Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Deregulation of Gas and Electric

Deregulation of Energy


Deregulation of Energy is  available in many States, including my home State, Ohio. Once you have watched the video above you will understand Deregulation of Energy and why it does benefit you, as the consumer.
There are many Energy Providers that you can choose to deliver the Energy to your home. Why let your utility company pick for you when you can choose and save? Deregulation of Energy is about YOU!

Deregulation of Energy saves YOU Money

Yet, because of people not understanding what the Deregulation of Gas and Electric means to them, they continue to let their local Utility Company choose FOR THEM.
With energy bills continuing to rise as well as  food and gas, people really cannot afford to NOT pay attention. Have you been approached by an Energy Representative at your door, received a post card or gotten a phone call.? Did you pay attention? Did you realize they are trying to help you?
Many do not, because They are so afraid of being scammed, so they do not take the time to research and see if this is a good thing for them. Instead they say, "NO thank you, I am happy with my utility company." What they are saying is, " I don't know you and I am afraid to get scammed." The Utility company remains the same. You will still pay your bill to your Utility Company, in most cases.

Deregulation of Energy does not mean your Utility Company Changes

In Ohio, you still pay your bill to Utility companies like Columbia Gas and AEP,  but the bill will reflect what Energy company is providing your Energy.
Not all States are deregulated, each State more than likely will be in the near future. The Utility Company bills you for reading your meter, turning your service off and on and taking care of emergencies and repairs. They do not provide the Energy to your home but they do include the bill for your Energy.  They then turn around and pay your Energy Provider for you. This is called the "Middle Man". You did not have a choice and had to pay what ever rate was provided to you. Now with Deregulation of Gas and Electric, you can shop for the Energy Provider of your choice. 

Click here for a map of Deregulated States

Many Energy providers have entered into a joint venture with Network Marketing Companies in order to not only provide you with a Choice and Savings but also the ability to earn a commission. You can now become the Middle Man.
One of the Companies that pays you to choose them as an Energy Provider is XOOM Energy. Xoom Energy provides their customers with a choice of a fixed rate or a variable rate. In some Some States you can choose a 12 month and a 24 month fixed rate. In Ohio, they currently offer a fixed rate of 12 months.

Choose Xoom Energy through FHTM

You can sign up through XOOM Energy through FHTM. It is a Network Marketing Company that has been gathering Loyal Customers for Fortune 500 Companies for over 10 years.
Companies like XOOM energy choose to work with Network Marketing Companies because they know their business model is "word of mouth" referrals. They pay FHTM and their Representatives for referring consumers to them, which saves XOOM from advertising the traditional way, like newspaper, radio and billboards.
FHTM Representatives get paid for gathering these customers and in turn save and get paid a commission on their own bills.  Think about it, there are 5 bills that we all pay every month that we will never pay off.  No matter how much money you make, you can never pay off your  Wireless phone, Gas, Electric, Internet or Cable bill, to name a few.
If you do lock in your rate right now, you are locking in a summer rate which will keep your bill from fluctuating with the Market. This can result in a decent savings on your bill.
I find it strange that people are so afraid of everything.  People are afraid of being scammed or taken, especially when they are tight on money. The sad thing is that there are so many opportunities in front of them that could change their lives, but FEAR will keep them right where they are. Yet they rush out and get a Mortgage and are willing to pay 3 times as much for their home than what it is worth. Go figure.
Take the time to research the Deregulation of Energy.  I highly recommend taking a look at XOOM Energy.
P.S.  Leave your thoughts in the comments below, and be sure to share this on Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter.

P.P.S Read my Blog, The Power of Language, Unveil the Mysteries of Success

Laurie Davis
Empowering Lives

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