Thursday, September 27, 2012

My Kids love Network Marketing

Why do my KIDS love Network Marketing?

I have always worked. But I had jobs that took time away from my kids. I have worked at The Limited Credit Services as a Collector. That really sucked because I realized I want to help everyone and I would give money to anyone that deserved it. I did not like asking people that were in hardship to pay a clothing credit card. True you buy something and you NEED to pay it back but a lot of the people I talked to had paid on time for a long time and "LIFE" happened. This was during Desert Storm. It was a crazy time. 

Then I worked at JCPenney Catalog. I worked until 3am while the kids slept but I was so dag on tired the next day, my son was in Kindergarten and my daughter was 3 and had to occupy herself. I was no good to them. I hated it too. 

Wish I had heard about Network Marketing

I decided I was going to go to Nail School and work at my mom and dads salon. WELL that only lasted 6 months as my husband and kids hated the hours. I literally worked from noon until 9 or 10 every day including Saturday. Not great for a family! 

I then got a job at Aetna where I processed health insurance claims, answered incoming calls and then went on to train new hires. I started out make great money, I worked during the day when my kids were in school and had evenings with them. It was OK for a while but then I was going through a divorce and I had court dates constantly that ate up any vacation time I had. ON top of that my supervisor told me I was walking on thin ice. I actually was told I could not take time off for funeral and a few other important events. I cannot handle work being more important than MY family. 

My JOB really really Stunk!

I decided to cash out my retirement and go to Real Estate School. I actually gave my 2 week notice and then 3 weeks later I was a licensed Realtor. Cool, great. If you have read my other blogs, you know that I am still a Realtor but found out quickly that I was a SLAVE to the Real Estate Industry. My KIDS hate me being a Realtor. Talk about long hours, no respect, cut throat environment. This is not LIFE!

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?

MY POINT! My point is that if you are sick and tired of being told when to pee, when to eat, when you can spend time with your family, tired of your phone running your life, tired of not being home for dinner, not going to special events, putting OTHERS and your JOB before your family, THEN STOP!

JUST STOP! It is that easy. Make a decision to do something about it. It is not going to change on its own.

If it does not work, STOP doing it! 

I chose to look into Network Marketing. Residuals made real sense to me. I do the work once and I am paid over and over and over again. Others work because I show them how, and they show others how and we all get paid. What is so hard to figure out about that?

Now I know that you will have friends and family tell you that you are crazy. They will say you have lost your mind. They will tell you that you are dreaming, grow up and get another JOB!

Guys, a JOB alone will keep you broke. You have no job security, you have no life, you are not in control of you and your pay very rarely changes. Then you have 65 to look forward to right? Ok lets get excited about less than 60 % of your pay. Is your retirement account built? Do you have millions saved so you can retire? That is what you need to NOT have to get another job.

Watch this video and see how he figured out how to make Six Figures in 7 months on the Internet

After you watch all of this video, you should not have a shadow in doubt that you know what you need to do. Get on our team. Follow our instruction and get busy.

Push the button and get started!

I don't know about you but I decide what I do based on me. Not based on what my family or friends say. It is my life, not theirs. I know Network Marketing works. I know it has given me my life back. I know that I am happy now and that my kids and husband are happy now. Does that sound good to you?

By the way, I do not have to talk to friends and family now that I know how to generate traffic and leads on line. I know how to find targeted traffic. People that are like minded and want to do what I do. It really is easy to make money online when you are apart of a system.

The Network Marketing Industry is NOT given the credit it deserves. Think about this, if every person in America, or the World, would start a Network Marketing business, while they have a job, they would never have to worry about the, "what if".  Without it, people are laid off, can't find a job, run out of money and are SCREWED! That sounds like a plan. 

Have an open mind, look at what you are doing now, if you are happy, be happier. If you are not happy, get happy. It is that simple. See why millions of households run a home based business part time. If it was illegal or didn't work, would so many do it?

I decided to get the training necessary to be successful online. I now know how to promote and sell ANYTHING online. Kris Darty in the video above, myself and over 40,000 others worldwide, have found the system and secrets to building a business online. You don't have to be perfect to make this work. Be yourself and learn what it takes and then JUST DO IT! Get the training you need right now from the Empower Network. It is training and the best you will ever get your hands on. You want the answers on how to not fail at Network Marketing and Online Marketing? Empower Network is the training you need!

Don't believe me, watch Dave Wood's Secrets to marketing Here!

Network Marketing is only for those that want to Seriously make Money

Why do I say this? Well many join a Network Marketing Business, thinking that they will be rich tomorrow. They think they only have to talk to 3 people. They think that they don't have to treat it like a business. Well they are wrong, wrong, wrong. You do have to treat it like a business. You do have to be consistent and you can never quit. As long as you do 2 things your business will always grow. 

1. Get it started by sharing with others. Once you have build a small team. It will grow.
2. In order to get paid on what this team does, keep you business qualified. 

Every MLM company has requirements for being qualified to be paid. I promote FHTM and they require for me to have 15 bills in my system. That means my gas, electric, Internet, cable, cell and etc are established through FHTM and I am paid every month and I have the qualifying points that I need to get paid for my team. It is so easy  and people make it so complicated. Keep it simple. 

Other Network Marketing companies require you to be a customer to them in order to get paid for growing your team and get paid for other customers. Big deal, so you have to buy products from YOUR company. Should you not be a customer to your company if you want others to use those products?

Having a Network Marketing business is creating Residual Income for you and your family, it is a huge tax advantage and you don't have to work hard until your are 65. It is a shame more people do not see a good opportunity when it is presented to them. 

I don't know if it is pride or fear or maybe both. But it is a shame needless to say.

My Empower Network 100 day challenge

I am only 35 days into my 100 day challenge. All I do is follow the Empower Networks system and I generate leads, I create new relationships and I make money. I had no list when I started. I got started, took action and I now have over 500 leads and I am all over the Internet ranking on GOOGLE for the words I want to rank on. Make a decision and do it now! Now I am showing my entire FHTM team how to stop bugging friends and family and generate traffic and leads online. It is awesome!

I am not shoving this down your throat, I just wished that someone would have shared it with me while my kids were young and I was young. I would be so much further ahead now and I would not have sacrificed all the time I did from my family. 

Do yourself a favor, listen to my words and think about adding a Network Marketing business to your life. It may take time but it will be worth it in the long run.


Laurie Davis

Empowering Lives

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