Wednesday, September 5, 2012

FHTM Review 2012

FHTM, Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing Review

FHTM has changed so many lives. They have enabled families all over the world to live the lives they thought they could only dream of. Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing has created the vehicle to help you achieve whatever you want. Whether this be paying off your home, paying cash or your car or boat, putting your kids through college or building a huge retirement. What ever it is that is holding you back from enjoying life to its fullest, you can accomplish with FHTM. If you want it, you desire it, you work hard, it can happen for you too.

FHTM has brought their customers Wireless Mobile Phones with NO CONTRACT AND NO CREDIT CHECKS with your choice of Network Carrier and Plan!

Click here to check out Modofy Wireless


Make a choice to change your financial future today. Help others to do the same. Take part in changing this Country's financial situation. FHTM is  on a mission to cure the economic cancer and give people back what they have lost. Give them what they deserve. Join FHTM and its representatives on their mission. Get started today. This is your Plan B. This is your retirement. This is your solution.

FHTM just launched a brand new website at the 2012 Convention in Dallas Texas

This website enables their reps to build their business online and promote every product with affiliate links. This is going to be a true game changer for FHTM and their Reps.

FHTM also was interviewed by Terry Bradshaw on his show, TODAY IN AMERICA

FHTM also announced a change to their compensation plan that is going to blow away all the other Network Marketing Companies.

First of all, they added $50 dollars to the Managers business for every person that is personally sponsored that has gathered 500 customer volume points. They can gather these points by shopping their own website for products they want as well as promote these products and services online.

They also have added $5 in all levels for each person their team sponsors that has their 500 volume points.
FHTM has added $50 to personally sponsor as a Regional Manager, Executive, National and Platinum.
You may or may not know that FHTM already has a vacation program that you can qualify to go twice a year, if you have qualified and that they have a BMW program, but they recently added a Housing program.

That's right, once you have obtained the title for Platinum Sales Manager and qualify for the program, FHTM will make payments every month towards your house payment.
Even more exciting than this is the 5% match.

Every year that a Representative personally sponsors 5 people that gather their 500 volume points each, FHTM will pay this Rep 5% of these sponsors income earned.
They have a Presidential Ambassador title as well that enables you to earn a revenue share of the entire company. This means that of these 5 people you sponsor each year, they reach this level as well, and you get 5% of the revenue they receiving as well.

I am not sure anyone can really comprehend how huge this compensation plan is but I assure you it is HUGE!

I do not know of any other company that offers their reps
1.) Unlimited levels of pay for 4 businesses
2.) Sponsoring bonuses as well as residuals on bills
3.) 2 Paid vacations a year
4.) A free BMW
5.) 5% match program in which you can sponsor your spouse
6.) House payments
7.) A revenue share of the entire company
8.) Residuals on monthly bills that we all pay every month and will never pay off. (cell, Internet, gas, electric, cable to name a few)
9.) Savings on bills

Want to save money on your Energy Bill? FHTM has the solution!


Contact me today at 614-352-3616 or email

p.s Get started today on the path of financial freedom and nothing is better than being debt free.
Laurie Davis

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