surely kill me. I want to live. 

Wow! My thoughts freaked me out. 
I would be willing to let the others try to swim to get help. I guess that's human nature to choose to survive. Not take the risk to be a hero. 
Fortunately in BAIT, there were several willing to be Heroes! You will have to watch the movie to see how important it was for somebody to be a hero. What would have happened if no one was willing to be a Hero?

In life,
 we see tragedies happen. Mostly on the news or in the paper. I personally have never witnessed a tragedy right in front of my eyes. Thank God. But I  know it could happen at any time. We have no control over this. We mourn for those that lost their loved ones, we mourn for those that lost their lives. Do we stop and think about how, if we were there, we could have maybe saved a few of those lives? Are we aware of our surroundings at all times, so that if something like this happens, we can take action? 

I am afraid for most of us, it is no. My husband is huge on survival and he makes sure that I have become very aware of  my surroundings. I think he has me watch these movies so I quit living in a fairy tale! SOMETIMES I like living in my fair tale, but I know he is right.

An instance will be the Colorado shooting at the BATMAN Premier. This was horrifying. I read the twitter messages of a few of the victims that had been tweeting about how excited they had been to be at the theater for this late night premier film. Then the tweets were so sad. They were confused. They were shocked. They were not prepared. They were desperate. They can not believe what exactly is taking place. Death just before their eyes. They see blood everywhere! I'm positive the color RED will forever stand out in their minds.

Red will
always imply some thing to them and trigger this horrible tragedy. I can not imagine personally experiencing something like this. It does make me seriously appreciate my life, my kids, my husband, my pals, the sun, the flowers, the mountains and just about every step I take!

BAIT reminded me of this day. I saw bodies and blood.
Men and women desperate and in shock.
Absolutely take the time to watch BAIT. I also suggest creating a program to survive. Figure out what you would do. Talk about it with others.  Be prepared for the worst. It could mean the difference of life or death.

Each day life is full of these choices!

Are you currently deciding what you will do next in your life? Are you tired of the every day grind and just having enough energy to go to work and come home, eat dinner and go to bed. Every day is the same, is it not? Do you get the chance to go to the movies, can you afford to go on a trip? Do you push yourself to try new things? Are you afraid of trying anything since it is an excessive amount of work to succeed?  Today, make up your mind to enjoy every second you have. If you are not happy, get happy. If it is that crappy job, find another way to make a living. What ever it is, change it while you have the ability to. You never know where you life will lead, but you can change the course somewhat. 

live my life to the fullest. I decided to take a opportunity to be my own boss.  I decided to take life by the horns. I have invested in myself to learn a whole new way of life. I seek knowledge and what I learn I put to action every day. I have created a life of financial freedom for my family and I. We do enjoy every day together and we have the time to plan our back up plan and survival plan. Don't let life just rush by you. 
Get Started Today on a New Path!
I believe you will enjoy watching Bait! Thank you for reading my review!

P.S. Leave your thoughts
inside the comments below, and be sure you share this on Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter.

Laurie Davis

Empowering Lives!

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