Thursday, September 20, 2012

Ronan's Story Must be Shared

Who is Ronan?

If you have not heard of this little boys story, you will.
He is strong, brave, funny, smart, spicy, fearless, innocent, carefree, inspiring, sparkly, silly, soulful, bold, courageous, proud, powerful, and all things beautiful. He was 3-years old when he passed away from Neuroblastoma, a form of Childhood Cancer. He shouldn’t have. No child should.
Maya Thompson
Ronan was a little boy that was struck by a tragedy. His own tragedy. He was diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma cancer, August of 2010. He battled this cancer for 8 months. He passed just before he turned 4 years old. Actually 3 days before his birthday!  His mother wrote a blog and shared his story with the world. This was her way of dealing with the pain and the loss. This has also kept Ronan's memory alive and is helping many families to cope with their own personal battles.
Ronan's battle with Neuroblastoma ended on May 9, 2011, but his fight will go on. Ronan continues to inspire us in the way he lived his life full of passion, strength, and courage. He will live forever in our hearts and minds as the most beautiful little boy to ever have touched the earth. We, as a family, are determined to carry on his name, and find a cure for this horrible disease.
Maya Thompson
No parent should ever have to bury their child. It is truly 1 of my worst fears. I cannot imagine having to go through this. I am so grateful that Maya Thompson shared her little boys story with us. Please consider Donating to this cause. Help fight against this horrible disease that has struck so many families. You can donate through The Ronan Thompson Foundation Now!

Follow Her Blog, RockStar Ronan


USA Today, Ed Masley, The Arizona Republic, wrote a great article about Ronan and his family. He also mentioned that Country Music Star Taylor Swift, wrote a song in Memory of Ronan. This must have been so amazing to know that Ronan has his own song. Wow that was an awesome thing Taylor Swift did.
The Thompson family has a set of 9 year old twins, Quinn and Liam. Maya and Woody are expecting another child in April. I hope this will bring so much joy to their family. They have all been through so much.

Taylor Swift wrote a son in Memory of Ronan

I found out about Ronan and his mothers blog when my own daughter, Brooke, shared it with me. She is 19 and she is one of 3 of my beautiful children. She is my middle child.
I have been going through a lot of emotions lately. I didn't know why. I am not the type of person that cries a lot or easily, but I have found myself bawling uncontrollably at times.

My Own Pity Party!

I felt like I was in a pity party for myself but I didn't know why. I have a great life. I am blessed with a wonderful loving, supportive husband, 3 kids and a career that enables me to work from home. I cannot complain at all. Yes I have had hardship in the past. I have lost a home, gone through 2 rough divorces that could have messed my kids up. Probably did more than I know. But for the most part I feel they are well rounded and are doing ok. They are great kids and I could not be more proud of them.
What was this sadness I was feeling? What is wrong with me?

Ronan's Story told by his Mother touched my heart so deeply!

After Brooke shared Ronan's story with me, I bawled again. I couldn't stop. I felt every word his mother shared. I felt it as though I was going through it. I imagined myself in her shoes, having to hold and comfort Ronan. Knowing I had little time left with him. Knowing there was nothing anyone could do!
I realized then that my sadness, my pain was coming from a loss as well. Not a permanent loss like Ronan's mother, Maya Thompson, has experienced but nonetheless, a loss.

Empty Nest Syndrome

I am 41 years old and I have 2 children that are 20 and 19 and I have a 6 year old daughter. I remember when my oldest 2 were little, I thought of how cool it was that I would be done raising them in my early 40's and could experience some freedom.

Little did I know, it is one of the hardest things I have experience. I guess they call it empty nest syndrome. This makes no sense to me though because I do not have an empty nest, technically. I have a beautiful 6 year old that I thank GOD for everyday as I do for my oldest children.

I felt that my kids didn't need me anymore. After 18 plus years of changing diapers, brushing teeth, doing homework, dressing boo boo's, doing laundry, playing and being their whole world. You know the moments when your child looks up at you and says, I love you Mommy, you are so beautiful Mommy, you are my best friend Mommy, I love you so much it hurts Mommy. You are their whole world!

Then they go have their own life and don't need you anymore. So I felt.
I sent a text to my kids last week pouring out my heart and letting them know I am missing them, it is hard and that I am so proud of who they have turned out to be. I told them I believe in them and they can be and do anything they put their minds to.

My oldest son Tyler replied, "Thank you mom. I wouldn't be who I am without you. Love ya and have a good evening." My heart was so happy. Wow am I lucky!

My daughter Brooke replied, "I love you so much mom. Whether I am sitting right next to you or I'm a thousand miles away...I will always need you! You are a perfect woman. Nobody is perfect but you are perfectly imperfect and you will always be who I look up to.  You have strength of a warrior. Keep your head up because no matter what life throws your way I know you can come out the other side 10 times stronger. You are my hero. Love you!"

Ok now I am crying again. But tears of joy. I do have amazing kids and I know they need and love me.  My kids are my whole world! All I ever wanted was to be a mother! I will never take this for granted!

I am just going through another phase of life. It is all good!

Many parents experience this. I have a lot of friends that also have older kids and younger children they are still raising. We have put our older kids into college or they have moved out to start their own lives. It is a strange and lonely feeling when you feel they don't need you anymore. I actually mourn as though I have lost them.

Ronan's story puts my life into Perspective!

I decided after reading Ronan's story that this was something I needed to get over quickly. I need to realize that his mother had 4 years with him and I have been lucky enough to enjoy many memories and phases of life with my kids.  These memories and stages of life were stolen from her.
My point in this blog is to reach out to Maya and let her know that I feel for her and I thank her for sharing Ronan's story. It has touched me in ways I cannot explain and it has caused me to put my life in perspective. To count my blessing and appreciate every minute I have with my children.
I know that Ronan is not in pain anymore and he will see his family again. I know that this is what she has to comfort her. I know she is going to be blessed for sharing her story and others are blessed from hearing it.
Thank you Maya Thompson!

P.S.  Leave your thoughts in the comments below, and be sure to share this on Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter.

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P.P.S. Read David Woods Blog, Unveiling The Mysteries Of Success – The POWER of LANGUAGE 

Laurie Davis
Empowering Lives

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